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{{shipimage|image=[[Image:Hercules320x240.jpg]]|caption=The GTF Hercules}}
{{shipimage|image=[[Image:Gtfhercules-old.jpg]]|caption=The GTF Hercules}}
The '''GTF ''Hercules''''' (nicknamed "The Big Momma") was first introduced during the [[Great War]] and flew several successful missions against the [[Shivans]], becoming the mainstay of Terran forces during the Great War.
The Hercules was first introduced during the [[Great War]] and flew several successful missions against the [[Shivans]], being a mainstay of the Terran fleet. Later during the [[NTF Rebellion]] the [[Neo-Terra Front]] used the Hercules as their mainstay fighter, as well as the [[GTF Loki]].
The [[Neo-Terran Front]] was known to have used large numbers of these ships during [[NTF Rebellion|their rebellion]].
The sequel of this class was the [[GTF Hercules Mark II]] with increased agility and secondary loadout at the expense of only four primary guns.
The replacement of this class was the [[GTF Hercules Mark II|GTF ''Hercules Mark II'']] with increased agility and secondary loadout at the expense of having only four primary guns.
The [[FreeSpace Reference Bible]] states that a wing of four ''Hercules'' fighters at some point took out a [[GVC Aten|Vasudan ''Aten'' cruiser]]. Since in-game information explicates that the ''Hercules'' was designed during the Great War, this cruiser was probably under the control of the [[Hammer of Light]].
===FS1 Tech Room Description===
===FS1 Tech Room Description===
The GTF Hercules is the slowest and most unmanageable fighter in the fleet.  This is offset, however, by its overpowering weaponry and shielding.  It carries 6 primary weapons, as well as two full secondary banks.  This heavy assault fighter is best suited for small target attacks and bomber escort.
The GTF Hercules is the slowest and most unmanageable fighter in the fleet.  This is offset, however, by its overpowering weaponry and shielding.  It carries 6 primary weapons, as well as two full secondary banks.  This heavy assault fighter is best suited for small target attacks and bomber escort.
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===Developer Notes===
===Developer Notes===
Low max velocity offset by its tremendous offensive capabilities.  High weapon capacity.
Low max velocity offset by its tremendous offensive capabilities.  High weapon capacity.
===Name origin===
Hercules is the Latin name for Herakles, son of Zeus. Hercules is a symbol of masculinity and action. He was an esteemed and powerful warrior, and it is said that "he made the world safe for mankind."
{{Ship Stats|Heavy Assault|Han-Roland Corp.|Average/Poor (FS1/FS2)|50.0 - 64.0|120.0|Medium/Heavy|250|600|20}}
|name =GTF Hercules
|type =Heavy Assault
|manufacturer =Han-Roland Corp.
|maneuverability =Average / Poor
|yaw_pitch_roll = 4.0, 4.5, 4.0
|max_velocity =50 - 64
|max_ab_velocity =120
|max_ab_duration =
|armor =Medium / Heavy
|hitpoints =250
|shields =600
|length =20
|gun_bank_1 =4
|gun_bank_2 =2
|missile_bank_1 =60
|missile_bank_2 =60
|countermeasures =25
*'''[[Technical_Terms_and_Definitions#Gun Mounts|Gun Mounts]]'''
*'''[[Technical_Terms_and_Definitions#Gun Mounts|Gun Mounts]]'''
{| border=1 cellpadding=4 style="border-collapse: collapse"
{|{{Weapon bank box background}}
|- align="center"
| colspan=3 style="background:#351515;"| '''Freespace 1'''
| style="background:#300505;"| '''Freespace 2'''
|setting =FreeSpace 1
|- align="center"
|pbank_1_guns =4
| style="width:40px" |Bank
|pbank_1_default =[[GTW Avenger|Avenger]]
| style="width:60px" |Guns
|pbank_2_guns =2
| style="width:160px" |Standard Loadout
|pbank_2_default =[[GTW Disruptor|Disruptor]]
| style="width:240px" |Standard Loadout
|allowed_loadout =[[GTW ML-16|ML-16 Laser]], [[GTW Disruptor|Disruptor]], [[GTW Avenger|Avenger]], [[GTW Flail|Flail]], [[GTW Prometheus|Prometheus]], [[GTW Banshee|Banshee]], [[GTW Leech Cannon|Leech Cannon]], [[GTW Shield Breaker|S-Breaker]]
|- align="center"
| 1st
| 4
|setting =FreeSpace 2
| [[GTW Avenger|Avenger]]
|pbank_1_guns =4
| [[GTW Subach HL-7|Subach HL-7]]
|pbank_1_default =[[GTW Subach HL-7|Subach HL-7]]
|- align="center"
|pbank_2_guns =2
| 2nd
|pbank_2_default =[[GTW Prometheus R|Prometheus R]]
| 2
