GTDr Amazon V-B

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All information related to the GTDr Amazon V-B is non-canon.
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The GTDr Amazon Model V-B is a Zeus bomber reskin designed as a Post-Capella simulation drone to train pilots in bomber defense and bomber intercept. With better reaction time and combat abilities, as well as extensive surplus of old bombers, the Model V-B provides beginning pilots with better training from beginner to intermediate. Due to the extraordinary threat of drone bombers were they to fall into the wrong hands, the drone is being blocked from entering military service.

GTDr Amazon Model V-B.


Tech Room Description

A recent addition to the Project Mannequin training line, the Zeus bomber has been retrofitted as the Amazon V-B, training pilots against short-fuse strike packages and heavily armored targets. With the eventual mothballing of the Zeus twelve years after Capella, the new drone line benefits from faster computation and reaction times than its Model IV-B relative. No plans are in place to bring the drone into frontline specs for fear of rebel acquisition as an effective counter-freight and sleeper missile platform.


Retail: MediaVPs:

$POF File: GTDrAmazonV-B
Credits: ??? (Media VPs GTB Zeus)
Texture: ???, modification by Muninn_Crow (GTDR Amazon V-B)



Name GTDr Amazon V-B
Type Stealth Bomber/Strike Bomber
Manufacturer Mirfak Manufacturing (Surplus Autonomy Initiative)
Maneuverability Poor / Average
Yaw, Pitch, Roll 4.0, 4.5, 3.0 s
Max Velocity 55 - 75 ms-1
Max Afterburner Velocity 110 ms-1
Armor High / Medium
Hitpoints 200 pts
Shields 450 pts
Length 20 m


FreeSpace 2
Bank Guns Standard Loadout
1st 2 Prometheus R
2nd 2 Prometheus R
Compatible Primaries
Subach HL-7, Akheton SDG, Prometheus R, Prometheus S, Morning Star, Circe, Lamprey, Maxim
FreeSpace 2
Bank Capacity Standard Loadout
1st 40 Trebuchet
2nd 40 Stiletto II
3rd 40 Piranha
Compatible Secondaries
EMP Adv., Tempest, Harpoon, Trebuchet, Piranha, Stiletto II, Infyrno, Cyclops

Veteran Comments

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