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The '''colors.tbl''' allows editing of the default color values used for text in various game locations, as well as being used for team color declarations, redefining interface colors, and modifying or adding new color tags.
The '''colors.tbl''' allows editing of the default color values used for text in various game locations, as well as being used for team color declarations, redefining interface colors, and modifying or adding new color tags.
This table is one of the [[Modular Tables]] and can be extended with xxx-clr.tbm
This table is one of the [[Modular Tables]] and can be extended with xxx-clr.tbm
[[Tables|List of Tables]]
==#Start Colors==
==#Start Colors==
This section currently defines a set of color overrides for the built-in colors. Before r10926, was required to be present for [[Colors.tbl##Team Colors|#Team Colors]].
This section currently defines a set of color overrides for the built-in colors. Before r10926, was required to be present for [[Colors.tbl##Team Colors|#Team Colors]].

Latest revision as of 04:25, 13 October 2020

Revision information.....

FSO Git Commit: Date: 2016-06-23 SHA: 9a5085d
Note: Please update the revision information when the page is updated. If your edit had nothing to do with new code entries then please do not edit the revision information

List of Tables and related code files
* Notes Modular Tables
** Notes tables which only use modular tables
Ai.tbl* /ai/aicode.cpp
Ai_profiles.tbl* /ai/ai_profiles.cpp
Animation.tbl** /model/modelanimation.cpp
Armor.tbl* /ship/ship.cpp
Asteroid.tbl* /asteroid/asteroid.cpp
Autopilot.tbl* /autopilot/autopilot.cpp
Cheats.tbl* /cheats_table/cheats_table.cpp
Colors.tbl* /globalincs/alphacolors.cpp
Curves.tbl* /math/curves.cpp
Controlconfigdefaults.tbl /controlconfig/controlsconfigcommon.cpp
Credits.tbl* /menuui/credits.cpp
Cutscenes.tbl* /cutscene/cutscenes.cpp
Decals.tbl** /decals/decals.cpp
Fireball.tbl* /fireball/fireballs.cpp
Fonts.tbl* /graphics/font.cpp
Game_settings.tbl* /mod_table/mod_table.cpp
Glowpoints.tbl* /model/modelread.cpp
Help.tbl* /gamehelp/contexthelp.cpp
Hud_gauges.tbl* /hud/hudparse.cpp
Icons.tbl* /mission/missionbriefcommon.cpp
Iff_defs.tbl* /iff_defs/iff_defs.cpp
Keywords.tbl* Not In Codebase
Lighting_Profiles.tbl* /lighting/lighting_profiles.cpp
Lightning.tbl* /nebula/neblightning.cpp
Mainhall.tbl* /menuui/mainhallmenu.cpp
Medals.tbl* /stats/medals.cpp
Messages.tbl* /mission/missionmessage.cpp
Mflash.tbl* /weapon/muzzleflash.cpp
Music.tbl* /gamesnd/eventmusic.cpp
Nebula.tbl* /nebula/neb.cpp
Objecttypes.tbl* /ship/ship.cpp
Options.tbl* Not In Codebase
Particle effects(-part.tbm)** /particle/effects...
Post_processing.tbl /graphics/gropenglpostprocessing.cpp
Rank.tbl* /stats/scoring.cpp
Scpui.tbl* Not In Codebase
Scripting.tbl* /parse/scripting.cpp
Ships.tbl* /ship/ship.cpp
Sexps.tbl** /parse/sexp/sexp_lookup.cpp
Sounds.tbl* /gamesnd/gamesnd.cpp
Species_defs.tbl* /species_defs/species_defs.cpp
Species.tbl* /menuui/techmenu.cpp
Ssm.tbl* /hud/hudartillery.cpp
Stars.tbl* /starfield/starfield.cpp
Strings.tbl* /localization/localize.cpp
Tips.tbl* /menuui/playermenu.cpp
Traitor.tbl* /stats/scoring.cpp
Tstrings.tbl* /localization/localize.cpp
Virtual_pofs.tbl* /model/modelreplace.cpp
Weapon_expl.tbl* /weapon/weapons.cpp
Weapons.tbl* /weapon/weapons.cpp

The colors.tbl allows editing of the default color values used for text in various game locations, as well as being used for team color declarations, redefining interface colors, and modifying or adding new color tags.

This table is one of the Modular Tables and can be extended with xxx-clr.tbm

#Start Colors

This section currently defines a set of color overrides for the built-in colors. Before r10926, was required to be present for #Team Colors.


