GTDr Amazon V

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All information related to the GTDr Amazon V is non-canon.
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The GTDr Amazon Model V is a Hercules reskin designed as a Post-Capella simulation drone to replace the horribly aged and simple Amazon IV. With better reaction time and combat abilities, as well as extensive surplus of old fighters, the Model V provides beginning pilots with better training from beginner to intermediate. Due to extraordinary loss of life during the NTF Rebellion and Shivan Invasion, countless numbers of military-grade drones are being implemented in both private and public security.

GTDr Amazon Model V.


Tech Room Description

Project Mannequin was a Post-Capella attempt to maintain civil security after incredible losses during the NTF Rebellion and the Second Shivan Incursion. The Fenris cruiser was the first ship converted and tested, proving itself as reliable and more responsive than its original Terran crew. With other aging ships being converted under the Surplus Autonomy Initiative, some Fenris drones have been repurposed for anti-ship training missions as the Amazon Advanced Model VIII.


Retail: MediaVPs:

$POF File: GTDrAmazonV
Credits: ??? (Media VPs GTF Hercules)
Texture: ???, modification by Muninn_Crow (GTDR Amazon V)



Name GTDr Amazon V
Type Heavy Assault
Manufacturer Black Sun Corporation (Surplus Autonomy Initiative)
Maneuverability Average / Poor
Yaw, Pitch, Roll 4.0, 4.5, 4.0 s
Max Velocity 50 - 64 ms-1
Max Afterburner Velocity 120 ms-1
Armor Medium / Heavy
Hitpoints 250 pts
Shields 600 pts
Length 20 m
Primary weapons
1st bank 4 guns
2nd bank 2 guns
Secondary weapons
1st bank capacity 60
2nd bank capacity 60
Countermeasure capacity 25 countermeasures


FreeSpace 2
Bank Guns Standard Loadout
1st 4 Subach HL-7
2nd 2 Prometheus R
Compatible primaries
Subach HL-7, Akheton SDG, Prometheus R, Prometheus S, Morning Star, UD-8 Kayser, Circe, Lamprey, Maxim
FreeSpace 2
Bank Capacity Standard Loadout
1st 60 Harpoon
2nd 60 Hornet
Compatible secondaries
MX-64, EMP Adv., Tempest, Hornet, Tornado, Harpoon, Trebuchet, Infyrno

Veteran Comments

Please read the Veteran Comments policy before editing this section.

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