From FreeSpace Wiki
This page is a reference of SEXPs that are only available in the SCP version of FRED. This also includes any retail SEXPs that have been modified from their original behaviour. To see the list of SEXPs that are available in retail FRED, go to the Retail SEXPs page. For tips and examples for how to properly use a SEXP when building missions, as well as warnings about potential pitfalls, follow the link to the detail page for the SEXP you are interested in.
- 1 Objectives
- 2 Time
- 3 Logical
- 4 Arithmetic
- 5 Status
- 5.1 is-cargo
- 5.2 is-ship-stealthy
- 5.3 is-friendly-stealth-visible
- 5.4 is-iff
- 5.5 is-ai-class
- 5.6 is-ship-type
- 5.7 is-ship-class
- 5.8 primary-ammo-pct
- 5.9 get-primary-ammo
- 5.10 get-secondary-ammo
- 5.11 distance-ship-subsystem
- 5.12 num-within-box
- 5.13 get-object-x
- 5.14 get-object-y
- 5.15 get-object-z
- 5.16 was-promotion-granted
- 5.17 was-medal-granted
- 5.18 num-ships-in-battle
- 5.19 num-ships-in-wing
- 5.20 current-speed
- 5.21 is-nav-visited
- 5.22 distance-to-nav
- 5.23 script-eval-num
- 5.24 script-eval-string
- 5.25 num-assists
- 6 Change
- 7 Messaging and Mission Goals
- 8 AI and IFF
- 9 Subsystems and Cargo
- 9.1 set-cargo
- 9.2 set-scanned
- 9.3 set-unscanned
- 9.4 lock-rotating-subsystem
- 9.5 free-rotating-subsystem
- 9.6 reverse-rotating-subsystem
- 9.7 rotating-subsys-set-turn-time
- 9.8 set-primary-ammo
- 9.9 set-secondary-ammo
- 9.10 set-primary-weapon
- 9.11 set-secondary-weapon
- 9.12 lock-primary-weapon
- 9.13 unlock-primary-weapon
- 10 Ship Status
- 11 Beams and Turrets
- 12 Mission and Campaign
- 13 Models and Textures
- 14 Coordinate Manipulation
- 15 Music and Sound
- 16 Hud
- 17 Cutscenes
- 17.1 set-cutscene-bars
- 17.2 unset-cutscene-bars
- 17.3 fade-in
- 17.4 fade-out
- 17.5 set-camera-position
- 17.6 set-camera-facing
- 17.7 set-camera-facing-object
- 17.8 set-camera-rotation
- 17.9 set-fov
- 17.10 get-fov
- 17.11 reset-fov
- 17.12 reset-camera
- 17.13 show-subtitle
- 17.14 set-time-compression
- 17.15 reset-time-compression
- 17.16 lock-perspective
- 17.17 set-camera-shudder
- 18 Jump Nodes
- 19 Special
- 19.1 damaged-escort-priority
- 19.2 damaged-escort-priority-all
- 19.3 ship-vaporize
- 19.4 ship-no-vaporize
- 19.5 primitive-sensors-set-range
- 19.6 set-support-ship
- 19.7 special-warpout-name
- 19.8 ship-create
- 19.9 weapon-create
- 19.10 shields-on
- 19.11 shields-off
- 19.12 ship-tag
- 19.13 ship-untag
- 19.14 explosion-effect
- 19.15 warp-effect
- 19.16 ship-change-alt-name
- 19.17 set-death-message
- 20 Backgrounds and Nebula
- 21 Conditionals
- 22 Ai goals
- 23 Event/Goals
- 24 Autopilot/Navpoints
- 25 Training
percent-ships-disabled percent-ships-disabled Boolean function which returns true if the percentage of ships in the listed ships which have been disabled is greater or equal to the given percentage. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Percentge of disabled ships at which this function will return true. 2+: List of ships whose disabled status should be determined.
percent-ships-disarmed percent-ships-disarmed Boolean function which returns true if the percentage of ships in the listed ships which have been disarmed is greater or equal to the given percentage. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Percentge of disarmed ships at which this function will return true. 2+: List of ships whose disarmed status should be determined.
string-equals String Equals (Boolean operator) Is true if all of its arguments are equal. Returns a boolean value. Takes 2 or more string arguments.
string-greater-than String Greater Than (Boolean operator) True if the first argument is greater than the second argument. Returns a boolean value. Takes 2 string arguments.
string-less-than String Less Than (Boolean operator) True if the first argument is less than the second argument. Returns a boolean value. Takes 2 string arguments.
rand-multiple Rand-multiple (Arithmetic operator) Gets a random number. This number can and will change between successive calls to this sexp. Returns a number. Takes 2 or 3 numeric arguments... 1: Low range of random number. 2: High range of random number. 3: (optional) A seed to use when generating numbers. (Setting this to 0 is the same as having no seed at all)
abs Absolute value (Arithmetic operator) Returns the absolute value of a number. Takes 1 numeric argument.
min Minimum value (Arithmetic operator) Returns the minimum of a set of numbers. Takes 1 or more numeric arguments.
max Maximum value (Arithmetic operator) Returns the maximum of a set of numbers. Takes 1 or more numeric arguments.
