Difference between revisions of "Controlconfigdefaults.tbl"

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(Reformat List of Bindings section into Table of Bindings section)
m (Table of Bindings)
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==Table of Bindings==
==Table of Bindings==
* This is a tableof all possible bindings that can be modified.
* This is a table of all possible bindings that can be modified, grouped into smaller tables for easier reference.
* '''$Bind Name:''' column is to be used with '''$Bind Name:''' entries, and '''$Bind:''' column is to be used with '''$Bind:''' entries.
* '''$Bind Name:''' column is to be used with '''$Bind Name:''' entries, and '''$Bind:''' column is to be used with '''$Bind:''' entries.
* These bindings are case-sensitive
* These bindings are case-sensitive

Revision as of 14:07, 12 October 2022

Revision information.....

FSO Git Commit: Date: 2021-02-13 UTC SHA: db2bd97669c949e7d68baa9560192b7d3ad96563
Note: Please update the revision information when the page is updated. If your edit had nothing to do with new code entries then please do not edit the revision information

List of Tables and related code files
* Notes Modular Tables
** Notes tables which only use modular tables
Ai.tbl* /ai/aicode.cpp
Ai_profiles.tbl* /ai/ai_profiles.cpp
Animation.tbl** /model/modelanimation.cpp
Armor.tbl* /ship/ship.cpp
Asteroid.tbl* /asteroid/asteroid.cpp
Autopilot.tbl* /autopilot/autopilot.cpp
Cheats.tbl* /cheats_table/cheats_table.cpp
Colors.tbl* /globalincs/alphacolors.cpp
Curves.tbl* /math/curves.cpp
Controlconfigdefaults.tbl /controlconfig/controlsconfigcommon.cpp
Credits.tbl* /menuui/credits.cpp
Cutscenes.tbl* /cutscene/cutscenes.cpp
Decals.tbl** /decals/decals.cpp
Fireball.tbl* /fireball/fireballs.cpp
Fonts.tbl* /graphics/font.cpp
Game_settings.tbl* /mod_table/mod_table.cpp
Glowpoints.tbl* /model/modelread.cpp
Help.tbl* /gamehelp/contexthelp.cpp
Hud_gauges.tbl* /hud/hudparse.cpp
Icons.tbl* /mission/missionbriefcommon.cpp
Iff_defs.tbl* /iff_defs/iff_defs.cpp
Keywords.tbl* Not In Codebase
Lighting_Profiles.tbl* /lighting/lighting_profiles.cpp
Lightning.tbl* /nebula/neblightning.cpp
Mainhall.tbl* /menuui/mainhallmenu.cpp
Medals.tbl* /stats/medals.cpp
Messages.tbl* /mission/missionmessage.cpp
Mflash.tbl* /weapon/muzzleflash.cpp
Music.tbl* /gamesnd/eventmusic.cpp
Nebula.tbl* /nebula/neb.cpp
Objecttypes.tbl* /ship/ship.cpp
Options.tbl* Not In Codebase
Particle effects(-part.tbm)** /particle/effects...
Post_processing.tbl /graphics/gropenglpostprocessing.cpp
Rank.tbl* /stats/scoring.cpp
Scpui.tbl* Not In Codebase
Scripting.tbl* /parse/scripting.cpp
Ships.tbl* /ship/ship.cpp
Sexps.tbl** /parse/sexp/sexp_lookup.cpp
Sounds.tbl* /gamesnd/gamesnd.cpp
Species_defs.tbl* /species_defs/species_defs.cpp
Species.tbl* /menuui/techmenu.cpp
Ssm.tbl* /hud/hudartillery.cpp
Stars.tbl* /starfield/starfield.cpp
Strings.tbl* /localization/localize.cpp
Tips.tbl* /menuui/playermenu.cpp
Traitor.tbl* /stats/scoring.cpp
Tstrings.tbl* /localization/localize.cpp
Virtual_pofs.tbl* /model/modelreplace.cpp
Weapon_expl.tbl* /weapon/weapons.cpp
Weapons.tbl* /weapon/weapons.cpp

The controlconfigdefaults.tbl can be used to modify the default key bindings in FSO.