  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 93 93 128 255 )

$Bright Blue:

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 185 185 255 255 )


  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 0 120 0 255 )

$Bright Green:

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 50 190 50 255 )


  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 0 0 0 255 )


  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 65 65 65 255 )


  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 160 160 160 255 )


  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 105 105 105 255 )

$Bright White:

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 255 255 255 255 )

$Violet Gray:

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 160 144 160 255 )


  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 192 104 192 255 )

$Dim Red:

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 80 6 6 255 )


  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 126 6 6 255 )

$Bright Red:

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 200 0 0 255 )


  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 185 150 150 255 )

$Light Pink:

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 230 190 190 255 )


  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 255 255 122 255 )

$Bright Yellow:

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 255 255 0 255 )


FS2 Open, 3.8:
  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 255 127 0 255 )

$UI Light Green:

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 161 184 161 255 )

$UI Green:

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 190 228 190 255 )

$UI Light Pink:

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 184 161 161 255 )

$UI Pink:

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: 0 - 255
  • Default Value: ( 228 190 190 255 )


Required at the end of the #Start Colors section. No Exceptions.

#Team Colors

Starts a new Team Colors section.

Note: Before r10926, this section required #Start Colors to be defined, even if empty.

$Team Name:

Defines a team name to use for a new color scheme.

  • Syntax: String

$Team Stripe Color:

Defines the RGB color for the team "stripe." This is applied to sections that go over the base color.

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue )
  • Valid Values: ( 0 - 255, 0 - 255, 0 - 255 )

$Team Base Color:

Defines the RGB color for the base color of the crafts for a given team.

  • Syntax: ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue )
  • Valid Values: ( 0 - 255, 0 - 255, 0 - 255 )


Required to end the #Team Colors section. No exceptions.

#Interface Colors

FS2 Open, 3.7.2:

Redefines colors used throughout FSO's interface. Can be defined either with the name of a color (same as the names used in the #Start Colors section).

$Text Normal:

Used all over the interface.

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255
  • Default Value: White

$Text Subselected:

Used for text that is going to be selected, but isn't yet (mouse is held down, but not released).

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255
  • Default Value: Blue

$Text Selected:

Used for text that is currently selected (active control in controls menu, pilot in barracks, et al).

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255
  • Default Value: Bright Blue

$Text Error:

Used for control conflicts in the controls menu.

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255
  • Default Value: Red

$Text Error Highlighted:

The above, but for text that's selected.

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255
  • Default Value: Bright Red

$Text Active:

Used for text the mouse is currently over, sometimes; sometimes used to indicate the currently active item; sometimes used to indicate the currently selected item instead of Text Selected.

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255
  • Default Value: Bright White

$Text Active Highlighted:

Used in multiplayer in a few places.

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255
  • Default Value: Bright White

$Text Heading:

Used for headings in a few places.

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255
  • Default Value: Violet Gray

$More Indicator:

Used for the "More" indicator when there's extra text to scroll down for.

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255
  • Default Value: Red

$Bright More Indicator:

Used for the "More" indicator with popup messages and in multiplayer.

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255
  • Default Value: Bright Red


Used in a few places, including (but not limited to) the debug console and the help screen.

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255
  • Default Value: Bright Blue


Used in a few more places; quite a few buttons seem to use it for their labels, and it's used for some debugging text. Basically, any generic piece of text that doesn't use color tags or Text Normal probably uses this color.

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255
  • Default Value: White

$Briefing Grid:

The color the lines of the briefing grid are drawn with. Anything excessively bright may make it difficult to see/read the briefing's icons/labels.

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255
  • Default Value: Grey


Required to end the #Interface Colors section. No exceptions.

#Color Tags

FS2 Open, 3.7.2:

Allows for redefining, or defining new, color tags. Any number of $Tag: entries can be contained in this section, in any order, and repeated values overwrite each other.


The character to identify this color tag, with optional "$" prefix.

  • Syntax: Character Tag
  • Valid Values: Any character FSO recognizes should work, in theory.

Must be followed by one (and only one) of the following definitions:


The name of a color, or an RGBA integer list, defining what color this tag means.

  • Syntax: String Color or ( Integer Red Integer Green Integer Blue Integer Alpha )
  • Valid Values: Name of a color, or 0 - 255


The default friendly color, as defined by the briefing code.


