GTB Medusa

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The GTB Medusa is a class of heavy bomber which was developed during the Great War. The main strength of the Medusa is that it was the only bomber at the time of its development which was capable of mounting the Tsunami anti-cruiser bomb. It is a hyperbole to say that the Medusa won against the Hammer of Light or achieved outstandingly against the Shivans, but the development and the success of this class inspired Terran scientists and technicians to develop a more advanced version: the GTB Ursa.

During the Reconstruction period, the appearance of the GTB Zeus and the GTB Artemis made the Medusa nearly out-of-date. During the Neo-Terra Front rebellion, the rebels used Medusas in large numbers, while the GTVA preferred to use newer technology, the aforementioned Artemis.

The Medusa was poorly armed with Primary weapons, having only two laser guns and a single turret, but as heavy bombers should be, it had a tremendous bay for Secondary weapons, being capable of carrying up to 13 Cyclops torpedoes. In dogfights, the Medusa was occassionally eliminated due to its low maneuverability.

Terran ships
Transports and freighters
Capital ships
Misc Ships
Sentry Guns
Cargo Containers
Vasudan ships
Transports and freighters
Capital ships
Misc Ships
Sentry Guns
Cargo Containers
Shivan ships
Transports and freighters
Capital ships
Sentry Guns
Cargo Containers
Notable ships of FreeSpace 1

Terran ships
Transports and freighters
Cruisers and corvettes
Capital ships
Misc ships
Sentry Guns
Cargo Containers
Vasudan ships
Transports and freighters
Cruisers and corvettes
Capital ships
Misc ships
Sentry Guns
Cargo Containers
Shivan ships
Transports and freighters
Cruisers and corvettes
Capital ships
Misc ships
Sentry Guns
Cargo Containers
Notable ships of FreeSpace 2
The GTB Medusa


FS1 Tech Room Description

The Medusa is the standard attack bomber in the GTA. Its strong shielding and large secondary capacity make it the favored attack craft against cruiser class targets. As the first bomber to carry the Tsunami bomb, the Medusa is considered the staple of any bomber pilots career.

FS2 Tech Room Description

The GTB Medusa is the workhorse of the GTVA's bomber fleet. Its large bomb capacity enables it to take out cruiser-class warships, while its strong shielding ensures it can get close enough to deliver the punch. The first bomber to carry the potent Cyclops bomb, the Medusa is sure to be one of the highlights of a bomber pilot's career.

Developer Notes

Suitable for any size target. Carries most missile types, but few cannons. Armed with defensive turret, but still requires escort.

Veteran Comments

This bomber can be pretty useful, even in FreeSpace 2. Not only can it be mounted with a large number of FS2-era weapons, but its shield and hull strength did not get obsolete during the long years of the Reconstruction period. The main setback of this bomber is its lack of useful anti-fight missile compatibility, not even the Tempest or the Harpoon can be armed on the Medusa. To balance out this weakness, more anti-cruiser bombs can be mounted on it. The turret on the top of the bomber cannot be used for much (as it is typical in FreeSpace), but having only two monodirectional laser guns has the advantage of a basically low energy demand.

Pilots who prefer a balance between strength, firepower and maneuverability will prefer this kind of bomber or the slightly better maneuverable and less powerful GTB Artemis.



Type Heavy Bomber
Manufacturer Han-Roland Corp.
Manuverability Poor
Max Velocity 50.0 - 65.0 mps
Max Afterburner Velocity 100.0 mps
Armor Heavy
Hitpoints 350
Shields 700
Length 36 m


Freespace 1 Freespace 2
Bank Guns Standard Loadout Standard Loadout
1st 2 Avenger Prometheus R
Compatible Primaries Compatible Primaries
ML-16 Laser, Avenger, Prometheus, Leech Cannon, S-Breaker Subach HL-7, Prometheus R, Prometheus S, Circe, Lamprey, Maxim
Freespace 1 Freespace 2
Bank Capacity Standard Loadout Standard Loadout
1st 40 Hornet Hornet
2nd 80 MX-50 Cyclops
3rd 80 Tsunami Cyclops
Compatible Secondaries Compatible Secondaries
MX-50, Hornet, Phoenix V, Synaptic, Stiletto, Tsunami, EM Pulse, Cluster Bomb MX-64, Emp. Adv, Hornet, Tornado, Trebuchet, Piranha, Stiletto II, Infyrno, Cyclops, Rebel Bomb
Freespace 1 Freespace 2
Turret Type Amount Turret Type Amount
Avenger 1 Prometheus R 1