The Sicilian Defense

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Fighter squadron:



This is also a bombing run mission. I find it more difficult than the previous one. Your ability of survival is better tested in here than in the previous one. The NTD Vindicator (GTD Orion-class) is directly ahead of you. Target its beam cannons, and take them out. I belive destroying the Vindicator won't mean much trouble. But the thing that happens after this! More NTF warships jump in and attack you.

The Vasudans send in a GVCv Sobek-class corvette (GVCv Hyksos) to assist you. You have to defend this vessel. Losing the corvette is a serious decrease in your chances. Taking down the anti-fighter beam turrets on the hostile warships is the key to survive. Or, you can head against their weapon subsystems to decrease their accuracy. The fighters can also mean trouble here, head against them after you have taken down the dangerous turrets of the warships. Losing every single of your wingmen also decreases your chances.


As with Slaying Ravana, the Sobek offers excellent flak and beam cover, though in this mission there are too many threats to simply sit back and watch. The problem here is that the Hyksos stands a serious chance of being destroyed by the Vindicator. To prevent this, take out some of the Vindicator's portside heavy beam turrets.

Notable ships present

New equipment