avg Average value (Arithmetic operator) Returns the average (rounded to the nearest integer) of a set of numbers. Takes 1 or more numeric arguments.
is-cargo Is Cargo (Status operator) Checks whether the specified ship or ship subsystem contains a particular cargo. Takes 2 or 3 arguments... 1: Name of the cargo 2: Name of the ship 3: Name of the ship subsystem (optional)
is-ship-stealthy is-ship-stealthy Check whether ship is currently stealthy. True if stealth flag set, false otherwise. Takes 1 argument... 1: Name of ship to check
is-friendly-stealth-visible is-friendly-stealth-visible Check whether ship will be visible to radar as a stealth friendly. Takes 1 argument... 1: Name of ship to check
Is IFF (Boolean operator) True if ship{s} are all of the specified team. Returns a boolean value; Takes 2 or more arguments: /t1: Team ("friendly", "hostile" or "unknown"). Rest: Name of ship to check.
is-ai-class Is AI Class (Boolean operator) True if ship or ship subsystem(s) is/are all of the specified AI class. Returns a boolean value. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: AI class ("None", "Coward", "Lieutenant", etc.) 2: Name of ship to check. Rest: Name of ship subsystem(s) to check (optional)
is-ship-type Is Ship Type (Boolean operator) True if ship or ships is/are all of the specified ship type. Returns a boolean value. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Ship type ("fighter", "bomber", etc.) 2: Name of ship to check.
is-ship-class Is Ship Class (Boolean operator) True if ship or ships is/are all of the specified ship class. Returns a boolean value. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Ship class 2: Name of ship to check.
primary-ammo-pct primary-ammo-pct Returns the percentage of ammo remaining in the specified ballistic primary bank (0 to 100). Non-ballistic primary banks return as 100%. 1: Ship name 2: Bank to check (0, 1 and 2 are legal banks. 3 will return the cumulative average for all banks)
get-primary-ammo get-primary-ammo Returns the amount of ammo remaining in the specified bank (0 to 100) 1: Ship name 2: Bank to check (0, 1, 2 are legal banks. 3 will return the cumulative average for all banks)
get-secondary-ammo get-secondary-ammo Returns the amount of ammo remaining in the specified bank (0 to 100) 1: Ship name 2: Bank to check (0, 1, 2, 3 are legal banks. 4 will return the cumulative average for all banks)
distance-ship-subsystem Distance from ship subsystem (Status operator) Returns the distance between an object and a ship subsystem. The object can be either a ship, a wing, or a waypoint. Returns a numeric value. Takes 3 arguments... 1: The name of the object. 2: The name of the ship which houses the subsystem. 3: The name of the subsystem.
num-within-box Number of specified objects in the box specified 1: Box center (X) 2: Box center (Y) 3: Box center (Z) 4: Box width 5: Box height 6: Box depth Rest: Ships or wings to check
get-object-x get-object-x Returns the absolute X coordinate of a set of coordinates relative to a particular object (or object's subsystem). The input coordinates are the coordinates relative to the object's position and orientation. If no input coordinates are specified, the coordinate returned is the coordinate of the object (or object's subsystem) itself. Takes 1 to 5 arguments... 1: The name of a ship, wing, or waypoint. 2: A ship subsystem (or "" if the first argument is not a ship - optional). 3: The relative X coordinate (optional). 4: The relative Y coordinate (optional). 5: The relative Z coordinate (optional).
get-object-y get-object-y Returns the absolute Y coordinate of a set of coordinates relative to a particular object (or object's subsystem). The input coordinates are the coordinates relative to the object's position and orientation. If no input coordinates are specified, the coordinate returned is the coordinate of the object (or object's subsystem) itself. Takes 1 to 5 arguments... 1: The name of a ship, wing, or waypoint. 2: A ship subsystem (or "" if the first argument is not a ship - optional). 3: The relative X coordinate (optional). 4: The relative Y coordinate (optional). 5: The relative Z coordinate (optional).
get-object-z get-object-z Returns the absolute Z coordinate of a set of coordinates relative to a particular object (or object's subsystem). The input coordinates are the coordinates relative to the object's position and orientation. If no input coordinates are specified, the coordinate returned is the coordinate of the object (or object's subsystem) itself. Takes 1 to 5 arguments... 1: The name of a ship, wing, or waypoint. 2: A ship subsystem (or "" if the first argument is not a ship - optional). 3: The relative X coordinate (optional). 4: The relative Y coordinate (optional). 5: The relative Z coordinate (optional).
was-promotion-granted Was promotion granted (Boolean operator) Returns true if a promotion was granted via the 'Grant promotion' operator in the mission. Returns a boolean value. Takes no arguments.
was-medal-granted Was medal granted (Boolean operator) Returns true if a medal was granted via via the 'Grant medal' operator in the mission. If you provide the optional argument to this operator, then true is only returned if the specified medal was granted. Returns a boolean value. Takes 0 or 1 arguments... 1: Name of medal to specifically check for (optional).