|allowed_loadout =[[GTW Subach HL-7|Subach HL-7]], [[GTW Akheton SDG|Akheton SDG]], [[GTW Prometheus R|Prometheus R]], [[GTW Prometheus S|Prometheus S]], [[GTW Morning Star|Morning Star]], [[GTW UD-8 Kayser|UD-8 Kayser]], [[GTW Circe|Circe]], [[GTW Lamprey|Lamprey]], [[GTW Maxim|Maxim]]
| [[GTW Disruptor|Disruptor]]
| [[GTW Prometheus R|Prometheus R]]
|- align="center"
| colspan=3| Compatible Primaries
| Compatible Primaries
| colspan=3| [[GTW ML-16|ML-16 Laser]], [[GTW Disruptor|Disruptor]], [[GTW Avenger|Avenger]], [[GTW Flail|Flail]], [[GTW Prometheus|Prometheus]], [[GTW Banshee|Banshee]], [[GTW Leech Cannon|Leech Cannon]], [[GTW Shield Breaker|S-Breaker]]
| [[GTW Subach HL-7|Subach HL-7]], [[GTW Akheton SDG|Akheton SDG]], [[GTW Prometheus R|Prometheus R]], [[GTW Prometheus S|Prometheus S]], [[GTW Morning Star|Morning Star]], [[GTW UD-8 Kayser|UD-8 Kayser]], [[GTW Circe|Circe]], [[GTW Lamprey|Lamprey]], [[GTW Maxim|Maxim]]
*'''[[Technical_Terms_and_Definitions#Missile Banks|Missile Banks]]'''
*'''[[Technical_Terms_and_Definitions#Missile Banks|Missile Banks]]'''
{| border=1 cellpadding=4 style="border-collapse: collapse"
{|{{Weapon bank box background}}
|- align="center"
| colspan=3 style="background:#351515;"| '''Freespace 1'''
| style="background:#300505;"| '''Freespace 2'''
|setting =FreeSpace 1
|- align="center"
|sbank_1_capacity =60
| style="width:60px" |Bank
|sbank_1_default =[[GTM Interceptor|Interceptor]]
| style="width:40px" |Capacity
|sbank_2_capacity =60
| style="width:160px" |Standard Loadout
|sbank_2_default =[[GTM Fury|Fury]]
| style="width:240px" |Standard Loadout
|allowed_loadout =[[GTM MX-50|MX-50]], [[GTM D-Missile|D-Missile]], [[GTM Fury|Fury]], [[GTM Hornet|Hornet]], [[GTM Interceptor|Interceptor]], [[GTM Phoenix V|Phoenix V]], [[GTM EM Pulse|EM Pulse]], [[GTM Cluster Bomb|Cluster Bomb]]
|- align="center"
| 1st
| 60
|setting =FreeSpace 2
| [[GTM Interceptor|Interceptor]]
|sbank_1_capacity =60
| [[GTM Harpoon|Harpoon]]
|sbank_1_default =[[GTM Harpoon|Harpoon]]
|- align="center"
|sbank_2_capacity =60
| 2nd
|sbank_2_default =[[GTM Hornet|Hornet]]
| 60
|allowed_loadout =[[GTM MX-64|MX-64]], [[GTM EMP Adv.|EMP Adv.]], [[GTM Tempest|Tempest]], [[GTM Hornet|Hornet]], [[GTM Tornado|Tornado]], [[GTM Harpoon|Harpoon]], [[GTM Trebuchet|Trebuchet]], [[GTM Infyrno|Infyrno]]
| [[GTM Fury|Fury]]
| [[GTM Hornet|Hornet]]
|- align="center"
| colspan=3| Compatible Secondaries
| Compatible Secondaries
| colspan=3| [[GTM MX-50|MX-50]], [[GTM D-Missile|D-Missile]], [[GTM Fury|Fury]], [[GTM Hornet|Hornet]], [[GTM Interceptor|Interceptor]], [[GTM Phoenix V|Phoenix V]], [[GTM EM Pulse|EM Pulse]], [[GTM Cluster Bomb|Cluster Bomb]]
| [[GTM MX-64|MX-64]], [[GTM EMP. Adv|Emp. Adv]], [[GTM Tempest|Tempest]], [[GTM Hornet|Hornet]], [[GTM Tornado|Tornado]], [[GTM Harpoon|Harpoon]], [[GTM Trebuchet|Trebuchet]], [[GTM Infyrno|Infyrno]]
==Modding Resources==
{{shipimage|image=[[File:Gtfhercules.jpg|480px]]|caption=The GTF Hercules in FS2_Open with the 3.6.14 [[mediavps]]}}
:$POF File: Fighter06.pof
:Textures: Fighter06-01(a/b/c), thruster
'''MediaVP 3.6.10''':
:$POF File: Fighter06.pof
:Textures: Fighter06-02( /b/c), Fighter06-03( /b/c), Damage, Tercoc01
Proposed by: ??? on ???<br>
First WIP Post: ??? on ???<br>
First In-Game Model: ??? on ???<br>
Completed In-Game Model: ??? on ???<br>
Final Corrections: ??? on ???<br><br><br><br>
==Veteran Comments==
==Veteran Comments==
''I would say this is an okay fighter during the first Great War, but during FS2, it has become out-dated. It has six gun-points, so it has reasonable firepower, but that firepower is offset by it's slow speed and 'blockiness'. During FS1, it was a decent fighter, but it has been replaced by the [[GTF Hercules Mark II]] and the [[GTF Myrmidon]] in FS2. I like this a little better than the newer [[GTF Hercules Mark II]], because of its firepower, but there is almost always a better ship too use in FS2.''<br><br>
{{Comment|The best way to use this fighter in FS2 is to load the quads with Kaysers and the dual with Maxim and the first bank of missiles with Harpoons and the second with Hornets. That way, you will win a lot of bomber and cruiser kills in the last mission. The Maxim and Hornets should be used on the cruisers, while the Kaysers and Harpoons on bombers. The GTF Hercules was, to me, better than the mark 2.
