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m (typo)
Line 30: Line 30:
*Defines the name of the rank
*Defines the name of the rank
*Syntax: '''String'''
*Syntax: '''String'''
*Allows editing of the rank entry without creating a new entry}}

Latest revision as of 14:09, 14 February 2023

Revision information.....

FSO Revision: 10125
Note: Please update the version when the page is updated. If your edit had nothing to do with new code entries then please do not edit the version

List of Tables and related code files
* Notes Modular Tables
** Notes tables which only use modular tables
Ai.tbl* /ai/aicode.cpp
Ai_profiles.tbl* /ai/ai_profiles.cpp
Animation.tbl** /model/modelanimation.cpp
Armor.tbl* /ship/ship.cpp
Asteroid.tbl* /asteroid/asteroid.cpp
Autopilot.tbl* /autopilot/autopilot.cpp
Cheats.tbl* /cheats_table/cheats_table.cpp
Colors.tbl* /globalincs/alphacolors.cpp
Curves.tbl* /math/curves.cpp
Controlconfigdefaults.tbl /controlconfig/controlsconfigcommon.cpp
Credits.tbl* /menuui/credits.cpp
Cutscenes.tbl* /cutscene/cutscenes.cpp
Decals.tbl** /decals/decals.cpp
Fireball.tbl* /fireball/fireballs.cpp
Fonts.tbl* /graphics/font.cpp
Game_settings.tbl* /mod_table/mod_table.cpp
Glowpoints.tbl* /model/modelread.cpp
Help.tbl* /gamehelp/contexthelp.cpp
Hud_gauges.tbl* /hud/hudparse.cpp
Icons.tbl* /mission/missionbriefcommon.cpp
Iff_defs.tbl* /iff_defs/iff_defs.cpp
Keywords.tbl* Not In Codebase
Lighting_Profiles.tbl* /lighting/lighting_profiles.cpp
Lightning.tbl* /nebula/neblightning.cpp
Mainhall.tbl* /menuui/mainhallmenu.cpp
Medals.tbl* /stats/medals.cpp
Messages.tbl* /mission/missionmessage.cpp
Mflash.tbl* /weapon/muzzleflash.cpp
Music.tbl* /gamesnd/eventmusic.cpp
Nebula.tbl* /nebula/neb.cpp
Objecttypes.tbl* /ship/ship.cpp
Options.tbl* Not In Codebase
Particle effects(-part.tbm)** /particle/effects...
Post_processing.tbl /graphics/gropenglpostprocessing.cpp
Rank.tbl* /stats/scoring.cpp
Scpui.tbl* Not In Codebase
Scripting.tbl* /parse/scripting.cpp
Ships.tbl* /ship/ship.cpp
Sexps.tbl** /parse/sexp/sexp_lookup.cpp
Sounds.tbl* /gamesnd/gamesnd.cpp
Species_defs.tbl* /species_defs/species_defs.cpp
Species.tbl* /menuui/techmenu.cpp
Ssm.tbl* /hud/hudartillery.cpp
Stars.tbl* /starfield/starfield.cpp
Strings.tbl* /localization/localize.cpp
Tips.tbl* /menuui/playermenu.cpp
Traitor.tbl* /stats/scoring.cpp
Tstrings.tbl* /localization/localize.cpp
Virtual_pofs.tbl* /model/modelreplace.cpp
Weapon_expl.tbl* /weapon/weapons.cpp
Weapons.tbl* /weapon/weapons.cpp

The rank.tbl is used to define different ranks that can be obtained during the game.

