The Race Is Not to the Swift...

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The following information has not been confirmed by Volition
and is therefore not canon for the FreeSpace universe.
Previous Mission

Campaign Walkthrough Next Mission

Location: Elis ship graveyard, Earth orbit


Ned and Hannah perform a routine reconnaissance mission, and stumble upon a Federation superweapon.


Your loadout is locked for this mission.

You'll start out launching from the Chanticleer's hangar. Once the dialogue is complete, hit Alt-J and jump to Earth.

When you arrive at Earth, fly to Beacon 42 and scan it. You'll detect a subspace anomaly deeper into the graveyard. As you get closer, you'll see it's a huge, unknown class of ship, the likes of which nobody in the GTVA has ever seen before. Chanticleer control will tell you to approach and scan it. As you get closer, the mysterious ship will warp out and the station will start deploying fighters. Jump out immediately, unless you really feel the need to dogfight endless waves of White Guard fighters.


  • The variety of GTA-era craft in the graveyard includes at least one Orion, one Chronos and two Fenrises.
  • The mission name is taken from Ecclesiastes 9:11. "I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all."