''I like this fighter. It may be old in FS2, but its better than some of the newer craft, such as the Myrmidon. It doesn't have the maneuverability, speed, armor, or capacity of its newer version, but it has more gun points better placed, and a still large missile capacity.''<br><br>
''I have always felt that the old Herc is far superior to the Herc 2 in terms of firepower and in general in fulfilling its role as assault fighter. If anything, the Ares is the true successor to this fighter. In FS1 you could take on literally anything in one of these, and the Herc 2 pales in comparison with the original.''
''I would say this is an okay fighter during the first Great War, but during FS2, it has become outdated. It has six gun points, so it has reasonable firepower, but that firepower is offset by its slow speed and 'blockiness'. During FS1, it was a decent fighter, but it has been replaced by the [[GTF Hercules Mark II]] and the [[GTF Myrmidon]] in FS2. I like this a little better than the newer GTF Hercules Mark II, because of its firepower, but there is almost always a better ship to use in FS2.''
''I like this fighter. It may be old in FS2, but it's better than some of the newer craft, such as the Myrmidon. It doesn't have the maneuverability, speed, armor, or capacity of its newer version, but it has more and better placed gun points, and a still large missile capacity. In addition, it shares the same general compatibility with virtually all available weapons.''
''I have always felt that the old Herc is far superior to the Herc 2 in terms of firepower and in general in fulfilling its role as assault fighter. If anything, the [[GTF Ares|Ares]] is the true successor to this fighter. In FS1 you could take on literally anything in one of these, and the Herc 2 pales in comparison with the original.''
''The Herc II has 25 extra hull points, 10 extra shielding points, 50% more secondary capacity and has a normal speed 5 m/s faster than the Herc I, at the expense of two primary gunmounts. Personally I think the gunmounts are worth it, but it all comes down to playstyle, really.''
''The Herc II has 25 extra hull points, 10 extra shielding points, 50% more secondary capacity and has a normal speed 5 m/s faster than the Herc I, at the expense of two primary gunmounts. Personally I think the gunmounts are worth it, but it all comes down to playstyle, really.''
'' The main issue I have with the Herc I is the placement of the set of 4 gun mounts. Those are difficult to hit other fighters with, leaving the other set of 2 gun mounts that are useful in a dogfight. The other issue is that, in my experience, it has a tendency to take more damage than a Herc II due to its shape, especially from the rear.''
''Generally speaking, in [[Portal:FreeSpace 2|FreeSpace 2]] I prefer the Herc II for its larger secondary capacity, smaller target profile and slightly higher durability or the Myrmidon for its superior maneuverability, greater adaptability, and equal firepower. In [[Portal:FreeSpace 1|FreeSpace 1]], however, nothing can take out a [[SB Seraphim|Seraphim]] like a Hercules with quad [[GTW Avenger|Avengers]] and a pair of [[GTW Banshee|Banshees]]. This fighter has some obvious weaknesses. Its large target profile, low speed, and low maneuverability combined with its widely distributed gun points, make it a bad choice to dogfight fast, maneuverable vessels like the [[SF Dragon|Dragons]]. If confronted by a similarly small, highly maneuverable opponent when in this fighter, don't hesitate to empty your missiles on them.
''I personally hate this ship. It handles like a potato, and lacks top speed, as well as a sufficient afterburner reserve. I would choose anything over this ship. Although it has high weapons compatability, why equip it with the best weapons if you're always too slow to line up to make a shot? The best way to use this ship is to stay in one place, on top of a friendly ship, and pretend you're a sentry gun.''
''Not really recommendable at any of the times you can use it in the FS2 campaign except the first SOC Loop. The Herc has around 50% more missile capacity than the Myrmidon, which makes it particularly more effective when dealing with the nippy Serapis fighters. With a pair of Subachs, you still have the firepower with the better-placed six guns to take out Taurets and Sekhmets, and more survivability (as the increased speed of the Myrmidon and Loki isn't necessarily a good thing given you're engaged in convoy escort).''}}