This table is one of the Modular Tables and can be extended with xxx-rnk.tbm


  • Points gained in the game depend heavily on the difficulty level
Very Easy x 0.2
Easy x 0.4
Medium x 0.7
Hard x 1.0
Insane x 1.2


  • Table begins with [RANK NAMES]
FS2 Open, 23.2:
  • Table can begin with #Ranks
  • Invidual ranks, each starting with $Name:
  • Table ends with #End
  • FS2 Open, 23.2:
    • Ranks will be automatically sorted at parse based on point value



    • Defines the name of the rank
    • Syntax: String


    FS2 Open, 23.2:
    • Allows editing of the rank entry without creating a new entry


    • Defines the number of points required to achieve the particular rank
    • Syntax: Integer


    • Defines the name of the bitmap used for the rank insignia
    • Syntax: String

    $Promotion Voice Base:

    • Defines the base name of the voice file used for the promotion. In different parts of the campaign different voices are used; these are controlled by the debriefing persona. This is hard-coded for the main FreeSpace2 campaign but can be specified for user-made campaigns.
    • Syntax: String
    FS2 Open, 3.7.2:
    • If the value of Debriefing Persona for the mission has been set, that value plus an underscore plus the base filename becomes the filename FSO will search for.
    • For example, if this value is set to rank_a.wav and the mission's Debriefing Persona value is 10, FSO will look for and play the file 10_rank_a.wav.

    $Promotion Text:

    • Defines the text displayed at the debriefing when the rank is achieved. Value is a reference for the translations found from tstrings.tbl. Is always followed by $end_multi_text.
    • Syntax: XSTR( "String", Integer )
    FS2 Open, 3.7.2: Starting with 3.7.1, multiple $Promotion Text fields may exist, each (except for the default) followed by its own Persona. The mission's Debriefing Persona Index controls which one is used.


    FS2 Open, 3.7.2:
    • Optional. Defines the persona associated with this text. If specified, this particular text will be chosen when the Debriefing Persona Index matches. The Debriefing Persona is a number set for a given mission using the campaign editor.
    • Syntax: Integer


    • Retail FreeSpace 2 table
    $Name:	Ensign
    $Points:	0
    $Bitmap:	medal12.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_0.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You have received your commission in the GTVA. Congratulations, Ensign.", 2929)
    $Name: Lieutenant Junior Grade
    $Points:	4000
    $Bitmap:	medal12a.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_a.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Because of your achievements, character, and potential, you are duly awarded the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.", 2930)
    $Name:	Lieutenant
    $Points:	10000
    $Bitmap:	medal12b.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_b.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("After reviewing your service record and the recommendations of your superior officers, Allied Command has authorized your promotion. Congratulations, Lieutenant.", 2931)
    $Name:	Lieutenant Commander
    $Points:	22000
    $Bitmap:	medal12c.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_c.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("For your excellent record of service, leadership, and conduct under fire, you have attained the rank of Lieutenant Commander.", 2932)
    $Name:	Commander
    $Points:	50000
    $Bitmap:	medal12d.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_d.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Because your achievements distinguish you as an officer of the highest caliber, you have been promoted to the rank of Commander.", 2933)
    $Name:	Captain
    $Points:	150000
    $Bitmap:	medal12e.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_e.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("For your brilliance as a pilot, tactician, and leader, Allied Command confers upon you the rank of Captain.", 2934)
    ;; the Brass
    $Name:	Commodore
    $Points:	400000
    $Bitmap:	medal12f.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_f.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Captain, your long and illustrious record distinguishes you as a leader of integrity, courage, and wisdom. You are duly promoted to the rank of Commodore.", 2935)
    $Name:	Rear Admiral
    $Points:	2000000
    $Bitmap:	medal12g.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_g.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("On behalf of the GTVA Security Council and General Assembly, it is my honor to confer upon you the prestigious rank of Rear Admiral. Congratulations. ", 2936)
    $Name:	Vice Admiral
    $Points:	5000000
    $Bitmap:	medal12h.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_h.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Your career stands as a shining example of our ideals and values, and few officers have rendered greater service to the Alliance. On behalf of the GTVA Security Council and General Assembly, I hereby confer upon you the prestigious rank of Vice Admiral.", 2937)
    $Name:	Admiral
    $Points:	9000000
    $Bitmap:	medal12i.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_i.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Congratulations. You have earned your place in the highest echelon of allied leadership. Your character, courage, and genius are an inspiration to us all. On behalf of the GTVA Security Council and General Assembly, I hereby confer upon you the prestigious rank of Admiral. Now go read a book.", 2938)

