User talk:Coolhand

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Revision as of 22:22, 24 August 2011 by Coolhand (talk | contribs)
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Is this Steve-O? --SypheDMar 17:12, 24 August 2011 (UTC)

No it isn't. Do not submit copyrighted work without permission!

I don't recall anyone asking me permission to use my Foxhound mesh... And even if i had, i would not have wanted someone else to take credit for it. I used to release meshes for free but stopped because of things like this. - coolhand this appears to be the story behind it. According to this, you did give someone permission to use it, with the catch that they optimize it for use wherever...and then they proceeded to rebuild the model from scratch based off of the original. At least, that seems to be that side of the story. Droid803 21:44, 24 August 2011 (UTC)

Ok so look i get a guy emailing me that someone has stolen my work and links me so i come in here and see what is basically my model with no mention of me whatsoever, looks like clear disrespect and theft. After reading your forum posts I'm sure its an oversight and there is no malicious intent on your groups part. but there is no way you can call this a new design, I don't mind you guys using my design for non-profit but i must have a proper credit. What he's done with it, and you called it a new design, i'm not happy with that.

He should have asked me on his own, given proper credit in this wiki, a link to my website and sent me a copy of the scratch built model, then i would be happy... Those are the things i want in return for use of the design and i'm sure i would have mentioned that to chinaman - wherever its used i need a credit otherwise its basically theft/plagarism... its only fair, right? IF thats too much trouble (and it really shouldn't be) then please don't use it.