Revision as of 05:47, 5 February 2021

Terran ships
Transports and freighters
Capital ships
Misc Ships
Sentry Guns
Cargo Containers
Vasudan ships
Transports and freighters
Capital ships
Misc Ships
Sentry Guns
Cargo Containers
Shivan ships
Transports and freighters
Capital ships
Sentry Guns
Cargo Containers
Notable ships of FreeSpace 1

Terran ships
Transports and freighters
Cruisers and corvettes
Capital ships
Misc ships
Sentry Guns
Cargo Containers
Vasudan ships
Transports and freighters
Cruisers and corvettes
Capital ships
Misc ships
Sentry Guns
Cargo Containers
Shivan ships
Transports and freighters
Cruisers and corvettes
Capital ships
Misc ships
Sentry Guns
Cargo Containers
Notable ships of FreeSpace 2

The GTF Hercules

The GTF Hercules (nicknamed "The Big Momma") was first introduced during the Great War and flew several successful missions against the Shivans, becoming the mainstay of Terran forces during the Great War.

The Neo-Terran Front was known to have used large numbers of these ships during their rebellion.

The replacement of this class was the GTF Hercules Mark II with increased agility and secondary loadout at the expense of having only four primary guns.

The FreeSpace Reference Bible states that a wing of four Hercules fighters at some point took out a Vasudan Aten cruiser. Since in-game information explicates that the Hercules was designed during the Great War, this cruiser was probably under the control of the Hammer of Light.


FS1 Tech Room Description

The GTF Hercules is the slowest and most unmanageable fighter in the fleet. This is offset, however, by its overpowering weaponry and shielding. It carries 6 primary weapons, as well as two full secondary banks. This heavy assault fighter is best suited for small target attacks and bomber escort.

FS2 Tech Room Description

The old workhorse of the Terran fleet, the Hercules is a beloved but aging design. It was the mainstay of the Terran forces during the Great War, but it is slowly being phased out of the modern fleet. As they are replaced by Herc IIs, Myrmidons, and other recent designs, Hercules fighters are increasingly relegated to training and guard duties far from the front lines. Pilots who've flown Hercs for years love the ship's heavy armor and firepower and have learned to compensate for its low speed and poor maneuverability. The old Hercs are still widely used by NTF forces.

Developer Notes

Low max velocity offset by its tremendous offensive capabilities. High weapon capacity.

Name origin

Hercules is the Latin name for Herakles, son of Zeus. Hercules is a symbol of masculinity and action. He was an esteemed and powerful warrior, and it is said that "he made the world safe for mankind."



Name GTF Hercules
Type Heavy Assault
Manufacturer Han-Roland Corp.
Maneuverability Average / Poor
Yaw, Pitch, Roll 4.0, 4.5, 4.0 s
Max Velocity 50 - 64 ms-1
Max Afterburner Velocity 120 ms-1
Armor Medium / Heavy
Hitpoints 250 pts
Shields 600 pts
Length 20 m
Primary weapons
1st bank 4 guns
2nd bank 2 guns
Secondary weapons
1st bank capacity 60
2nd bank capacity 60
Countermeasure capacity 25 countermeasures


