Series Resurrecta Squadrons

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The following information has not been confirmed by Volition
and is therefore not canon for the FreeSpace universe. Also, it may contain spoilers regarding Series Resurrecta campaigns.

This article provides information on named Series Resurrecta squadrons. Please note that the following content is to be considered spoiler for this mod.

Shadows of the Great War

Gehenna's Gate

Galactic Terran Alliance

144th Ghost Dolphins

Based on: GTD Veritas
Player's squadron: Yes, for the entire campaign
Roles: multirole
Squadron leader: Captain Arne Finsen
Achievements: provides notable support in securing Delta Serpentis and Ross 128 from the Shivans. It is involved in many key battles and surgical strikes, and ultimately leads the final assault on the SI Gehenna.

  • The squadron's known for being mostly comprised of pilots from the GTA's 1st Fleet in Sol, transferred to the frontline right before the collapse of the jump node.
148th Physeters

Based on: GTD Veritas
Player's squadron: No
Roles: medium-to-heavy bombing
Squadron leader: not specified
Achievements: participates to heavy assault missions in both Delta Serpentis and Ross 128. Sweeps the jump node blockade runners, assaults the SD Secleth and its group, and leads the stike on the SD Minotaurus.

151st Outlaws

Based on: GTD Veritas
Player's squadron: No
Roles: space superiority, light bombing
Squadron leader: not specified
Achievements: serves in Delta Serpentis and Ross 128. Defends the GTD Veritas in key engagements such as the battle against the SC Megalodon and Malebranche, and the major engagement with the SD Secleth and its battlegroup. Involved in the destruction of several freighters from the Kharon convoy.

201st Seastars

Based on: GTD Nereid
Player's squadron: No
Roles: medium-to-heavy bombing
Squadron leader: not specified
Achievements: targets and helps destroying key Shivan targets in the Laramis front, then joins Alliance forces in Ross 128. Tasked with performing a surgical bombing run on the warships defending the SI Gehenna, then the installation itself. Is then redirected against Hammer of Light targets as well, primarily the HLD Men-Nefer.
Name origin: the R-201 Asterozoa is a fictional plane from Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere.

211th Orcas

Based on: GTD Nereid
Player's squadron: No
Roles: space superiority
Squadron leader: not specified
Achievements: defends the isolated GTD Nereid from Shivan assaults in Laramis, joins Allied forces in Ross 128. During the final assault on the SI Gehenna, provides fighter cover for the Nereid itself and bombers from the 201st Seastars. Is then rushed to cover the Orion from an Hammer of Light assault.
Name origin: the R-211 Orcinus is a fictional plane from Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere.

Parliamentary Vasudan Navy

54th Squadron

Based on: PVD Imhotep
Player's squadron: No
Roles: multirole
Squadron leader: not specified
Achievements: serves in the Delta Serpentis and Ross 128 fronts. Helps the 144th Ghost Dolphins and the 151st Outlaws clearing Kharon freighters.



Based on: Unknown
Player's squadron: No
Roles: subspace bombing
Squadron leader: Unknown
Achievements: heavy assault and strategic group observed for the first time in Delta Serpentis, though its assault pattern was shown to be compatible with several fleet losses ever since the beginning of the conflict. It is believed to be responsible for the elimination of many warships in both the GTA and PVN. Employs solely SB Seraphim class bombers armed with powerful Mandragora subspace torpedoes. Eliminated by escort wings from the GTD Veritas.
Name origin: It's original name was Belial, and a few months prior to release, it was proposed to change it to something different. The new name officially became Malebranche, as a further tribute to the Divine Comedy. Belial, combined with the GTC Angel of Lihr, the GTC Tammuz and the GTC Anu, were all meant as a tribute to the four ultimate units in Total Annihilation: Kingdoms.

The Spirit of Ptah

Galactic Terran Alliance

221st Squadron

Based on: GTD Ixion
Player's squadron: No
Roles: bombing
Squadron leader: not specified
Achievements: serves in the Vasuda front and provides assistance to PVN strikes against the Hammer of Light. Is deployed to strike the fleeing HLD Pramessu, but the strike fails and the squadron is annihilated by enemy fighters and turrets.

222nd Squadron

Based on: GTD Ixion
Player's squadron: No
Roles: multirole
Squadron leader: not specified
Achievements: assists the GTD Ixion in the effort of providing help to PVN forces in Vasuda. Attempts to push back Hammer of Light assault forces, including the first HLB Sekhmet bombers seen in combat, but is ultimately annihilated by enemy fighters.

223rd Moonbears

Based on: GTD Ixion, then PVD Hedetet
Player's squadron: Yes, until the third mission
Roles: multirole
Squadron leader: Andreea Avramescu
Achievements: assists the GTD Ixion in the effort of providing help to PVN forces in Vasuda. Participates to key battles such as the capture of HLI Senwosre and the courageous attempt to defend the Ixion from the HLD Pramessu and Hikuptah. The squadron continues to serve the Alliance from the Hedetet.

242nd Suicide Kings (canon)

Based on: not specified
Player's squadron: No
Roles: space superiority
Squadron leader: not specified
Achievements: part of a last resort force sent to assist PVN forces in Altair as they battle the Hammer of Light. One wing provides fighter cover to the 26th Yellow Lancers during the final assault on the HLD Hikuptah.

Parliamentary Vasudan Navy

26th Yellow Lancers

Based on: PVD Hedetet
Player's squadron: Yes, from the fifth mission
Roles: multirole
Squadron leader: not specified
Achievements: serves in the Aldebaran and Altair. Completely reformed when it's found out that its pilots were Hammer of Light agents working undercover. One pilot, the player character, is Terran. Participates to key strikes against vital HoL assets such as the destroyers Prophecy and Hedju Hor, and leads the final assault on the HLD Hikuptah.

28th Squadron

Based on: PVD Hedetet
Player's squadron: No
Roles: heavy assault
Squadron leader: not specified
Achievements: serves in the Vasuda, Alpha Centauri, Aldebaran and Altair. Performs the final bombing run on the weakened HLD Pramessu, taking it down, and some of its fighters provided valiant cover to the GTD Ixion until its destruction.



Adhara Coalition

274th Warhounds

Based on: ACD Uhuru
Player's squadron: Yes
Roles: multirole
Squadron leader: TBFIL
Achievements: TBFIL.