num-ships-in-battle num-ships-in-battle Returns the number of ships in battle or the number of ships in battle for a given team. Takes 1 argument... 1: Team to query (optional)
num-ships-in-wing num-ships-in-wing Returns the number of ships in battle which belong to a given wing. Takes 1 or more arguments... 1: Name of ship (or wing) to check
current-speed current-speed Returns the speed of the given object. Takes 1 argument... 1: HUD gauge to be modified
is-nav-visited Takes 1 argument: The Nav Point Name Returns whether that nav point has been visited (player within 1000 meters)
distance-to-nav Takes 1 argument: The Nav point Name Returns the distance from the player ship to that nav point
script-eval-num script-eval-num Evaluates script to return a number Takes 1 argument... 1: Script
script-eval-string script-eval-string Evaluates script to return a string Takes 1 argument... 1: Script
script-eval script-eval Evaluates scriptTakes at least 1 argument... 1: Script to evaluate
Messaging and Mission Goals
Disable builtin messages (Action operator) Turns the built in messages sent by command or pilots off Takes 0 or more arguments.... If no arguments are supplied all built in messages are disabled All: Name of ship to allow to talk.
Enable builtin messages (Action operator) Turns the built in messages sent by command or pilots on Takes 0 or more arguments... If no arguments are supplied any ships not given individual silence orders will be able to send buiilt in messages. Command will also be unsilenced All: Name of ship to allow to talk.
AI and IFF
remove-goal Remove goal (Action operator) Removes a goal from a ship or wing. Takes 2 arguments... 1: Name of ship or wing to remove goal from. 2: Goal to remove.
change-ai-class Change AI Class (Action operator) Sets the specified ship or ship subsystem(s) to the specified ai class. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: AI Class to change to ("None", "Coward", "Lieutenant", etc.) 2: Name of ship to change AI class of Rest: Name of subsystem to change AI class of (optional)
kamikaze kamikaze Tells ships to perform a kamikaze on its current target. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Damage dealt when kamikaze is done Rest: Names of ships to perform kamikaze
not-kamikaze not-kamikaze Tells ships abort a kamikaze run Takes 1 or more arguments.... All: Names of ships to abort kamikaze
player-use-ai player-use-ai Causes the player's ship to be controlled by the FreeSpace AI. Takes 0 arguments.
player-not-use-ai player-not-use-ai Causes the player's ship to not be controlled by the FreeSpace AI. Takes 0 arguments.
Subsystems and Cargo
set-cargo Set Cargo (Action operator) Sets the cargo on a ship or ship subsystem. The cargo-no-deplete flag status is carried through to the new cargo. Takes 2 or 3 arguments... 1: Name of the cargo 2: Name of the ship 3: Name of the ship subsystem (optional)
set-scanned set-scanned Sets the cargo on the specified ship or ship subsystem as known or scanned. Takes 1 or more arguments... 1: Name of a ship Rest: Name of a subsystem on that ship (optional)
set-unscanned set-unscanned Sets the cargo on the specified ship or ship subsystem as unknown or unscanned. Takes 1 or more arguments... 1: Name of a ship Rest: Name of a subsystem on that ship (optional)
lock-rotating-subsystem lock-rotating-subsystem Instantaneously locks a rotating subsystem so that it cannot rotate unless freed by free-rotating-subsystem. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Name of the ship housing the subsystem Rest: Name of the rotating subsystem to lock
free-rotating-subsystem free-rotating-subsystem Instantaneously frees a rotating subsystem previously locked by lock-rotating-subsystem. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Name of the ship housing the subsystem Rest: Name of the rotating subsystem to free
reverse-rotating-subsystem reverse-rotating-subsystem Instantaneously reverses the rotation direction of a rotating subsystem. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Name of the ship housing the subsystem Rest: Name of the rotating subsystem to reverse
rotating-subsys-set-turn-time rotating-subsys-set-turn-time Sets the turn time of a rotating subsystem. Takes 3 or 4 arguments... 1: Name of the ship housing the subsystem 2: Name of the rotating subsystem to configure 3: The time for one complete rotation, in milliseconds (positive is counterclockwise, negative is clockwise) 4: The acceleration (x1000, just as #3 is seconds x1000) to change from the current turn rate to the desired turn rate. Not sure of the units on this one. (FS2 defaults to 0.5, which would be 500 in this sexp.) Omit this argument if you want an instantaneous change.
