Revision information.....
- FSO Git Commit: Date: 2017-08-25 SHA: 2039815
List of Tables and related code files | |
* Notes Modular Tables | |
** Notes tables which only use modular tables | |
Ai.tbl* | /ai/aicode.cpp |
Ai_profiles.tbl* | /ai/ai_profiles.cpp |
Animation.tbl** | /model/modelanimation.cpp |
Armor.tbl* | /ship/ship.cpp |
Asteroid.tbl* | /asteroid/asteroid.cpp |
Autopilot.tbl* | /autopilot/autopilot.cpp |
Cheats.tbl* | /cheats_table/cheats_table.cpp |
Colors.tbl* | /globalincs/alphacolors.cpp |
Curves.tbl* | /math/curves.cpp |
Controlconfigdefaults.tbl | /controlconfig/controlsconfigcommon.cpp |
Credits.tbl* | /menuui/credits.cpp |
Cutscenes.tbl* | /cutscene/cutscenes.cpp |
Decals.tbl** | /decals/decals.cpp |
Fireball.tbl* | /fireball/fireballs.cpp |
Fonts.tbl* | /graphics/font.cpp |
Game_settings.tbl* | /mod_table/mod_table.cpp |
Glowpoints.tbl* | /model/modelread.cpp |
Help.tbl* | /gamehelp/contexthelp.cpp |
Hud_gauges.tbl* | /hud/hudparse.cpp |
Icons.tbl* | /mission/missionbriefcommon.cpp |
Iff_defs.tbl* | /iff_defs/iff_defs.cpp |
Keywords.tbl* | Not In Codebase |
Lighting_Profiles.tbl* | /lighting/lighting_profiles.cpp |
Lightning.tbl* | /nebula/neblightning.cpp |
Mainhall.tbl* | /menuui/mainhallmenu.cpp |
Medals.tbl* | /stats/medals.cpp |
Messages.tbl* | /mission/missionmessage.cpp |
Mflash.tbl* | /weapon/muzzleflash.cpp |
Music.tbl* | /gamesnd/eventmusic.cpp |
Nebula.tbl* | /nebula/neb.cpp |
Objecttypes.tbl* | /ship/ship.cpp |
Options.tbl* | Not In Codebase |
Particle effects(-part.tbm)** | /particle/effects... |
Post_processing.tbl | /graphics/gropenglpostprocessing.cpp |
Rank.tbl* | /stats/scoring.cpp |
Scpui.tbl* | Not In Codebase |
Scripting.tbl* | /parse/scripting.cpp |
Ships.tbl* | /ship/ship.cpp |
Sexps.tbl** | /parse/sexp/sexp_lookup.cpp |
Sounds.tbl* | /gamesnd/gamesnd.cpp |
Species_defs.tbl* | /species_defs/species_defs.cpp |
Species.tbl* | /menuui/techmenu.cpp |
Ssm.tbl* | /hud/hudartillery.cpp |
Stars.tbl* | /starfield/starfield.cpp |
Strings.tbl* | /localization/localize.cpp |
Tips.tbl* | /menuui/playermenu.cpp |
Traitor.tbl* | /stats/scoring.cpp |
Tstrings.tbl* | /localization/localize.cpp |
Virtual_pofs.tbl* | /model/modelreplace.cpp |
Weapon_expl.tbl* | /weapon/weapons.cpp |
Weapons.tbl* | /weapon/weapons.cpp |
The weapons.tbl defines all of the weapon classes used in FSO.