  • Starts an Override section
  • Begins with #ControlConfigOverride and ends with #End.
  • Only entries that you want to change are required, the rest will use the default binding
  • Entries not listed will be assigned to their default/hardcoded values.
FS2 Open, 3.7.2:
  • Multiple #ControlConfigOverride...#End blocks can be provided.
    • Each block defines a separate control config preset
    • The "Defaults" button in the control config screen may be used to reset to the selected preset, then cycle through to the next preset.
    • The first given block is used as the "global" defaults, and is used when working with the key-pressed SEXP and LUA scripts.
    • Note: It's a good idea to also use Strings.tbl to change the "Defaults" text on the button to for example "Cycle\nPresets".


FS2 Open, 21.2:
  • Starts a Preset section
  • Begins with #ControlConfigPreset and ends with #End.
  • All keybinds you wish to have bound must be specified, any unspecified keys will be unbound.


FS2 Open, 3.7.4:
  • The name of this control config preset, displayed at the top left corner of the control config screen when selected through the "Defaults" button.
  • If not provided, the first #ControlConfigOverride block will override the hardcoded defaults, all subsequent blocks will be <unnamed preset>.
FS2 Open, 21.2:
    • Syntax: String

$Bind Name:

  • Name of the bind or action to modify the default key of.
  • Valid entries: List of Bindings
  • Required
  • Syntax: String

$Key Default:

FS2 Open, 3.7.2:
  • May be unbound by specifying NONE instead of a key
  • Optional
  • Syntax: String
  • $Joy Default:

    • Joystick button to set as default
    • Optional
    • Syntax: Integer

    $Key Mod Shift:

    • Sets the key to require the Shift key
    • 1 for yes, 0 for no
    • Optional
    • Syntax: Integer

    $Key Mod Alt:

    • Sets the key to require the Alt key
    • 1 for yes, 0 for no
    • Optional
    • Syntax: Integer

    $Key Mod Ctrl:

    • Sets the key to require the Ctrl key
    • 1 for yes, 0 for no
    • Optional
    • Syntax: Integer


    • Tab where the binding appears in the options menu.
    • Optional
    • Only valid in #ControlConfigOverride blocks
    • Syntax: String


    FS2 Open, 21.2:
    • The label of the control to use in the controls config menu.
    • Is overridden by XSTR, if provided
      • Note: This is meant to be a lazy temporary substitution to modifying strings.tbl. Your released mod should nstill provide its own strings.tbl.
    • Optional
    • Syntax: String

    $Has XStr:

    • Whether or not the binding has an entry in strings.tbl
      • If 0, assumes no XSTR is provided
      • If 1, assumes an XSTR is provided alongside the other ControlConfig strings according to its internal, hardcoded index
    FS2 Open, 19.0:
      • If any nonzero integer >1, is the exact XSTR index within strings.tbl


    • Determines the type of control this is.
    • Valid entries:
        • Normal control that activates upon the first press. Resetting devices (such as weapons) will keep firing as long as the key/button is held down.
        • Control that activates when the key/button is held down, and stays activated until the key/button is released. Ex: Afterburner key.
    • Optional
    • Only valid in #ControlConfigOverride blocks
    • Syntax String


    FS2 Open, 3.7.4:
    • Determines whether the binding can be used and appears in the options menu. Can be used to hide bindings which are not needed, or to enable bindings which are hidden by default.
    • Syntax: Boolean


    FS2 Open, 21.2:



    This example does the following...

    • Sets Clear Escort List to Alt-Shift-Q
    • Sets Target Target's Attacker to Ctrl-Alt-Shift-J, moves it to the Ship Tab, denotes it's type as a trigger and sets it to not have a XString
    • Sets Transfer Energy from Shield to Laser to R
    $Bind Name:		Clear Escort List
    $Key Default:		KEY_Q
    $Key Mod Shift:		1
    $Key Mod Alt:		1
    $Bind Name:		Target Target's Nearest Attacker
    $Key Default:		KEY_J
    $Key Mod Shift:		1
    $Key Mod Alt:		1
    $Key Mod Ctrl:		1
    $Category:		SHIP_TAB
    $Has XStr:		0
    $Bind Name:		Transfer Energy Shield->Laser
    $Key Default:		KEY_R