set-primary-ammo set-primary-ammo Sets the amount of ammo for the specified ballistic bank 1: Ship name 2: Bank to check (0, 1, and 2 are legal banks) 3: Number to set this bank to (If this is larger than the maximimum, bank will be set to maximum). 4: Rearm Limit. Support ships will only supply this number of weapons (If this is larger than the maximimum, bank will be set to maximum)
set-secondary-ammo set-secondary-ammo Sets the amount of ammo for the specified bank 1: Ship name 2: Bank to check (0, 1, 2 and 3 are legal banks) 3: Number to set this bank to (If this is larger than the maximimum, bank will be set to maximum). 4: Rearm Limit. Support ships will only supply this number of weapons (If this is larger than the maximimum, bank will be set to maximum)
set-primary-weapon set-primary-weapon Sets the weapon for the specified bank 1: Ship name 2: Bank to check (0, 1 and 2 are legal banks) 3: Name of the primary weapon 4: Number to set this bank to (If this is larger than the maximimum, bank will be set to maximum) 5: Rearm Limit. Support ships will only supply this number of weapons (If this is larger than the maximimum, bank will be set to maximum)
set-secondary-weapon set-secondary-weapon Sets the weapon for the specified bank 1: Ship name 2: Bank to check (0, 1, 2 and 3 are legal banks) 3: Name of the secondary weapon 4: Number to set this bank to (If this is larger than the maximimum, bank will be set to maximum) 5: Rearm Limit. Support ships will only supply this number of weapons (If this is larger than the maximimum, bank will be set to maximum)
lock-primary-weapon lock-primary-weapon Locks the primary banks for the specified ship(s) Takes 1 or more arguments (all): Name(s) of ship(s) to lock
unlock-primary-weapon unlock-primary-weapon Unlocks the primary banks for the specified ship(s) Takes 1 or more arguments (all): Name(s) of ship(s) to lock
Ship Status
ship-guardian-threshold ship-guardian-threshold Same as ship-guardian, except the lowest possible hull value is specified by the sexp rather than defaulting to 1. Call with a threshold of 0 (or use ship-no-guardian) to deactivate. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Threshold value. 2+: Name of ships to make unkillable.
ship-subsys-guardian-threshold ship-subsys-guardian-threshold Same as ship-guardian-threshold, but works on subsystems. Call with a threshold of 0 to deactivate. Takes 3 or more arguments... 1: Threshold value. 2: Ship housing the subsystem(s). 3+: Subsystems to make unkillable.
ship-stealthy ship-stealthy Causes the ships listed in this sexpression to become stealth ships (i.e. invisible to radar). Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Name of ships to make stealthy.
ship-unstealthy ship-unstealthy Causes the ships listed in this sexpression to become non-stealth ships (i.e. visible to radar). Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Name of ships to make non-stealthy.
friendly-stealth-invisible friendly-stealth-invisible Causes the friendly ships listed in this sexpression to be invisible to radar, just like hostile stealth ships. It doesn't matter if the ship is friendly at the time this sexp executes: as long as it is a stealth ship, it will be invisible to radar both as hostile and as friendly. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Name of ships
friendly-stealth-visible friendly-stealth-visible Causes the friendly ships listed in this sexpression to resume their normal behavior of being visible to radar as stealth friendlies. Does not affect their visibility as stealth hostiles. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Name of ships
ship-targetable-as-bomb ship-targetable-as-bomb Causes the ships listed in this sexpression to be targetable with bomb targetting key. Takes 1 or more arguments... 1+: Name of ships to make targetable with bomb targeting key.
ship-untargetable-as-bomb ship-untargetable-as-bomb Causes the ships listed in this sexpression to not be targetable with bomb targetting key. Takes 1 or more arguments... 1+: Name of ships to make nontargetable with bomb targeting key.
ship-subsys-targetable ship-subsys-targetable Causes the specified ship subsystem(s) to be targetable on radar. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Name of a ship Rest: Name of the ship's subsystem(s)
ship-subsys-untargetable ship-subsys-untargetable Causes the specified ship subsystem(s) to not be targetable on radar. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Name of a ship Rest: Name of the ship's subsystem(s)
Beams and Turrets
turret-tagged-specific turret-tagged-specific Specific turrets on a ship only fire at tagged targets, as opposed to all turrets doing this using turret-tagged-only It is safe to slave turrets already slaved Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Name of ship to slave some turrets to target only tagged ships Rest: Turrets to slave
turret-tagged-clear-specific turret-tagged-clear-specific Specific turrets on a ship are free to fire on untagged ships, as opposed to all turrets doing this using turret-tagged-clear It is safe to unslave turrets already free Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Name of ship to unslave some turrets to target any hostile ship Rest: Turrets to unslave
turret-change-weapon turret-change-weapon Sets a given turret weapon slot to the specified weapon 1: Ship turret is on 2: Turret 3: Weapon to set slot to 4: Primary slot (or 0 to use secondary) 5: Secondary slot (or 0 to use primary)
turret-set-target-order turret-set-target-order Sets targeting order of a given turret 1: Ship turret is on 2: Turret rest: Target order type (Bombs,ships,asteroids)
ship-turret-target-order ship-turret-target-order Sets targeting order of all turrets on a given ship 1: Ship turrets are on rest: Target order type (Bombs,ships,asteroids)
Mission and Campaign
end-mission end-mission Ends the mission as if the player had engaged his subspace drive, but without him doing so. Dumps the player back into a normal debriefing. Does not invoke red-alert status. Takes no arguments.
force-jump force-jump Forces activation of the player's subspace drive, thus ending the mission. Takes no arguments.
grant-promotion Grant promotion (Action operator) In a single player game, this function grants a player an automatic promotion to the next rank which the player can obtain. If he is already at the highest rank, this operator has no effect. It takes no arguments.
grant-medal Grant medal (Action operator) In single player missions, this function grants the given medal to the player. Currently, only 1 medal will be allowed to be given per mission. Takes 1 argument... 1: Name of medal to grant to player.
tech-add-ships Tech add ship (Action operator) This operator makes the given ship type available in the techroom database. Players will then be able to view this ship's specs there. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Name of ship type (or ship class) to add.
tech-add-weapons Tech add weapon (Action operator) This operator makes the given weapon available in the techroom database. Players will then be able to view this weapon's specs there. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Name of weapon (primary or secondary) to add.
tech-add-intel Tech add intel (Action operator) This operator makes the given intel entry available in the techroom database. Players will then be able to view this intel entry there. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Name of intel entry to add.
tech-reset-to-default Tech reset to default (Action operator) This operator resets the tech room to the default represented in the tables. This is useful for starting new campaigns, so that the player will not see tech entries carried over from previous campaigns. Takes no arguments.