The default hostile color, as defined by the briefing code.


The default neutral color, as defined by the briefing code.


Required to end the #Color Tags section. No exceptions.

#Default Text Colors

FS2 Open, 3.7.2:

Define the base color tag for various kinds of text.

$Fiction Viewer:

  • Syntax: Character Tag
  • Valid Values: Any defined color tag ("$" prefix optional).
  • Default: $w

$Command Briefing:

  • Syntax: Character Tag
  • Valid Values: Any defined color tag ("$" prefix optional).
  • Default: $w


  • Syntax: Character Tag
  • Valid Values: Any defined color tag ("$" prefix optional).
  • Default: $w

$Redalert Briefing:

  • Syntax: Character Tag
  • Valid Values: Any defined color tag ("$" prefix optional).
  • Default: $w


  • Syntax: Character Tag
  • Valid Values: Any defined color tag ("$" prefix optional).
  • Default: $w


  • Syntax: Character Tag
  • Valid Values: Any defined color tag ("$" prefix optional).
  • Default: $r

$Loop Briefing:

  • Syntax: Character Tag
  • Valid Values: Any defined color tag ("$" prefix optional).
  • Default: $w


Required to end the #Default Text Colors section. No exceptions

Example Table

The values in this table are the code's default values.

#Start Colors

$Blue:			(93 93 128 255)
$Bright Blue:		(185 185 255 255)
$Green:			(0 120 0 255)
$Bright Green:		(50 190 50 255)
$Black:			(0 0 0 255)
$Grey:			(65 65 65 255)
$Silver:		(160 160 160 255)
$White:			(105 105 105 255)
$Bright White:		(255 255 255 255)
$Violet Gray:		(160 144 160 255)
$Violet:		(192 104 192 255)
$Dim Red:		(80 6 6 255)
$Red:			(126 6 6 255)
$Bright Red:		(200 0 0 255)
$Pink:			(185 150 150 255)
$Light Pink:		(230 190 190 255)
$Yellow:		(255 255 122 255)
$Bright Yellow:		(255 255 0 255)
$Orange:		(255 127 0 255)
$UI Light Green:	(161 184 161 255)
$UI Green:		(190 228 190 255)
$UI Light Pink:		(184 161 161 255)
$UI Pink:		(228 190 190 255)


#Interface Colors

$Text Normal:			White
$Text Subselected:		Blue
$Text Selected:			Bright Blue
$Text Error:			Red
$Text Error Highlighted:	Bright Red
$Text Active:			Bright White
$Text Active Highlighted:	Bright White
$Text Heading:			Violet Gray
$More Indicator:		Red
$Bright More Indicator:		Bright Red
$Bright:			Bright Blue
$Normal:			White
$Briefing Grid:			Grey


#Color Tags

$Tag:	$w
+Color:	White

$Tag:	$W
+Color:	Bright White

$Tag:	$r
+Color:	Red

$Tag:	$o
+Color:	Orange

$Tag:	$g
+Color:	Green

$Tag:	$y
+Color:	Yellow

$Tag:	$b
+Color:	Blue

$Tag:	$f

$Tag:	$h

$Tag:	$n

$Tag:	$B
+Color:	Bright Blue

$Tag:	$G
+Color:	Bright Green

$Tag:	$R
+Color:	Bright Red

$Tag:	$Y
+Color:	Bright Yellow

$Tag:	$k
+Color:	Black

$Tag:	$e
+Color:	Grey

$Tag:	$E
+Color:	Silver

$Tag:	$v
+Color:	Violet Gray

$Tag:	$V
+Color:	Violet

$Tag:	$p
+Color:	Pink

$Tag:	$P
+Color:	Light Pink


#Default Text Colors

$Fiction Viewer:	$w
$Command Briefing:	$w
$Briefing:		$w
$Redalert Briefing:	$w
$Debriefing:		$w
$Recommendation:	$r
$Loop Briefing:		$w


Example Table that has Team Colors

This example table was provided by TAP.

#Team Colors

$Team Name: Vaygr
   $Team Stripe Color:	( 26 26 26 )
   $Team Base Color:	( 230 230 230 )

$Team Name: Hiigaran
    $Team Stripe Color: ( 204 204 204 )
    $Team Base Color:   ( 93 141 170 ) 

$Team Name: Elite Vaygr
   $Team Stripe Color:	( 143 1 11 )
   $Team Base Color:	( 12 12 12 )