This table is one of the Modular Tables and can be extended with xxx-wep.tbm
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Special Case Weapons
- 3 General Format
- 4 Core Table
- 4.1 $Name:
- 4.2 $Alt Name:
- 4.3 $Subtype:
- 4.4 +Title:
- 4.5 +Description:
- 4.6 +Tech Title:
- 4.7 +Tech Anim:
- 4.8 +Tech Description:
- 4.9 $Tech Model:
- 4.10 $Selection Effect:
- 4.11 $HUD Image:
- 4.12 $Model File:
- 4.13 $POF target LOD:
- 4.14 $Detail Distance:
- 4.15 $External Model File:
- 4.16 $Submodel Rotation Speed:
- 4.17 $Submodel Rotation Acceleration:
- 4.18 @Laser
- 4.19 $Collision Radius Override:
- 4.20 $Mass:
- 4.21 $Velocity:
- 4.22 $Fire Wait:
- 4.23 $Damage:
- 4.24 $Damage Time:
- 4.25 $Damage Type:
- 4.26 $Arm time:
- 4.27 $Arm distance:
- 4.28 $Arm radius:
- 4.29 $Detonation Range:
- 4.30 $Detonation Radius:
- 4.31 $Shockwave damage:
- 4.32 $Shockwave Damage Type:
- 4.33 $Flak Detonation Accuracy:
- 4.34 $Flak Targeting Accuracy:
- 4.35 $Untargeted Flak Range Penalty:
- 4.36 $Blast Force:
- 4.37 $Inner Radius:
- 4.38 $Outer Radius:
- 4.39 $Shockwave Speed:
- 4.40 $Shockwave rotation:
- 4.41 $Shockwave model:
- 4.42 $Shockwave name:
- 4.43 $Dinky shockwave:
- 4.44 $Armor Factor:
- 4.45 $Shield Factor:
- 4.46 $Subsystem Factor:
- 4.47 $Lifetime Min:
- 4.48 $Lifetime Max:
- 4.49 $Lifetime:
- 4.50 $Energy Consumed:
- 4.51 $Cargo Size:
- 4.52 $Homing:
- 4.52.1 +Type:
- 4.52.2 +Turn Time:
- 4.52.3 +Turning Acceleration Time:
- 4.52.4 +View Cone:
- 4.52.5 +Min Lock Time:
- 4.52.6 +Lock Pixels/Sec:
- 4.52.7 +Catch-up Pixels/Sec:
- 4.52.8 +Catch-up Penalty:
- 4.52.9 +Seeker Strength:
- 4.52.10 +Target Lead Scaler:
- 4.52.11 +Target Lock Restriction:
- 4.52.12 +Independent Seekers:
- 4.52.13 +Trigger Hold:
- 4.52.14 +Reset On Launch:
- 4.52.15 +Max Seekers Per Target:
- 4.52.16 +Max Active Seekers:
- 4.52.17 +Ship Types:
- 4.52.18 +Ship Classes:
- 4.52.19 +Species:
- 4.52.20 +IFFs:
- 4.53 $Swarm:
- 4.54 $Acceleration Time:
- 4.55 $Velocity Inherit:
- 4.56 $Free Flight Time:
- 4.57 $Free Flight Speed:
- 4.58 $Free Flight Speed Factor:
- 4.59 $PreLaunchSnd:
- 4.60 +PreLaunchSnd Min Interval:
- 4.61 $LaunchSnd:
- 4.62 $ImpactSnd:
- 4.63 $Disarmed ImpactSnd:
- 4.64 $FlyBySnd:
- 4.65 $TrackingSnd
- 4.66 $LockedSnd
- 4.67 $InFlightSnd
- 4.68 $Model:
- 4.69 $Rearm Rate:
- 4.70 $Rearm Ammo Increment:
- 4.71 +Weapon Range:
- 4.72 +Weapon Min Range:
- 4.73 $Flags:
- 4.74 $Trail:
- 4.75 $Icon:
- 4.76 $Anim:
- 4.77 $Collide Ship:
- 4.78 $Collide Weapon:
- 4.79 $Impact Effect:
- 4.80 $Impact Explosion:
- 4.81 $Impact Explosion Radius:
- 4.82 $Shield Impact Explosion Radius:
- 4.83 $Dinky Impact Effect:
- 4.84 $Dinky Impact Explosion:
- 4.85 $Dinky Impact Explosion Radius:
- 4.86 $Piercing Impact Effect:
- 4.87 $Piercing Impact Explosion:
- 4.88 $Piercing Impact Radius:
- 4.89 $Piercing Impact Velocity:
- 4.90 $Piercing Impact Splash Velocity:
- 4.91 $Piercing Impact Variance:
- 4.92 $Piercing Impact Life:
- 4.93 $Piercing Impact Particles:
- 4.94 $Piercing Impact Draw Modifier:
- 4.95 $Inflight Effect:
- 4.96 $Freeflight Effect:
- 4.97 $Ignition Effect:
- 4.98 $Homed Flight Effect:
- 4.99 $Unhomed Flight Effect:
- 4.100 $Muzzleflash:
- 4.101 $EMP Intensity:
- 4.102 $EMP Time:
- 4.103 $Recoil Modifier:
- 4.104 $Leech Weapon:
- 4.105 $Leech Afterburner:
- 4.106 $Corkscrew:
- 4.107 $Electronics:
- 4.108 $Spawn Angle:
- 4.109 $Spawn Minimum Angle:
- 4.110 $Spawn Interval:
- 4.111 $Spawn Effect:
- 4.112 $Local SSM:
- 4.113 $Countermeasure:
- 4.114 $BeamInfo:
- 4.115 $Pspew:
- 4.116 $Tag:
- 4.117 $SSM:
- 4.118 $FOF:
- 4.119 $Shots:
- 4.120 $decal:
- 4.121 $Impact decal:
- 4.122 $Transparent:
- 4.123 $Weapon Hitpoints:
- 4.124 $Armor Type:
- 4.125 $Burst Shots:
- 4.126 $Burst Delay:
- 4.127 $Burst Flags:
- 4.128 $Thruster Flame Effect:
- 4.129 $Thruster Glow Effect:
- 4.130 $Thruster Glow Radius Factor:
- 4.131 $Substitute:
- 5 Weapons.tbl Flags
- 5.1 "Electronics"
- 5.2 "Spawn Name,Value"
- 5.3 "Remote Detonate"
- 5.4 "Big Ship"
- 5.5 "Huge"
- 5.6 "Supercap"
- 5.7 "Bomber+"
- 5.8 "child"
- 5.9 "Bomb"
- 5.10 "No Dumbfire"
- 5.11 "in tech database"
- 5.12 "Player allowed"
- 5.13 "Particle Spew"
- 5.14 "EMP"
- 5.15 "Esuck"
- 5.16 "Flak"
- 5.17 "Corkscrew"
- 5.18 "Shudder"
- 5.19 "lockarm"
- 5.20 "beam"
- 5.21 "stream"
- 5.22 "puncture"
- 5.23 "countermeasure"
- 5.24 "Ballistic"
- 5.25 "pierce shields"
- 5.26 "no pierce shields"
- 5.27 "local ssm"
- 5.28 "tagged only"
- 5.29 "beam no whack"
- 5.30 "cycle"
- 5.31 "small only"
- 5.32 "same turret cooldown"
- 5.33 "apply no light"
- 5.34 "training"
- 5.35 "smart spawn"
- 5.36 "inherit parent target"
- 5.37 "no emp kill"
- 5.38 "untargeted heat seeker"
- 5.39 "no radius doubling"
- 5.40 "no subsystem homing"
- 5.41 "no lifeleft penalty"
- 5.42 "can be targeted"
- 5.43 "show on radar"
- 5.44 "show friendly on radar"
- 5.45 "capital+"
- 5.46 "chain external model fps"
- 5.47 "external model launcher"
- 5.48 "takes blast damage"
- 5.49 "takes shockwave damage"
- 5.50 "ciws"
- 5.51 "render flak"
- 5.52 "anti-subsystem beam"
- 5.53 "no primary linking"
- 5.54 "same emp time for capships"
- 5.55 "no primary linked penalty"
- 5.56 "no homing speed ramp"
- 5.57 "pulls aspect seekers"
- 5.58 "turret interceptable"
- 5.59 "fighter interceptable"
- 5.60 "interceptable"
- 5.61 "apply recoil"
- 5.62 "don't spawn if shot"
- 5.63 "die on lost lock"
- 5.64 "no doublefire"
- 5.65 "require exact los"
- 6 Countermeasures
- 7 Player Weapon Precedence
- 8 Sample
The weapons.tbl is responsible for defining the behavior of the numerous weapon effects used in FSO, including the amount of damage dealt, the firing rate, and graphical effects.