Models and Textures
don't-collide-invisible don't-collide-invisible Sets the "dont collide invisible" flag on a list of ships. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: List of ships on which to set the "dont collide invisible" flag
collide-invisible collide-invisible Unsets the "dont collide invisible" flag on a list of ships. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: List of ships on which to unset the "dont collide invisible" flag
change-ship-class change-ship-class Causes the listed ships' classes to be changed to the specified ship class. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: The name of the new ship class Rest: The list of ships to change the classes of
deactivate-glow-points deactivate-glow-points Deactivates all glow points on a ship. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Name of ship on which to deactivate glow points
activate-glow-points activate-glow-points Activates all glow points on a ship. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Name of ship on which to activate glow points
deactivate-glow-maps deactivate-glow-maps Deactivates the glow maps for a ship. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Name of ship on which to deactivate glow maps
activate-glow-maps activate-glow-maps Activates the glow maps for a ship. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Name of ship on which to activate glow maps
deactivate-glow-point-bank deactivate-glow-point-bank Deactivates one or more glow point bank(s) on a ship. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Name of ship on which to deactivate glow point bank(s) Rest: Name of glow point bank to deactivate
activate-glow-point-bank activate-glow-point-bank Activates one or more glow point bank(s) on a ship. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Name of ship on which to activate glow point bank(s) Rest: Name of glow point bank to activate
Coordinate Manipulation
set-object-speed-x set-object-speed-x Sets the X speed of a ship, wing, or waypoint.Takes 2 or 3 arguments... 1: The name of the object. 2: The speed to set. 3: Whether the speed should be set subjectively; i.e. from the object's point of view (optional; defaults to false).
set-object-speed-y set-object-speed-y Sets the Y speed of a ship, wing, or waypoint.Takes 2 or 3 arguments... 1: The name of the object. 2: The speed to set. 3: Whether the speed should be set subjectively; i.e. from the object's point of view (optional; defaults to false).
set-object-speed-z set-object-speed-z Sets the Z speed of a ship, wing, or waypoint.Takes 2 or 3 arguments... 1: The name of the object. 2: The speed to set. 3: Whether the speed should be set subjectively; i.e. from the object's point of view (optional; defaults to false).
set-object-position set-object-position Instantaneously sets an object's spatial coordinates.Takes 4 arguments... 1: The name of an object. 2: The new X coordinate. 3: The new Y coordinate. 4: The new Z coordinate.
set-object-facing set-object-facing Sets an object's orientation to face the specified coordinates. Takes 4 arguments... 1: The name of an object. 2: The X coordinate to face. 3: The Y coordinate to face. 4: The Z coordinate to face. 5: Turn time (optional) 6: Bank (optional)
set-object-facing-object set-object-facing-object Sets an object's orientation to face the specified object. Takes 2 arguments... 1: The name of an object. 2: The object to face. 3: Turn time (optional) 4: Bank (optional)
Music and Sound
change-soundtrack change-soundtrack Changes the mission music. Takes 1 argument... �: Name of the music selection (taken from music.tbl)
play-sound-from-table play-sound-from-table Plays a sound listed in the Game Sounds section of sounds.tbl. Takes 4 arguments... 1: Origin X 2: Origin Y 3: Origin Z 4: Sound (index into sounds.tbl)
play-sound-from-file play-sound-from-file Plays a sound, such as a music soundtrack, from a file. Important: Only one sound at a time can be played with this sexp! Takes 1 or 2 arguments... 1: Sound (file name) 2: Enter a non-zero number to loop. default is off (optional).
close-sound-from-file close-sound-from-file Closes the currently playing sound started by play-sound-from-file, if there is any. Takes 1 argument... 1: Fade (default is true)
hud-disable hud-disable Sets whether the hud is disabled. Takes 1 argument... 1: Flag (1 to disable, 0 to re-enable)
hud-disable-except-messages hud-disable-except-messages Sets whether the hud (except for messages) is disabled. Takes 1 argument... 1: Flag (1 to disable, 0 to re-enable)
hud-set-text hud-set-text Sets the text value of a given HUD gauge. Works for custom and certain retail gauges. Takes 2 arguments... 1: HUD gauge to be modified 2: Text to be set
hud-set-text-num hud-set-text-num Sets the text value of a given HUD gauge to a number. Works for custom and certain retail gauges. Takes 2 arguments... 1: HUD gauge to be modified 2: Number to be set
hud-set-coords hud-set-coord Sets the coordinates of a given HUD gauge. Works for custom and retail gauges. Takes 3 arguments... 1: HUD gauge to be modified 2: Coordinate X component 2: Coordinate Y component
hud-set-frame hud-set-frame Sets the frame of a given HUD gauge's associated image. Works for custom and certain retail gauges. Takes 2 arguments... 1: HUD gauge to be modified 2: Frame number to be changed to
hud-set-color hud-set-color Sets the color of a given HUD gauge. Works only for custom gauges Takes 4 arguments... 1: HUD gauge to be modified 2: Red component (0-255) 3: Green component (0-255) 4: Blue component (0-255)
Radar-set-max-range (Action operator) Sets the maximum radar range to the value of the argument. Entering -1 will reset maximum radar range to infinity. Takes 1 numeric argument: The maximum radar range.
