Iff defs.tbl
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- FSO Revision: 5307
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List of Tables and related code files | |
* Notes Modular Tables | |
** Notes tables which only use modular tables | |
Ai.tbl* | /ai/aicode.cpp |
Ai_profiles.tbl* | /ai/ai_profiles.cpp |
Animation.tbl** | /model/modelanimation.cpp |
Armor.tbl* | /ship/ship.cpp |
Asteroid.tbl* | /asteroid/asteroid.cpp |
Autopilot.tbl* | /autopilot/autopilot.cpp |
Cheats.tbl* | /cheats_table/cheats_table.cpp |
Colors.tbl* | /globalincs/alphacolors.cpp |
Curves.tbl* | /math/curves.cpp |
Controlconfigdefaults.tbl | /controlconfig/controlsconfigcommon.cpp |
Credits.tbl* | /menuui/credits.cpp |
Cutscenes.tbl* | /cutscene/cutscenes.cpp |
Decals.tbl** | /decals/decals.cpp |
Fireball.tbl* | /fireball/fireballs.cpp |
Fonts.tbl* | /graphics/font.cpp |
Game_settings.tbl* | /mod_table/mod_table.cpp |
Glowpoints.tbl* | /model/modelread.cpp |
Help.tbl* | /gamehelp/contexthelp.cpp |
Hud_gauges.tbl* | /hud/hudparse.cpp |
Icons.tbl* | /mission/missionbriefcommon.cpp |
Iff_defs.tbl* | /iff_defs/iff_defs.cpp |
Keywords.tbl* | Not In Codebase |
Lighting_Profiles.tbl* | /lighting/lighting_profiles.cpp |
Lightning.tbl* | /nebula/neblightning.cpp |
Mainhall.tbl* | /menuui/mainhallmenu.cpp |
Medals.tbl* | /stats/medals.cpp |
Messages.tbl* | /mission/missionmessage.cpp |
Mflash.tbl* | /weapon/muzzleflash.cpp |
Music.tbl* | /gamesnd/eventmusic.cpp |
Nebula.tbl* | /nebula/neb.cpp |
Objecttypes.tbl* | /ship/ship.cpp |
Options.tbl* | Not In Codebase |
Particle effects(-part.tbm)** | /particle/effects... |
Post_processing.tbl | /graphics/gropenglpostprocessing.cpp |
Rank.tbl* | /stats/scoring.cpp |
Scpui.tbl* | Not In Codebase |
Scripting.tbl* | /parse/scripting.cpp |
Ships.tbl* | /ship/ship.cpp |
Sexps.tbl** | /parse/sexp/sexp_lookup.cpp |
Sounds.tbl* | /gamesnd/gamesnd.cpp |
Species_defs.tbl* | /species_defs/species_defs.cpp |
Species.tbl* | /menuui/techmenu.cpp |
Ssm.tbl* | /hud/hudartillery.cpp |
Stars.tbl* | /starfield/starfield.cpp |
Strings.tbl* | /localization/localize.cpp |
Tips.tbl* | /menuui/playermenu.cpp |
Traitor.tbl* | /stats/scoring.cpp |
Tstrings.tbl* | /localization/localize.cpp |
Virtual_pofs.tbl* | /model/modelreplace.cpp |
Weapon_expl.tbl* | /weapon/weapons.cpp |
Weapons.tbl* | /weapon/weapons.cpp |
The iff_defs.tbl (Identification Friend or Foe) table stores data on FS2's IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) entries. This tables default version (shown as example) is included to the code so iff_defs.tbl is not required unless entries are to be added or changed.
