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Sometime during this period, Terrans discovered subspace, unified under the Galactic Terran Alliance, explored the galaxy, and set up colonies in several systems. This timeline will cover from the discovery of subspace to the first contact with the Vasudans.

Although many within the FreeSpace community support the theory that the GTA was formed after a "Unification War", there is no canon evidence as to whether the Terrans were united by either violence or peaceful alliance.

None of the dates below are precisely canonical, although the text labeled in silver refers to canonical events.


Discovery of intersystem subspace travel by Prof. J. Whiteside. Start of the Unification War.


End of the Unification War. Galactic Terran Alliance formed.


September: First Orion-class destroyer, GTD Orion, completed.


March: First official contact with the Vasudan Parliamentary Empire.

NEXT: Terran-Vasudan War