set-cutscene-bars set-cutscene-bars Shows bars at the top and bottom of screen Takes 0 or 1 arguments... 1: Milliseconds for bars to slide in
unset-cutscene-bars unset-cutscene-bars Removes cutscene bars Takes 0 or 1 arguments... 1: Milliseconds for bars to slide out
fade-in fade-in Fades in Takes 0 or 1 arguments... 1: Time to fade in (in milliseconds)
fade-out fade-out Fades in Takes 0 to 2 arguments... 1: Time to fade in (in milliseconds) 2: Color to fade to - 1 for white, 2 for red, default is black
set-camera-position set-camera-position Sets the camera position to a spot in mission space Takes 3 arguments... 1: X position 2: Y position 3: Z position
set-camera-facing set-camera-facing Makes the camera face the given point Takes 3 to 5 arguments... 1: X position to face 2: Y position to face 3: Z position to face 4: Total turn time 5: Time to spend accelerating/decelerating
set-camera-facing-object set-camera-facing-object Makes the camera face the given object Takes 1 to 3 arguments... 1: Object to face 2: Total turn time 3: Time to spend accelerating/decelerating
set-camera-rotation set-camera-rotation Sets the camera rotation Takes 3 to 5 arguments... 1: Pitch (degrees) 2: Bank (degrees) 3: Heading (degrees) 4: Total turn time 5: Time to spend accelerating/decelerating
set-fov set-fov Sets the field of view Takes 1 argument... 1: New FOV (degrees)
FS2 Open, 3.6.12:
get-fov get-fov Returns the current field of view (in degrees) from the Main camera. Returns a numeric value. Takes no arguments.
reset-fov reset-fov Resets the field of view
reset-camera reset-camera Resets the camera position and rotation
show-subtitle show-subtitle Shows a subtitle Takes 4 to 12 arguments... 1: X position (negative value to be from right of screen) (NB. Measured in Pixels) 2: Y position (negative value to be from bottom of screen) (NB. Measured in Pixels) 3: Text to display 4: Time to be displayed, not including fadein/out (NB. Measured in milliseconds) (optional) 5: Image name 6: Fade in time (NB. Measured in milliseconds) 7: Center horizontally? 8: Center vertically? 9: Width 10: Text red component (0-255) 11: Text green component (0-255) 12: Text blue component (0-255)
set-time-compression set-time-compression Sets the time compression Takes 1 to 3 arguments... 1: New time compression (% of 1x) 2: Time in ms for change to take 3: Time compression to start from
reset-time-compression reset-time-compression Resets the time compression; always call when done with set-time-compression
lock-perspective lock-perspective Prevents or allows the player from changing the view mode Takes 1 or 2 arguments... 1: True to lock the view mode, false to unlock it 2: What view mode to lock; 0 for first-person, 1 for chase, 2 for external, 3 for top-down
set-camera-shudder set-camera-shudder Causes the camera to shudder. Currently this will only work if the camera is showing the player's viewpoint (i.e. the HUD). Takes 2 arguments... 1: Time (in milliseconds) 2: Intensity (in "millishudders". For comparison, the Maxim is hard-coded to an intensity of 2500.
Jump Nodes
set-jumpnode-color set-jumpnode-color Sets the color of a jump node Takes 5 arguments... 1: Jump node to change color for 2: Red value 3: Green value 4: Blue value 5: Alpha value
set-jumpnode-model set-jumpnode-model Sets the model of a jump node Takes 3 arguments... 1: Jump node to change model for 2: Model filename 3: Show as normal model
show-jumpnode show-jumpnode Sets the model of a jump node Takes 1 arguments.. 1: Jump node to show
hide-jumpnode hide-jumpnode Sets the model of a jump node Takes 1 arguments... 1: Jump node to hide
damaged-escort-priority damaged-escort-list Sets the most damaged ship in to , sets the others to . Don't use this sexp in the same mission as damaged-escort-list-all, or strange results might occur. 1: Priority1 2: Priority2 Rest:
damaged-escort-priority-all damaged-escort-list-all Sets the most damaged ship in the entire existing escort list (even what's not shown onscreen) to , the next most damaged to , and so on. If there are more ships than priorities, the least most damaged ships are all set to the last priority in the list. Don't use this sexp in the same mission as damaged-escort-list, or strange results might occur. Takes between 1 and MAX_COMPLETE_ESCORT_LIST (currently 20) arguments... 1: Priority 1 Rest: Priorities 2 through 20 (optional)
ship-vaporize ship-vaporize Sets the ship to vaporize when it is destroyed. Does not actually destroy the ship - use self-destruct for that. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: List of ships on which to set the vaporize flag
ship-no-vaporize ship-no-vaporize Sets the ship to not vaporize when it is destroyed. Does not actually destroy the ship - use self-destruct for that. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: List of ships on which to unset the vaporize flag
primitive-sensors-set-range primitive-sensors-set-range Sets the range of the primitive sensors on a ship. Ships outside of this range will not appear on sensors. Has no effect on ships that do not have the "primitive-sensors" flag2 set. Takes 2 arguments... 1: Ship on which to set range 2: Range, in meters
set-support-ship set-support-ship Sets information for all support ships in a mission. Takes 6 arguments... 1: Arrival location 2: Arrival anchor 3: Departure location 4: Departure anchor 5: Ship class 6: Maximum number of support ships in this mission (use a negative number for infinity) Note: The support ship will emerge from or depart into hyperspace if the location is set as hyperspace *or* the anchor is set as .