    Table of Bindings

    • This is a table of all possible bindings that can be modified, grouped into smaller tables for easier reference.
    • $Bind Name: column is to be used with $Bind Name: entries, and $Bind: column is to be used with $Bind: entries.
    • These bindings are case-sensitive
    • Controls added after 22.0 might not have a $Bind Name:. Use the $Bind: identifier instead.
    $Bind Name: $Bind:
    Target Next Ship TARGET_NEXT
    Target Previous Ship TARGET_PREV
    Target Next Closest Hostile Ship TARGET_NEXT_CLOSEST_HOSTILE
    Target Previous Closest Hostile Ship TARGET_PREV_CLOSEST_HOSTILE
    Toggle Auto Targeting TOGGLE_AUTO_TARGETING
    Target Next Closest Friendly Ship TARGET_NEXT_CLOSEST_FRIENDLY
    Target Previous Closest Friendly Ship TARGET_PREV_CLOSEST_FRIENDLY
    Target Ship in Reticle TARGET_SHIP_IN_RETICLE
    Target Targets Nearest Attacker TARGET_CLOSEST_SHIP_ATTACKING_TARGET
    Target Last Ship to Send Transmission TARGET_LAST_TRANMISSION_SENDER
    Turn Off Targeting STOP_TARGETING_SHIP
    Target Closest Attacking Ship TARGET_CLOSEST_SHIP_ATTACKING_SELF
    Target Next Escort Ship TARGET_NEXT_ESCORT_SHIP
    Target Closest Repair Ship TARGET_CLOSEST_REPAIR_SHIP
    Target Next Uninspected Cargo TARGET_NEXT_UNINSPECTED_CARGO
    Target Previous Uninspected Cargo TARGET_PREV_UNINSPECTED_CARGO
    Target Newest Ship in Area TARGET_NEWEST_SHIP
    Target Targets Target TARGET_TARGETS_TARGET
    Target Next Hostile Bomb or Bomber TARGET_NEXT_BOMB
    Target Previous Hostile Bomb or Bomber TARGET_PREV_BOMB

    Targeting Subsystems and Turrets
    $Bind Name: $Bind:
    Target Subsystem in Reticle TARGET_SUBOBJECT_IN_RETICLE
    Target Next Subsystem TARGET_NEXT_SUBOBJECT
    Target Previous Subsystem TARGET_PREV_SUBOBJECT
    Turn Off Targeting of Subsystems STOP_TARGETING_SUBSYSTEM
    Target Next Live Turret TARGET_NEXT_LIVE_TURRET
    Target Previous Live Turret TARGET_PREV_LIVE_TURRET

    $Bind Name: $Bind:
    Fire Primary Weapon FIRE_PRIMARY
    Fire Secondary Weapon FIRE_SECONDARY
    Cycle Forward Primary Weapon CYCLE_NEXT_PRIMARY
    Cycle Backward Primary Weapon CYCLE_PREV_PRIMARY
    Cycle Primary Weapon Firing Rate CYCLE_PRIMARY_WEAPON_SEQUENCE
    Cycle Secondary Weapon Bank CYCLE_SECONDARY
    Cycle Secondary Weapon Firing Rate CYCLE_NUM_MISSLES
    Launch Countermeasure LAUNCH_COUNTERMEASURE

    Flight Controls
    $Bind Name: $Bind:
    Forward Thrust FORWARD_THRUST
    Reverse Thrust REVERSE_THRUST
    Bank Left BANK_LEFT
    Bank Right BANK_RIGHT
    Pitch Forward PITCH_FORWARD
    Pitch Backward PITCH_BACK
    Turn Left YAW_LEFT
    Turn Right YAW_RIGHT
    Afterburner AFTERBURNER
    Glide When Pressed GLIDE_WHEN_PRESSED
    Bank When Pressed BANK_WHEN_PRESSED
    Match Target Speed MATCH_TARGET_SPEED

    Throttle Control
    $Bind Name: $Bind:
    Set Throttle to Zero ZERO_THROTTLE
    Set Throttle to Max MAX_THROTTLE
    Set Throttle to One-Third ONE_THIRD_THROTTLE
    Set Throttle to Two-Thirds TWO_THIRDS_THROTTLE
    Increase Throttle 5 Percent PLUS_5_PERCENT_THROTTLE
    Decrease Throttle 5 Percent MINUS_5_PERCENT_THROTTLE

    HUD Controls
    $Bind Name: $Bind:
    Toggle High HUD Contrast TOGGLE_HUD_CONTRAST
    Cycle Radar Range RADAR_RANGE_CYCLE
    Communications Menu SQUADMSG_MENU
    Show Objectives SHOW_GOALS
    Show Nav Map SHOW_NAVMAP
    Add or Remove Escort ADD_REMOVE_ESCORT
    Clear Escort List ESCORT_CLEAR

