GTDr Amazon IV-B

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All information related to the GTDr Amazon IV-B is non-canon.
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The GTDr Amazon Model IV-B is an Athena bomber reskin designed as the first Post-Capella simulation drone to train pilots in bomber defense and bomber intercept. With marginally better reaction time and combat abilities, it is the first bomber drone new pilots encounter in their training. Despite its age and dated technologies, mining companies have taken interest in the bomber. The GTVA has flat out refused to service the bombers for fear of more advanced piracy and rebellions.

GTDr Amazon Model IV-B.


Tech Room Description

The Surplus Autonomy Initiative’s first drone bomber in the Project Mannequin training series, the long-mothballed Athena bomber is a Great War relic noted for its near-fighter capabilities. The project has leaned on this skillset for a dogfighting bomber drone, and still mixes them into newer bomber drone packages to keep pilots on their toes. The Amazon IV-B features a narrow profile, wide munitions selection, and above-average hull and shields. Beginning pilots are trained on target profile management and adaptability to different munition. Due to its age and capabilities, some mining conglomerates have expressed interest in acquiring the drone as tactical rock breakers in dense asteroid fields where larger ships cannot safely traverse. The GTVA Security Council has so far rejected offers, citing concerns over autonomous pirate deployments.


Retail: MediaVPs:

$POF File: GTDrAmazonIV-B
Credits: Nyctaeus (Media VPs GTB Athena)
Texture: Nyctaeus, modification by Muninn_Crow (GTDR Amazon IV-B)



Name GTDr Amazon IV-B
Type Heavy Assault
Manufacturer Mirfak Manufacturing (Surplus Autonomy Initiative)
Maneuverability Average / Poor
Yaw, Pitch, Roll 4.0, 4.5, 4.0 s
Max Velocity 50 - 64 ms-1
Max Afterburner Velocity 120 ms-1
Armor Medium / Heavy
Hitpoints 250 pts
Shields 600 pts
Length 20 m
Primary weapons
1st bank 4 guns
2nd bank 2 guns
Secondary weapons
1st bank capacity 60
2nd bank capacity 60
Countermeasure capacity 25 countermeasures


FreeSpace 2
Bank Guns Standard Loadout
1st 2 Prometheus R
2nd 2 Prometheus R
Compatible Primaries
Subach HL-7, Akheton SDG, Prometheus R, Prometheus S, Morning Star, Circe, Lamprey, Maxim
FreeSpace 2
Bank Capacity Standard Loadout Standard Loadout
1st 40 Trebuchet
2nd 40 Stiletto II
3rd 40 Piranha
Compatible Secondaries
EMP Adv., Tempest, Harpoon, Trebuchet, Piranha, Stiletto II, Infyrno, Cyclops

Veteran Comments

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