    Sample with Personas

    • From Sol:A History, this file uses four person indexes 10, 20, 30, 40
    • Note that the promotion voice base file is defined only once for each rank
    • FSO will expect to find voice files prefixed by the index number and an underscore
    $Name:	XSTR("Ensign", 309)
    $Points:	0
    $Bitmap:	medal12.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_0.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Dang, you're still an Ensign!  You must have gotten busted!", 310)
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You have received your commission in the GTA. Congratulations, Ensign.", 3775)
    +Persona: 10
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You have received your commission in the GTA. Congratulations, Ensign.", 3775)
    +Persona: 20
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You have received your commission in the EA. Congratulations, Ensign.", 3775)
    +Persona: 30
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You have received your commission in the EA. Congratulations, Ensign.", 3775)
    +Persona: 40
    $Name: XSTR("Lieutenant Junior Grade", 311)
    $Points:	4000
    $Bitmap:	medal12a.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_a.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Congratulations.  Your achievements have been noted and you are duly awarded the rank Lieutenant Junior Grade.", 312)
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Because of your achievements, character, and potential, you are duly awarded the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.", 3776)
    +Persona: 10
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Because of your achievements, character, and potential, you are duly awarded the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.", 3776)
    +Persona: 20
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Because of your achievements, character, and potential, you are duly awarded the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.", 3776)
    +Persona: 30
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Because of your achievements, character, and potential, you are duly awarded the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.", 3776)
    +Persona: 40
    $Name:	XSTR("Lieutenant", 313)
    $Points:	10000
    $Bitmap:	medal12b.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_b.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Per GTAR 64-2a you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.  Congratulations.", 314)
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Per GTAR 64-2a you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.  Congratulations.", 314)
    +Persona: 10
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Per GTAR 64-2a you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.  Congratulations.", 314)
    +Persona: 20
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Per EA Reg 79B you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.  Congratulations.", 314)
    +Persona: 30
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Per EA Reg 79B you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.  Congratulations.", 314)
    +Persona: 40
    $Name:	XSTR("Lieutenant Commander", 315)
    $Points:	22000
    $Bitmap:	medal12c.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_c.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Congratulations.  Your achievements have been noted and you are duly awarded the rank of Lieutenant Commander.", 316)
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Congratulations.  Your achievements have been noted and you are duly awarded the rank of Lieutenant Commander.", 316)
    +Persona: 10
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Congratulations.  Your achievements have been noted and you are duly awarded the rank of Lieutenant Commander.", 316)
    +Persona: 20
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Congratulations.  Your achievements have been noted and you are duly awarded the rank of Lieutenant Commander.", 316)
    +Persona: 30
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Congratulations.  Your achievements have been noted and you are duly awarded the rank of Lieutenant Commander.", 316)
    +Persona: 40
    $Name:	XSTR("Commander", 317)
    $Points:	50000
    $Bitmap:	medal12d.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_d.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Because of your consistent sense of duty and obvious skill as a leader, you have been promoted to the rank of Commander.", 318)
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Because of your consistent sense of duty and obvious skill as a leader, you have been promoted to the rank of Commander.", 318)
    +Persona: 10
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Because of your consistent sense of duty and obvious skill as a leader, you have been promoted to the rank of Commander.", 318)
    +Persona: 20
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Because of your consistent sense of duty and obvious skill as a leader, you have been promoted to the rank of Commander.", 318)
    +Persona: 30
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("Because of your consistent sense of duty and obvious skill as a leader, you have been promoted to the rank of Commander.", 318)
    +Persona: 40
    $Name:	XSTR("Captain", 319)
    $Points:	150000
    $Bitmap:	medal12e.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_e.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("For displaying a commanding nature and the ability to lead others you are hereby promoted to Captain.  Congratulations!", 320)
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("For displaying a commanding nature and the ability to lead others you are hereby promoted to Captain.  Congratulations!", 320)