    Squadmate Messaging
    $Bind Name: $Bind:
    Attack My Target ATTACK_MESSAGE
    Disarm My Target DISARM_MESSAGE
    Disable My Target DISABLE_MESSAGE
    Capture My Target CAPTURE_MESSAGE
    Engage Enemy ENGAGE_MESSAGE
    Form on My Wing FORM_MESSAGE
    Ignore My Target IGNORE_MESSAGE
    Protect My Target PROTECT_MESSAGE
    Return to Base WARP_MESSAGE

    $Bind Name: $Bind:
    Chase View VIEW_CHASE
    External View VIEW_EXTERNAL
    Toggle External Camera Lock VIEW_EXTERNAL_TOGGLE_CAMERA_LOCK
    Free Look View VIEW_SLEW
    Current Target View VIEW_OTHER_SHIP
    Increase View Distance VIEW_DIST_INCREASE
    Decrease View Distance VIEW_DIST_DECREASE
    Center View VIEW_CENTER
    View Up PADLOCK_UP
    View Rear PADLOCK_DOWN
    View Left PADLOCK_LEFT
    View Right PADLOCK_RIGHT
    Top-Down View VIEW_TOPDOWN
    Target Padlock View VIEW_TRACK_TARGET

    ETS and Shields
    $Bind Name: $Bind:
    Increase Weapon Energy INCREASE_WEAPON
    Decrease Weapon Energy DECREASE_WEAPON
    Increase Shield Energy INCREASE_SHIELD
    Decrease Shield Energy DECREASE_SHIELD
    Increase Engine Energy INCREASE_ENGINE
    Decrease Engine Energy DECREASE_ENGINE
    Equalize Energy Settings ETS_EQUALIZE
    Equalize Shields SHIELD_EQUALIZE
    Augment Forward Shield SHIELD_XFER_TOP
    Augment Rear Shield SHIELD_XFER_BOTTOM
    Augment Left Shield SHIELD_XFER_LEFT
    Augment Right Shield SHIELD_XFER_RIGHT
    Transfer Energy Laser->Shield XFER_SHIELD
    Transfer Energy Shield->Laser XFER_LASER

    $Bind Name: $Bind:
    Enter Subspace (End Mission) END_MISSION
    Increase Time Compression TIME_SPEED_UP
    Decrease Time Compression TIME_SLOW_DOWN
    Toggle Auto Pilot AUTO_PILOT_TOGGLE
    Cycle Nav Points NAV_CYCLE
    Toggle Gliding TOGGLE_GLIDING
    Toggle Auto Speed Matching TOGGLE_AUTO_MATCH_TARGET_SPEED

    Multiplayer Only
    $Bind Name: $Bind:
    (Multiplayer) Message All MULTI_MESSAGE_ALL
    (Multiplayer) Message Friendly MULTI_MESSAGE_FRIENDLY
    (Multiplayer) Message Hostile MULTI_MESSAGE_HOSTILE
    (Multiplayer) Message Target MULTI_MESSAGE_TARGET
    (Multiplayer) Observer Zoom To Target MULTI_OBSERVER_ZOOM_TO
    (Multiplayer) Toggle Network info MULTI_TOGGLE_NETINFO
    (Multiplayer) Self Destruct MULTI_SELF_DESTRUCT

    Custom Controls
    $Bind Name: $Bind:
    Custom Control 1 CUSTOM_CONTROL_1
    Custom Control 2 CUSTOM_CONTROL_2
    Custom Control 3 CUSTOM_CONTROL_3
    Custom Control 4 CUSTOM_CONTROL_4
    Custom Control 5 CUSTOM_CONTROL_5

    Analog Controls
    $Bind Name: $Bind:

    Custom Controls

    FS2 Open, 19.0:
    • 'Custom Control 1'
    • 'Custom Control 2'
    • 'Custom Control 3'
    • 'Custom Control 4'
    • 'Custom Control 5'

    These are empty controls for modders and/or scripters to use.

    Disabled by default

    Default XSTR index is 0 (thus, they do not have an entry in strings.tbl)

    The default key bindings are Shift-Alt (1-5) for Custom Control 1-5, respectively.

    To use these, create a new entry in a #ControlConfigOverride block and with the respective name. You should specify a label in strings.tbl, otherwise they'll show up as "Custom Control" in the control config menu.


    • $Bind Name: Custom Control 1
    • $Has XStr: 1570
    • $Disable: false

    Allowed Keys

    • Not all keys are checked by FSO for key bindings, so some of these may not work.
    • List coppied from controlsconfigcommon.cpp and edited to make readable.
    • Must use the string below (without quotes).
    • List of keys