This wiki page goes over all of the entries used exclusively in the weapons.tbl file. Hyperlinks to individual weapon creation/editing tutorials are provided when appropriate.
Special Case Weapons
Beam Cannons
- "beam" flag
- $BeamInfo:
See also: Tutorial - Beam Weapons
Flak Guns
- "flak" flag
- "particle spew" flag
- Must have inner and outer radius defined to have any effect.
- A .pof model must be defined ( usually Hornet.pof )
- Note: the model is not actually used... Instead, it uses particle spew. Trails may also be added.
General Format
- The weapons table consist of several sections
- All sections beginning with # need #End before the next section.
- #Primary Weapons
- Defines all standard primaries weapons as well as beam cannons and flak cannons.
- #Secondary Weapons
- Defines all secondary weapons.
- #Beam Weapons
- I haven't got any ideas for this one.
- #Countermeasures
- Defines the used countermeasure.
- $Player Weapon Precedence
- Player Weapon Precedence is used in weapon selection when a default specified by the mission designer is not available to the player. The next weapon on the list is used in its place (assuming that weapon is allowed for the player).
- #Primary Weapons
Core Table
- This is the name of the weapon. If it's going to be used by the player, keep it under 12 characters so it doesn't spill over the HUD box.
Two special characters can be used in the name: # and @. Their usage details are the very same than inside the $Name field from Ships.tbl. - Syntax: String
- In Modular Tables name can be followed by line +nocreate that prevent game from creating an incomplete entry by leaving the entry unread unless it already exists (either in Weapons.tbl or in earlier parsed *-wep.tbm files) by the time the *-wep.tbm is read.
$Alt Name:
- An alternative name that can be referenced instead of $Name:
- Syntax: String
Specifies the weapon 's subtype. Overrides the default subtype as specified by the #-section it is in (#Primary, #Secondary, #Beam Weapon, etc.).
- Since the weapon subtype is already specified by the #-section it is in, this option is not particularly useful when the weapon is inside a #Primary or #Secondary section. However, it may be used to specify the weapon slot it uses on fighters/bombers for weapons that are normally capship only (such as beam cannons).
- Syntax: String
- Valid Entries:
- Primary
- Secondary
- This is the title of the weapon in the Weapons loadout screen. Only needed for player allowed weapons. Title may be anything. Numerical value is a reference to translations in Tstrings.tbl
- Syntax: XSTR("String", -1)
- This is the description you see in the weapons loadout screen. Again, these aren't based on any hard numbers, just approximations. Only needed for player allowed weapons. Numerical value is a reference to translations in Tstrings.tbl
- Must be followed by $end_multi_text
XSTR( "''Standard Issue ''Level 3 Hull Damage ''Level 2 Shield Damage''", -1) $end_multi_text
+Tech Title:
- Title of the weapon in the Tech room. Only needed for player allowed weapons.
- Syntax: XSTR("String", -1)
+Tech Anim:
- Animation used for the weapon in the Tech room. Only needed for player allowed weapons.
- Syntax: String, animation filename
- Example: Tech_Subach_HL-7
+Tech Description:
- Descriptive text you see in the tech room. Only needed for player allowed weapons. Numerical value is a reference to translations in Tstrings.tbl
- Must be followed by $end_multi_text
XSTR( "''The Subach-Innes HL-7...''", 3245) $end_multi_text
$Tech Model:
- Defines model used in wing loadout screen for the weapon. 3D weapon models in the tech room have not yet been implemented.
- Syntax: String.pof, model filename
- How the model will show on the Loadout Screen. The position of the camera relative to the model center.
