Fs2 open on Linux/Data Installation script

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« Installing unshield The fs2_open on Linux Guide
Data Installation script
Post-Compile Configuration »

Warning: Please double check and understand the commands you run as root. A single typo could destroy your data. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

The following script will extract the necessary files to the TMPDIR and install them to the specified FS2DIR from the CDROM, prompting you for each disk. These values may need to be changed for your system. You may need to run this script as root and don't forget to chmod +x it.

echo ===================================
echo [ Freespace 2 Retail CD Installer ]
echo ===================================
mkdir -p $FS2DIR/players $CDROM $TMPDIR

# In case of old CD's files come over as read only re running the script complains
chmod +w $FS2DIR/*.vp

for group in "Basic Install Files" "Intel Anims" "Music Compressed" \
    "High Res Files" "Hud Config Files";
    do unshield -d $TMPDIR -g "$group" -L -j x $CDROM/data1.cab;
mv -v $TMPDIR/*/*.vp $FS2DIR/
mv -v $TMPDIR/*/*.hcf $FS2DIR/players/
umount $CDROM

echo Please mount the second disk onto $CDROM
cp -v $CDROM/tango{1,A}_fs2.vp $FS2DIR
mv $FS2DIR/tango{A,a}_fs2.vp
umount $CDROM

echo Please mount the third disk onto $CDROM
cp -v $CDROM/tango{2,3,B}_fs2.vp $FS2DIR
mv $FS2DIR/tango{B,b}_fs2.vp
umount $CDROM

rm -vrf $TMPDIR
chmod -x $FS2DIR/tango*.vp