special-warpout-name special-warpout-name Sets the name of the knossos device to be used for warpout 1: Ship name to exit 2: Name of knossos device
ship-create ship-create Creates a new ship Takes 5 to 8 arguments... 1: Name of new ship (use "" for a default name) 2: Class of new ship 3: X position 4: Y position 5: Z position 6: Pitch (optional) 7: Bank (optional) 8: Heading (optional)
weapon-create weapon-create Creates a new weapon Takes 5 to 10 arguments... 1: Name of parent ship (or "" for no parent) 2: Class of new weapon 3: X position 4: Y position 5: Z position 6: Pitch (optional) 7: Bank (optional) 8: Heading (optional) 9: Targeted ship (optional) 10: Targeted subsystem (optional)
shields-on shields-on Causes the ship listed in this sexpression to have their shields activated. Takes 1 or more arguments... 1+: Name of ships to activate shields on.
shields-off shields-off Causes the ships listed in this sexpression to have their shields deactivated. Takes 1 or more arguments... 1+: Name of ships to deactivate shields on.
ship-tag ship-tag Tags a ship. Takes 3 or 7 arguments... 1: The name of a ship. 2: The tag level (currently 1, 2, or 3). 3: The tag time (in seconds). 4: A SSM missile (optional - used only for TAG-C). 5: The X origin of the SSM missile (optional - used only for TAG-C). 6: The Y origin of the SSM missile (optional - used only for TAG-C). 7: The Z origin of the SSM missile (optional - used only for TAG-C).
ship-untag Min arguments: 1, Max arguments: 1
explosion-effect explosion-effect Causes an explosion at a given origin, with the given parameters. Takes 11 or 13 arguments... 1: Origin X 2: Origin Y 3: Origin Z 4: Damage 5: Blast force 6: Size of explosion (if 0, explosion will not be visible) 7: Inner radius to apply damage (if 0, explosion will not be visible) 8: Outer radius to apply damage (if 0, explosion will not be visible) 9: Shockwave speed (if 0, there will be no shockwave) 10: Type (0 = medium, 1 = large1, 2 = large2) 11: Sound (index into sounds.tbl) 12: EMP intensity (optional) 13: EMP duration in seconds (optional)
warp-effect warp-effect Causes a subspace warp effect at a given origin, facing toward a given location, with the given parameters. Takes 12 arguments... 1: Origin X 2: Origin Y 3: Origin Z 4: Location X 5: Location Y 6: Location Z 7: Radius 8: Duration in seconds 9: Warp opening sound (index into sounds.tbl) 10: Warp closing sound (index into sounds.tbl) 11: Type (0 for standard blue [default], 1 for Knossos green) 12: Shape (0 for 2-D [default], 1 for 3-D)
ship-change-alt-name ship-change-alt-name Changes the alternate ship class name displayed in the HUD target window. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: The ship class name to display Rest: The ships to display the new class name
set-death-message set-death-message Sets the message displayed when the specified players are killed. Takes 1 or more arguments... 1: The message Rest: The players for whom this message is displayed (optional) (currently not implemented)
Backgrounds and Nebula
mission-set-nebula mission-set-nebula Turns nebula on/off Takes1 argument... 1: 0 for nebula off, 1 for nebula on
add-background-bitmap add-background-bitmap Adds a background bitmap to the sky. Returns an integer that is stored in a variable so it can be deleted using remove-background-bitmap Takes 9 arguments... 1: Background bitmap name 2: Pitch 3: Bank 4: Heading 5: X scale (expressed as a percentage of the original size of the bitmap) 6: Y scale (expressed as a percentage of the original size of the bitmap) 7: X divisions. 8: Y divisions. 9: Variable in which to store result
remove-background-bitmap remove-background-bitmap Removes the nth background bitmap from the mission Takes 1 argument... 1: Zero based bitmap index from the 'Bitmap' box in the background editor You can also use the result of a previous call to add-background-bitmap to remove that added bitmap
add-sun-bitmap add-sun-bitmap Adds a sun bitmap to the sky. Returns an integer that is stored in a variable so it can be deleted using remove-sun-bitmap Takes 6 arguments... 1: Sun bitmap name 2: Pitch 3: Bank 4: Heading 5: Scale (expressed as a percentage of the original size of the bitmap) 6: Variable in which to store result
remove-sun-bitmap remove-sun-bitmap Removes the nth sun from the mission Takes 1 argument... 1: Zero based sun index from the 'Suns' box in the background editor You can also use the result of a previous call to add-sun-bitmap to remove that added sun
nebula-change-storm nebula-change-storm Changes the current nebula storm Takes 1 argument... 1: Nebula storm to change to
nebula-toggle-poof nebula-toggle-poof Toggles the state of a nebula poof Takes 2 arguments... 1: Name of nebula poof to toggle 2: A True boolean expression will toggle this poof on. A false one will do the opposite.