- Syntax: Vector, three floats, x, y and z values respectively
- How the model will show on the Loadout Screen. How far the camera's zoomed in, defines camera's FOV.
- Syntax: Float, radians
$Selection Effect:
- Defines which selection effect to use when the -weapon_choice_3d commandline flag is enabled or no ani can be found for the selected weapon.
- Syntax: String, either "FS1", or "Off". This defaults to the FS2 effect.
$HUD Image:
- Defines the picture used to represent the weapon in HUD loadout list
- Syntax: String, filename
$Model File:
- Filename of the model file (.pof) at data/models folder. Additional fields beginning from @Laser Bitmap: and ending to @Laser Tail Radius: are not needed if a model has been defined for the weapon.
- Standard primaries and beam cannons do not use specific models so for those the name is 'none'.
- Flak weapons and secondaries use models, though the exact model is not important with the flak weapons.
- Syntax: String.pof or none, model filename
- Example: none
$POF target LOD:
- Defines the LOD (Level-Of-Detail) of the model used in HUD targeting view
- Syntax: Integer
$Detail Distance:
- Defines the distance where the change between different Levels-Of-Details (LODs) occurs
- Take notice that these are base values. Model detail in Detail options, (within game press F2), applies a multiplier to these values. These multipliers are (from left to right): 1/8, 1/4, 1, 4, 8
- Optional. If not defined the game uses the formula ((radius * 20.0 + 20.0) * LOD)
- Syntax: (Detail Distances) , list of integers (same amount as LODs), distances from the model in meters
- Example: (0, 80, 300, 900)
$External Model File:
- Defines the models shown on the gunpoint, used with Bobb's external-visible-weapon code.
- Syntax: String.pof, model filename
$Submodel Rotation Speed:
- Defines the rotation speed of the subobject, with the $gun_rotation property defined, in the external weapon model.
- Syntax: Float
- Note: weapon fire will be delayed by the time it takes for the weapon to spin up to this speed (using $Submodel Rotation Acceleration or its default value), regardless of whether an external model is used or not.
- Note: It's no longer required that the ship actually have external models enabled (whether or not this weapon has one defined) for the spin up delay to occur.
$Submodel Rotation Acceleration:
- Defines the rotation acceleration of the external weapon model.
- Syntax: Float
- Default value: 10
In the event a 3D model is not defined for the weapon, FSO creates an object similar to a glowpoint. Essentially, it is a 2D plane that always faces the player's camera with an additive texture applied to it, and may or may not have an omnilight follow it.
As suggested by its name, this option group is normally used for lasers and similar primaries, but it may also be used for other weapon types as well.
Unless said otherwise, the graphic files used within this group may be of any compatible type (.DDS, .PCX, .TGA, etc.), however a .DDS is recommended.
@Laser Bitmap:
Defines the graphic file to be used as the weapon effect.
Blending type: additive
Syntax: String, filename
@Laser Bitmap: my_laser_bitmap
@Laser Glow:
Defines the graphic file to be used for the glowmap of the weapon effect.
Blending type: additive
- This file is 'multiplied' by a value between Color and Color2.
- The physical dimensions of the glowmap in-game is 2x the size of the bitmap.
Syntax: String, filename
@Laser Glow: my_laser_glowmap
@Laser Color:
The RGB color of the glow effect.
- The color is applied both to the glowmap and the omnilight that follows the effect.
Syntax: Color, red, green, blue respectively, 8-bit value from 0 to 255
@Laser Color: 255, 0, 0 ; Red glow effect at the start of the effect's lifetime
@Laser Color2:
The RGB color of the glow effect at the end of the effect's lifetime (at its maximum range).
- The color is applied both to the glowmap and the omnilight that follows the effect.
- The actual color of the glow effect is somewhere in between the values defined by Color and Color2. Essentially, the actual color "fades" from Color to Color2 over its lifetime.
- If Color is not defined, then a default value of 255, 255, 255 is assumed for its initial color.
Syntax: Color, red, green, blue respectively, 8-bit value from 0 to 255
@Laser Color2: 0, 0, 255 ; Blue glow effect at the end of the effect's lifetime.