- 1 General Format
- 1.1 $Traitor IFF:
- 1.2 $Selection Color: or $Selection Colour:
- 1.3 $Message Color: or $Message Colour:
- 1.4 $Tagged Color: or $Tagged Colour:
- 1.5 $Dimmed IFF brightness:
- 1.6 $Use Alternate Blip Coloring:
- 1.7 $Missile Blip Color: or $Missile Blip Colour:
- 1.8 $Navbuoy Blip Color: or $Navbuoy Blip Colour:
- 1.9 $Warping Blip Color: or $Warping Blip Colour:
- 1.10 $Node Blip Color: or $Node Blip Colour:
- 1.11 $Tagged Blip Color: or $Tagged Blip Colour:
- 1.12 $Radar Target ID Flags:
- 2 $IFF Name:
- 3 Sample Entry
General Format
- IFF_defs table consist of the generic definitions followed by actual iff definitions
- Table begins with #IFFs
- The traitor must be defined with $Traitor IFF:
- This entry is used to define which IFF is used to represent the traitors IFF
- Different IFFs entries begin with $IFF Name:
- Table ends with #End
$Traitor IFF:
- This entry is used to define which IFF is used to represent the traitors IFF
- Syntax: String, IFF entry
$Selection Color: or $Selection Colour:
FS2 Open, 3.6.12:
- Defines the color of the targeting brackets of selected targets (like asteroids and multi targeting targets and such)
- Syntax: Integer list, values from 0 to 255, red, green and blue respectively
- Default: ( 255, 255, 255 )
$Message Color: or $Message Colour:
FS2 Open, 3.6.12:
- Defines the color of the targeting brackets of the ship currently sending a message
- Syntax: Integer list, values from 0 to 255, red, green and blue respectively
- Default: ( 127, 127, 127 )
$Tagged Color: or $Tagged Colour:
FS2 Open, 3.6.12:
- Defines the color of the tagged targets
- Syntax: Integer list, values from 0 to 255, red, green and blue respectively
- Default: ( 255, 255, 0 )
$Dimmed IFF brightness:
FS2 Open, 3.6.12:
- Defines how much dimmer (transparent) are the dimmed objects of the HUD (most displays, distant targets on radar etc.)
- Syntax: Integer, values from 0 to 15
- Default: 4
$Use Alternate Blip Coloring:
FS2 Open, 3.6.12:
- If set forces all blips to use uniform transparency based 'dimming' method instead of using 1/2 brightness (non-transparent) on the non-ship blips
- Syntax: Boolean
- Default: NO
$Missile Blip Color: or $Missile Blip Colour:
FS2 Open, 3.6.12:
- Defines the color of the weapons (bombs) on radar screen. Dimmed color is 1/2 unless alternate blip coloring is in use.
- Syntax: Integer list, values from 0 to 255, red, green and blue respectively
- Default: ( 127, 127, 0 )
FS2 Open, 3.6.12:
- Defines the color of the navbuoys on radar screen. Dimmed color is 1/2 unless alternate blip coloring is in use.
- Syntax: Integer list, values from 0 to 255, red, green and blue respectively
- Default: ( 127, 127, 127 )
$Warping Blip Color: or $Warping Blip Colour:
FS2 Open, 3.6.12:
- Defines the color of the warping ships on radar screen. Dimmed color is 1/2 unless alternate blip coloring is in use.
- Syntax: Integer list, values from 0 to 255, red, green and blue respectively
- Default: ( 0, 0, 255 )
$Node Blip Color: or $Node Blip Colour:
FS2 Open, 3.6.12:
- Defines the color of the jump nodes on radar screen. Dimmed color is 1/2 unless alternate blip coloring is in use.
- Syntax: Integer list, values from 0 to 255, red, green and blue respectively
- Default: ( 127, 127, 127 )
$Tagged Blip Color: or $Tagged Blip Colour:
FS2 Open, 3.6.12:
- Defines the color of the tagged targets on radar screen. Dimmed color is 1/2 unless alternate blip coloring is in use.
- Syntax: Integer list, values from 0 to 255, red, green and blue respectively
- Default: ( 255, 255, 0 )
$Radar Target ID Flags:
FS2 Open, 3.6.12:
- Defines the appearance of the currently targeted blip on radar screen.
- Syntax: ( "String" ), name of the flag
- List of flags:
- "crosshairs"
- "blink"
- "pulsate"
- "enlarge"
- List of flags:
$IFF Name:
$Colour: or $Color:
FS2 Open, 23.0:
- Defaults to white if not defined
FS2 Open 3.6.10:
- Defines the color of the IFF as seen in by default (e.g. in briefing icons).
- Syntax: ( Color ), three integers, values from 0 to 255; red, green and blue respectively
- Example: ( 0, 255, 0 )
FS2 Open 3.6.10:
- Defines the IFFs that are attacked by default
- Syntax: ( String ), name of the IFF
- Example: ( "Friendly" "Neutral" "Traitor" )
+Sees IFF Name As:
FS2 Open 3.6.10:
- IFF can be set to be seen as in different color than what that IFFS default color is.