set-skybox-model set-skybox-model Sets the current skybox model Takes 1 argument... 1: Model filename (with .pof extension) to switch to If the model filename is set to "default" with no extension then it will switch to the mission supplied default skybox.
when-argument When-argument (Conditional operator) Performs specified actions when a condition, given a set of arguments, becomes true. Takes 3 or more arguments... 1: The arguments to evaluate (see any-of, every-of, random-of, etc.). 2: Boolean expression that must be true for actions to take place. Rest: Actions to take when the boolean expression becomes true.
every-time Every-time (Conditional operator) This is a version of "when" that will always evaluate its arguments. It's useful in situations where you need to repeatedly check things that may become true more than once. Since this sexp will execute every time it's evaluated, you may need to use it as an argument to "when" if you want to impose restrictions on how it's called. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Boolean expression that must be true for actions to take place. Rest: Actions to take when boolean expression is true.
every-time-argument Every-time-argument (Conditional operator) This is a version of "when-argument" that will always evaluate its arguments. It's useful in situations where you need to repeatedly check things that may become true more than once. Since this sexp will execute every time it's evaluated, you may need to use it as an argument to "when" (not "when-argument") if you want to impose restrictions on how it's called. Takes 3 or more arguments... 1: The arguments to evaluate (see any-of, all-of, random-of, etc.). 2: Boolean expression that must be true for actions to take place. Rest: Actions to take when the boolean expression becomes true.
any-of Any-of (Conditional operator) Supplies arguments for the special data item. Any of the supplied arguments can satisfy the expression(s) in which is used. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Anything that could be used in place of .
every-of Every-of (Conditional operator) Supplies arguments for the special data item. Every one of the supplied arguments will be evaluated to satisfy the expression(s) in which is used. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Anything that could be used in place of .
random-of Random-of (Conditional operator) Supplies arguments for the special data item. A random supplied argument will be selected to satisfy the expression(s) in which is used. The same argument will be returned by all subsequent calls Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Anything that could be used in place of .
random-multiple-of Random-multiple-of (Conditional operator) Supplies arguments for the special data item. A random supplied argument will be selected to satisfy the expression(s) in which is used. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Anything that could be used in place of .
number-of Number-of (Conditional operator) Supplies arguments for the special data item. Any [number] of the supplied arguments can satisfy the expression(s) in which is used. Takes 2 or more arguments... 1: Number of arguments, as above Rest: Anything that could be used in place of .
in-sequence In-Sequence (Conditional operator) Supplies arguments for the special data item. The first argument in the list will be selected to satisfy the expression(s) in which is used. The same argument will be returned by all subsequent calls Takes 1 or more arguments... All: Anything that could be used in place of .
invalidate-argument Invalidate-argument (Conditional operator) Removes an argument from future consideration as a special data item. Takes 1 or more arguments... All: The argument to remove from the preceding argument list.
Ai goals
ai-ignore-new Ai-ignore-new (Ship goal) Tells the specified ship to ignore the given ship and not consider it as a valid target to attack. Takes 2 arguments... 1: Name of ship to ignore. 2: Goal priority (number between 0 and 89).
add-nav-waypoint Takes 3 Arguments: NavPoint Name, Waypoint Path Name, Waypoint Path Point # IE Setting up 'Nav 1' to be on the first Waypoint on Wapoint Path 'Intercept' the arguments would be: 'Nav 1', 'Intercept', '1'
add-nav-ship Takes 2 Arguments: NavPoint Name, Ship Name Binds the named navpoint to the named ship - when the ship moves, the waypoint moves with it
del-nav Takes 1 Argument: NavPoint Name, and deletes that NavPoint
hide-nav Takes 1 Argument: NavPoint Name, it then 'hides' that Nav Point This causes the nav point to be unselectable, if in the future the Nav Map screen is implemented then a hidden nav point will not be displayed on it
restrict-nav Takes 1 Argument: NavPoint Name, it then 'restricts' that Nav Point This causes the nav point to be unselectable, if in the future the Nav Map screen is implemented then a restrict nav point will be displayed on it, but unselectable
unhide-nav Takes 1 Argument: NavPoint Name, it then unhides it
unrestrict-nav Takes 1 Argument: NavPoint Name, it then unrestricts it
set-nav-visited Takes 1 Argument: NavPoint Name, it then sets its visited flag
unset-nav-visited Takes 1 Argument: NavPoint Name, it then unsets its visited flag
set-nav-carry Takes at least 1 argument, but can take as many as you give it. It takes ship and/or wing names as sets their Nav Carry flag -- a ship with the nav carry flag will autopilot with the player
unset-nav-carry Takes atleast 1 argument, but can take as many as you give it. It takes ship and/or wing names and unsets their Nav Carry flag