@Laser Color: 255, 0, 0 ; Start with a Red glow effect, and fade into... @Laser Color2: 0, 0, 255 ; a Blue glow effect over the lifetime of the effect.
@Laser Length:
Defines the length of the weapon effect.
- This option stretches the 2D plane "away" from its origin.
Syntax: Float, meters
@Laser Length: 1.0
@Laser Head Radius:
Defines the width of the leading edge, or "head," of the weapon effect.
- The edge of the 2D plane farthest away from its origin is the leading edge.
Syntax: Float, meters
@Laser Head Radius: 0.75
@Laser Tail Radius:
Defines the width of the trailing edge, or "tail" of the weapon effect.
- The edge of the 2D plane that is closest to its origin is the trailing edge.
Syntax: Float, meters
@Laser Tail Radius: 0.75
$Collision Radius Override:
- Weapon - weapon collisions are treated as two spheres, where a laser's sphere's radius is equal to its Head Radius, and a missile's is the radius of its associated model (possibly doubled). Using this will override either of those values.
- NOTE: If the weapon is interceptable, such as a bomb or has been given hitpoints, this value will still be doubled, unless the "no radius doubling" flag is used.
- Syntax: Float, meters
- How much of a kinetic effect this weapon has on its target. 3+ gives you the Flail effect. Set it to 10 and you can knock cruisers around.
- This is multiplied by the speed. ie $Mass: 3 and $Velocity: 200 has much weaker kinetic effect than $Mass: 3 and $Velocity: 1000. Also $Mass is used to calculate intensity of "shudder" effect if flagged.
- Syntax: Float, blast effect
- How fast the weapon travels. Is also used to define the weapon range, $Velocity x $Lifetime = range.
- Beams travel instantly so this field has effect only on weapon range and AI beam targeting with certain beam types. $Velocity of beam also applies to its kinetic effect along with $Mass.
- Syntax: Float, meters per second
$Fire Wait:
- Time in seconds between firings
- Note that Fire wait will be reset to 1 if it is set over 5 for non turreted primary weapons (doesn't apply to 3.6.14+)
- Syntax: Float, seconds
+Max Delay:
- Defines the maximum amount of time it takes to refire a weapon in a random fire delay range.
- This must be used with +Min Delay: to have any effect.
- Syntax: Float, seconds
+Min Delay:
- Defines the minimum amount of time it takes to refire a weapon in a random fire delay range.
- This must be used with +Max Delay: to have any effect.
- Syntax: Float, seconds
- Base damage this weapon does. The actual damage is this number multiplied by the factors below.
- Base damage this beam does is continuous damage, damage is approximately 5.88 times the damage value per second. The actual damage is this number multiplied by one of the factors below.
- The exact factor to multiply by is 100/17, or one 'pulse' of damage every 170 seconds. The generally used wisdom of 5.5 times may have been generally accurate before beam damage was made continuous and frame-rate independent, but is now out of date information.
- Syntax: Float, damage
- Note: adding an inner and/or outer radius to a weapon doubles its effective damage to the target (i.e. 1x impact, 1x area effect)
$Damage Time:
- This sets a time from the end of the weapons lifetime that damage will start to attenuate at. Example: Weapon lifetime is 2.0 seconds and the desired effect is to attenuate after 0.5 seconds have passed, set this to 1.5 seconds.
- Syntax: Float, seconds. Defaults to 0.0.
- Note: If neither +Min Damage: nor +Max Damage: is set, the damage will always attenuate to zero at max range.
- If both +Min Damage: and +Max Damage: are set, both are defaulted to 0.0 and damage will be attenuated to zero.
- Note: If neither +Min Damage: nor +Max Damage: is set, the damage will always attenuate to zero at max range.
+Attenuation Damage:
- This sets the damage a weapon will attenuate to after reaching $Damage Time:.
- Syntax: Float, damage.
+Min Damage:
- This sets the lowest amount of damage possible assuming damage attenuation is taking place. This has been deprecated, please use +Attenuation Damage: instead.