- Same IFF may have multiple +Sees IFF Name As: entries
- IFF Name defines the name of the IFF to have a different color.
- Example: +Sees Hostile As:
- Syntax: ( Color ), three integers, values from 0 to 255; red, green and blue respectively
- Example: ( 255, 0, 0 )
FS2 Open 3.6.10:
- IFFs can have special flags assigned to them.
- Syntax: ( "String" ), name of the flag
- Example: ( "support allowed" )
- List of flags:
- "support allowed"
- When a ship with this IFF is disabled and in a wing, it can call for support (normal behaviour for a disabled ship in a wing is to self-destruct)
- "exempt from all teams at war"
- As the name says, when the "All Teams at War" flag is set for a mission, ships belonging to this iff will follow normal rules when choosing targets
- "orders hidden"
- The HUD will not show a targeted ship's orders
- "orders shown"
- The HUD will show a targeted ship's orders (enabled by default for all friendly IFFs)
- "wing name hidden"
- The HUD will not show a targeted ship's name if it is in a wing
- "support allowed"
$Default Ship Flags:
FS2 Open 3.6.10:
- Ships belonging to a particular IFF can have a default set of flags when created in FRED.
- Syntax: ( "String" "String" ), names of the flags
- Example: ( "cargo-known" )
- List of possible ship flags:
- "cargo-known"
- "ignore-count"
- "protect-ship"
- "reinforcement"
- "no-shields"
- "escort"
- "player-start"
- "no-arrival-music"
- "no-arrival-warp"
- "no-departure-warp"
- "locked"
- "invulnerable"
- "hidden-from-sensors"
- "scannable"
- "kamikaze"
- "no-dynamic"
- "red-alert-carry"
- "beam-protect-ship"
- "guardian"
- "special-warp"
- "vaporize"
- "stealth"
- "friendly-stealth-invisible"
- "don't-collide-invisible"
$Default Ship Flags2:
FS2 Open 3.6.10:
- Ships belonging to a particular IFF can have a default set of flags when created in FRED.
- Syntax: ( "String" "String" ), names of the flags
- Example: ( "cargo-known" )
- List of possible ship flags:
- "primitive-sensors"
- "no-subspace-drive"
- "nav-carry-status"
- "no-bank"
- "affected-by-gravity"
- "toggle-subsystem-scanning"
- "targetable-as-bomb"
- "no-builtin-messages"
- "primaries-locked"
- "secondaries-locked"
- "no-death-scream"
- "always-death-scream"
- "nav-needslink"
Sample Entry
#IFFs ;; Every iff_defs.tbl must contain a Traitor entry. Traitors attack ;; one another (required by the dogfighting code) but it is up to you ;; to decide who attacks the traitor or whom else the traitor attacks. $Traitor IFF: Traitor ;------------------------ ; Friendly ;------------------------ $IFF Name: Friendly $Color: ( 0, 255, 0 ) $Attacks: ( "Hostile" "Neutral" "Traitor" ) $Flags: ( "support allowed" ) $Default Ship Flags: ( "cargo-known" ) ;------------------------ ; Hostile ;------------------------ $IFF Name: Hostile $Color: ( 255, 0, 0 ) $Attacks: ( "Friendly" "Neutral" "Traitor" ) +Sees Friendly As: ( 255, 0, 0 ) +Sees Hostile As: ( 0, 255, 0 ) ;------------------------ ; Neutral ;------------------------ $IFF Name: Neutral $Color: ( 255, 0, 0 ) $Attacks: ( "Friendly" "Traitor" ) +Sees Friendly As: ( 255, 0, 0 ) +Sees Hostile As: ( 0, 255, 0 ) +Sees Neutral As: ( 0, 255, 0 ) ;------------------------ ; Unknown ;------------------------ $IFF Name: Unknown $Color: ( 255, 0, 255 ) $Attacks: ( "Hostile" ) +Sees Neutral As: ( 0, 255, 0 ) +Sees Traitor As: ( 0, 255, 0 ) $Flags: ( "exempt from all teams at war" ) ;------------------------ ; Traitor ;------------------------ $IFF Name: Traitor $Color: ( 255, 0, 0 ) $Attacks: ( "Friendly" "Hostile" "Neutral" "Traitor" ) +Sees Friendly As: ( 255, 0, 0 ) #End