From FreeSpace Wiki
This feature requires FreeSpace Open |
List of Tables and related code files | |
* Notes Modular Tables | |
** Notes tables which only use modular tables | |
Ai.tbl* | /ai/aicode.cpp |
Ai_profiles.tbl* | /ai/ai_profiles.cpp |
Animation.tbl** | /model/modelanimation.cpp |
Armor.tbl* | /ship/ship.cpp |
Asteroid.tbl* | /asteroid/asteroid.cpp |
Autopilot.tbl* | /autopilot/autopilot.cpp |
Cheats.tbl* | /cheats_table/cheats_table.cpp |
Colors.tbl* | /globalincs/alphacolors.cpp |
Curves.tbl* | /math/curves.cpp |
Controlconfigdefaults.tbl | /controlconfig/controlsconfigcommon.cpp |
Credits.tbl* | /menuui/credits.cpp |
Cutscenes.tbl* | /cutscene/cutscenes.cpp |
Decals.tbl** | /decals/decals.cpp |
Fireball.tbl* | /fireball/fireballs.cpp |
Fonts.tbl* | /graphics/font.cpp |
Game_settings.tbl* | /mod_table/mod_table.cpp |
Glowpoints.tbl* | /model/modelread.cpp |
Help.tbl* | /gamehelp/contexthelp.cpp |
Hud_gauges.tbl* | /hud/hudparse.cpp |
Icons.tbl* | /mission/missionbriefcommon.cpp |
Iff_defs.tbl* | /iff_defs/iff_defs.cpp |
Keywords.tbl* | Not In Codebase |
Lighting_Profiles.tbl* | /lighting/lighting_profiles.cpp |
Lightning.tbl* | /nebula/neblightning.cpp |
Mainhall.tbl* | /menuui/mainhallmenu.cpp |
Medals.tbl* | /stats/medals.cpp |
Messages.tbl* | /mission/missionmessage.cpp |
Mflash.tbl* | /weapon/muzzleflash.cpp |
Music.tbl* | /gamesnd/eventmusic.cpp |
Nebula.tbl* | /nebula/neb.cpp |
Objecttypes.tbl* | /ship/ship.cpp |
Options.tbl* | Not In Codebase |
Particle effects(-part.tbm)** | /particle/effects... |
Post_processing.tbl | /graphics/gropenglpostprocessing.cpp |
Rank.tbl* | /stats/scoring.cpp |
Scpui.tbl* | Not In Codebase |
Scripting.tbl* | /parse/scripting.cpp |
Ships.tbl* | /ship/ship.cpp |
Sexps.tbl** | /parse/sexp/sexp_lookup.cpp |
Sounds.tbl* | /gamesnd/gamesnd.cpp |
Species_defs.tbl* | /species_defs/species_defs.cpp |
Species.tbl* | /menuui/techmenu.cpp |
Ssm.tbl* | /hud/hudartillery.cpp |
Stars.tbl* | /starfield/starfield.cpp |
Strings.tbl* | /localization/localize.cpp |
Tips.tbl* | /menuui/playermenu.cpp |
Traitor.tbl* | /stats/scoring.cpp |
Tstrings.tbl* | /localization/localize.cpp |
Virtual_pofs.tbl* | /model/modelreplace.cpp |
Weapon_expl.tbl* | /weapon/weapons.cpp |
Weapons.tbl* | /weapon/weapons.cpp |
Scpui.tbl is used by the SCPUI script system to define what engine game states are linked to librocket RML files. This effectively allows SCPUI to override a built-in game UI with one of its own. This table also allows setting various background definitions for UIs on a granular basis.
SCPUI.tbl can be extended with xxx-ui.tbm.
- SCPUI defines what game states and substates exist for SCPUI through the use of this table file and modular -ui.tbms.
- Begins with one of the section names and ends with #End
- This section defines a few global SCPUI settings
$Hide Multiplayer:
- Hides all references and navigation to multiplayer UI screens and options. Useful if your mod does not support Multi.
- Syntax: boolean
$Disable during Multiplayer:
- Entirely disables SCPUI when in multiplayer mode.
- Syntax: boolean
$Data Saver Multiplier:
- A numeric multiplier used to generate SCPUI's save data hash. Generally this is not needed but can be useful if there are conflicts between mods.
- Syntax: integer
#State Replacement
- This section defines what RML files are used to replace specific game states.
- The game state to replace from FSO's game states
- Syntax: string
- The name of the substate
- Syntax: string
- The path to the RML file definition to use for the game state
- Must include the file path
- Syntax: string
#Background Replacement
- Defines what css class to use to set the background for UIs on a per-campaign basis.
- By default all UIs use the css class
$Campaign Background:
- Designates that a new define will follow
- Has no arguments
+Campaign Filename:
- The campaign filename without extension
- Syntax: string
+RCSS Class Name:
- The css class name to use as a replacement. Make sure this class exists in a loaded rcss file!
- Syntax: string
#Briefing Stage Background Replacement
- Defines customized briefing grid backgrounds on a per-mission or per-briefing-stage level.
- The background is
by default.
$Briefing Grid Background:
- Designates that a new define will follow
- Has no arguments
+Mission Filename:
- The mission filename where the briefing background will be replaced
- Without extension
- Syntax: string
+Default Background Filename:
- The new default background file to use for the mission
- WITH extension
- Syntax: string
+Stage Override:
- The briefing stage of the mission to define an override for
- Not required for every stage. Any stage without an override will use the mission default
- Syntax: integer
+Background Filename:
- The new default background file to use for the stage
- WITH extension
- Syntax: string
##Medal Placements
- This section defines how medals are placed in SCPUI's ui because SCPUI cannot use the definitions in the retail medals.tbl.
- SCPUI expects 5 image files for each medal
$Medal Bitmap:
- The root name of the medal image.
- Each medal should have 5 images, a blank indent of the medal (no medal), the medal with no badge, the medal with bronze badge, the medal with silver badge, the medal with gold badge. These should be named MEDALNAME_00, MEDALNAME_01, MEDALNAME_02, MEDALNAME_03, MEDALNAME_04.
- This entry would be MEDALNAME.. the root of the filename.
- Syntax: string
+Alt Bitmap:
- Allows specifying an alternate SCPUI specific bitmap to use in the medals ui instead of the bitmap tabled for the retail UI
- Syntax: string
+Position X:
- The X coordinate for the medal
- Syntax: float
+Position Y:
- The Y coordinate for the medal
- Syntax: float
- The width of the medal
- Syntax: float
#State Replacement $State: GS_STATE_INITIAL_PLAYER_SELECT +Markup: data/interface/markup/pilot_select.rml $State: GS_STATE_SCRIPTING +Substate: Newsroom +Markup: data/interface/markup/journal.rml #Background Replacement $Campaign Background: +Campaign Filename: bta1_m +RCSS Class Name: bta1_bg #Briefing Stage Background Replacement $Briefing Grid Background: +Mission Filename: bta2_m1_01 +Default Background Filename: br-black.png +Stage Override: 1 +Background Filename: br-deltaserpentis.png +Stage Override: 2 +Background Filename: br-stars.png +Stage Override: 5 +Background Filename: br-luyten.png #End