FreeSpace 1
Bank Guns Standard Loadout
1st 4 Avenger
2nd 2 Disruptor
Compatible primaries
ML-16 Laser, Disruptor, Avenger, Flail, Prometheus, Banshee, Leech Cannon, S-Breaker
FreeSpace 2
Bank Guns Standard Loadout
1st 4 Subach HL-7
2nd 2 Prometheus R
Compatible primaries
Subach HL-7, Akheton SDG, Prometheus R, Prometheus S, Morning Star, UD-8 Kayser, Circe, Lamprey, Maxim
FreeSpace 1
Bank Capacity Standard Loadout
1st 60 Interceptor
2nd 60 Fury
Compatible secondaries
MX-50, D-Missile, Fury, Hornet, Interceptor, Phoenix V, EM Pulse, Cluster Bomb
FreeSpace 2
Bank Capacity Standard Loadout
1st 60 Harpoon
2nd 60 Hornet
Compatible secondaries
MX-64, EMP Adv., Tempest, Hornet, Tornado, Harpoon, Trebuchet, Infyrno

Modding Resources

The GTF Hercules in FS2_Open with the 3.6.14 mediavps


$POF File: Fighter06.pof
Textures: Fighter06-01(a/b/c), thruster

MediaVP 3.6.10:

$POF File: Fighter06.pof
Textures: Fighter06-02( /b/c), Fighter06-03( /b/c), Damage, Tercoc01

Proposed by: ??? on ???
First WIP Post: ??? on ???
First In-Game Model: ??? on ???
Completed In-Game Model: ??? on ???
Final Corrections: ??? on ???


Veteran Comments

Please read the Veteran Comments policy before editing this section.

The best way to use this fighter in FS2 is to load the quads with Kaysers and the dual with Maxim and the first bank of missiles with Harpoons and the second with Hornets. That way, you will win a lot of bomber and cruiser kills in the last mission. The Maxim and Hornets should be used on the cruisers, while the Kaysers and Harpoons on bombers. The GTF Hercules was, to me, better than the mark 2.

I would say this is an okay fighter during the first Great War, but during FS2, it has become outdated. It has six gun points, so it has reasonable firepower, but that firepower is offset by its slow speed and 'blockiness'. During FS1, it was a decent fighter, but it has been replaced by the GTF Hercules Mark II and the GTF Myrmidon in FS2. I like this a little better than the newer GTF Hercules Mark II, because of its firepower, but there is almost always a better ship to use in FS2.

I like this fighter. It may be old in FS2, but it's better than some of the newer craft, such as the Myrmidon. It doesn't have the maneuverability, speed, armor, or capacity of its newer version, but it has more and better placed gun points, and a still large missile capacity. In addition, it shares the same general compatibility with virtually all available weapons.

I have always felt that the old Herc is far superior to the Herc 2 in terms of firepower and in general in fulfilling its role as assault fighter. If anything, the Ares is the true successor to this fighter. In FS1 you could take on literally anything in one of these, and the Herc 2 pales in comparison with the original.

The Herc II has 25 extra hull points, 10 extra shielding points, 50% more secondary capacity and has a normal speed 5 m/s faster than the Herc I, at the expense of two primary gunmounts. Personally I think the gunmounts are worth it, but it all comes down to playstyle, really.

The main issue I have with the Herc I is the placement of the set of 4 gun mounts. Those are difficult to hit other fighters with, leaving the other set of 2 gun mounts that are useful in a dogfight. The other issue is that, in my experience, it has a tendency to take more damage than a Herc II due to its shape, especially from the rear.

Generally speaking, in FreeSpace 2 I prefer the Herc II for its larger secondary capacity, smaller target profile and slightly higher durability or the Myrmidon for its superior maneuverability, greater adaptability, and equal firepower. In FreeSpace 1, however, nothing can take out a Seraphim like a Hercules with quad Avengers and a pair of Banshees. This fighter has some obvious weaknesses. Its large target profile, low speed, and low maneuverability combined with its widely distributed gun points, make it a bad choice to dogfight fast, maneuverable vessels like the Dragons. If confronted by a similarly small, highly maneuverable opponent when in this fighter, don't hesitate to empty your missiles on them.

I personally hate this ship. It handles like a potato, and lacks top speed, as well as a sufficient afterburner reserve. I would choose anything over this ship. Although it has high weapons compatability, why equip it with the best weapons if you're always too slow to line up to make a shot? The best way to use this ship is to stay in one place, on top of a friendly ship, and pretend you're a sentry gun.

Not really recommendable at any of the times you can use it in the FS2 campaign except the first SOC Loop. The Herc has around 50% more missile capacity than the Myrmidon, which makes it particularly more effective when dealing with the nippy Serapis fighters. With a pair of Subachs, you still have the firepower with the better-placed six guns to take out Taurets and Sekhmets, and more survivability (as the increased speed of the Myrmidon and Loki isn't necessarily a good thing given you're engaged in convoy escort).