    +Persona: 10
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("For displaying a commanding nature and the ability to lead others you are hereby promoted to Captain.  Congratulations!", 320)
    +Persona: 20
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("For displaying a commanding nature and the ability to lead others you are hereby promoted to Captain.  Congratulations!", 320)
    +Persona: 30
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("For displaying a commanding nature and the ability to lead others you are hereby promoted to Captain.  Congratulations!", 320)
    +Persona: 40
    ;; the Brass
    $Name:	XSTR("Commodore", 321)
    $Points:	400000
    $Bitmap:	medal12f.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_f.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("For outstanding service through the war, leading many successful missions, and promoting a sense of honor and pride in the Alliance you have been promoted to the rank of Commodore.", 322)
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("For outstanding service through the war, leading many successful missions, and promoting a sense of honor and pride in the Alliance you have been promoted to the rank of Commodore.", 322)
    +Persona: 10
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("For outstanding service through the war, leading many successful missions, and promoting a sense of honor and pride in the Alliance you have been promoted to the rank of Commodore.", 322)
    +Persona: 20
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("For outstanding service through the war, leading many successful missions, and promoting a sense of honor and pride in the Alliance you have been promoted to the rank of Commodore.", 322)
    +Persona: 30
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("For outstanding service through the war, leading many successful missions, and promoting a sense of honor and pride in the Alliance you have been promoted to the rank of Commodore.", 322)
    +Persona: 40
    $Name:	XSTR("Rear Admiral", 323)
    $Points:	2000000
    $Bitmap:	medal12g.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_g.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("We aren't sure how you've done it, but you are hereby promoted to the prestigious rank of Rear Admiral.  (We think you cheated.)", 324)
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("We aren't sure how you've done it, but you are hereby promoted to the prestigious rank of Rear Admiral.  (We think you cheated.)", 324)
    +Persona: 10
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("We aren't sure how you've done it, but you are hereby promoted to the prestigious rank of Rear Admiral.  (We think you cheated.)", 324)
    +Persona: 20
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("We aren't sure how you've done it, but you are hereby promoted to the prestigious rank of Rear Admiral.  (We think you cheated.)", 324)
    +Persona: 30
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("We aren't sure how you've done it, but you are hereby promoted to the prestigious rank of Rear Admiral.  (We think you cheated.)", 324)
    +Persona: 40
    $Name:	XSTR("Vice Admiral", 325)
    $Points:	5000000
    $Bitmap:	medal12h.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_h.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You really must have cheated to get this rank!  Do you want to sit behind a desk or something?  That is what Vice Admirals do.", 326)
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You really must have cheated to get this rank!  Do you want to sit behind a desk or something?  That is what Vice Admirals do.", 326)
    +Persona: 10
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You really must have cheated to get this rank!  Do you want to sit behind a desk or something?  That is what Vice Admirals do.", 326)
    +Persona: 20
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You really must have cheated to get this rank!  Do you want to sit behind a desk or something?  That is what Vice Admirals do.", 326)
    +Persona: 30
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You really must have cheated to get this rank!  Do you want to sit behind a desk or something?  That is what Vice Admirals do.", 326)
    +Persona: 40
    $Name:	XSTR("Admiral", 327)
    $Points:	9000000
    $Bitmap:	medal12i.pcx
    $Promotion Voice Base: rank_i.wav
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You really have got to stop cheating.  This could become a natural thing for you... and that would be bad.  Go on Admiral Cheater, I think you have to perform some ceremony or inspection or something.", 328)
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You really have got to stop cheating.  This could become a natural thing for you... and that would be bad.  Go on Admiral Cheater, I think you have to perform some ceremony or inspection or something.", 328)
    +Persona: 10
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You really have got to stop cheating.  This could become a natural thing for you... and that would be bad.  Go on Admiral Cheater, I think you have to perform some ceremony or inspection or something.", 328)
    +Persona: 20
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You really have got to stop cheating.  This could become a natural thing for you... and that would be bad.  Go on Admiral Cheater, I think you have to perform some ceremony or inspection or something.", 328)
    +Persona: 30
    $Promotion Text:
    XSTR("You really have got to stop cheating.  This could become a natural thing for you... and that would be bad.  Go on Admiral Cheater, I think you have to perform some ceremony or inspection or something.", 328)
    +Persona: 40