- Syntax: Float, damage. Defaults to 0.0.
+Max Damage:
- This sets the highest amount of damage possible assuming damage attenuation is taking place. This has been deprecated, please use +Attenuation Damage: instead.
- Syntax: Float, damage. Defaults to 0.0.
$Damage Type:
Defines the damage type that this weapon uses. All armor effects are applied after shield and have no function against shockwave or subsystem damage.
REQUIRES: armor.tbl
- Syntax: String, name of the damage type ( as defined by $Damage Type )
$Arm time:
- Defines the time after the launch that is required before the weapon comes hot
- If the time has not been reached when the weapon detonates the Dinky explosion is used
- Syntax: Float, seconds
$Arm distance:
- Defines the distance from the firing ships that is required before the weapon comes hot
- If the distance has not been reached when the weapon detonates the Dinky explosion is used
- Syntax: Float, meters
- This parameter is also applied to flak weapons. Previous behaviour was to arm weapons after 10 meters of travel.
$Arm radius:
- Defines the distance from the target where the weapon will arm itself
- Syntax: Float, meters
$Detonation Range:
- Defines the distance from the point in space that the weapon was launched where the weapon will detonate
- Syntax: Float, meters
$Detonation Radius:
- Defines the distance between the target center point point and the weapon which detonates the weapon.
- Syntax: Float, meters
$Shockwave damage:
- Override for the damage caused by shockwaves (default is #$Damage:)
- Syntax: Float, damage
- Note: adding a shockwave to a weapon doubles its effective damage to the target (i.e. 1x impact, 1x shockwave)
$Shockwave Damage Type:
- REQUIRES ADDITIONAL TABLE. Defines the damage type used for the weapon explosions
- Syntax: String, name as defined in armor.tbl
$Flak Detonation Accuracy:
- Normally, flak weapons detonate at a range of 65 to 99 meters from their intended target, depending on the firing ships' weapon subsystem health. This parameter can be used to adjust this behaviour, as it defines the base range used to determine this detonation range. Standard value is 65.
- Syntax: Float, range in meters
$Flak Targeting Accuracy:
- Turret-fired flak weapons are normally firing in a cone around the target's predicted position. This parameter can be used to adjust the size of this cones' base radius. Standard is 60 meters.
- Syntax: Float, radius in meters
$Untargeted Flak Range Penalty:
- If a flak weapon is fired without a target selected, this parameter defines the range penalty applied to that weapon. Standard is 20 meters, meaning an untargeted flak weapon will detonate after travelling its max range - 20 meters.
- Syntax: Float, penalty in meters.
$Blast Force:
- The intensity of the kinetic blast effect when ship is within the outer radius of the explosion. Comes in effect only if inner and outer radius are defined.
- Syntax: Float, blast effect
$Inner Radius:
- Radius at which the full explosion damage is done. Marks the line where damage attenuation begins. Damage is reduced by the square of the distance between the inner radius and outer radius. i.e. half way between inner and outer results in 1/4 damage
- Note: adding an inner and/or outer radius to a weapon doubles its effective damage to the target (i.e. 1x impact, 1x area effect)
- Syntax: Float, meters
$Outer Radius:
- Maximum radius at which any damage is done. See $Inner Radius for the attenuation formula.
- Also defines the size of the shockwave (if shockwave speed is > 0)
- Note: adding an inner and/or outer radius to a weapon doubles its effective damage to the target (i.e. 1x impact, 1x area effect)
- Syntax: Float, meters
$Shockwave Speed:
- Speed shockwave expands at. Zero means no shockwave and that any area-effect damage is applied immediately
- Syntax: Float, meters per second
$Shockwave rotation:
- Defines how the 3D shockwave is rotated.
- Syntax: Angle, three values, pitch, bank, heading respectively, in degrees
$Shockwave model:
- Defines the model file (.pof) used as a shockwave for the 3D shockwaves.
- Syntax: String.pof, model filename
$Shockwave name:
- Defines the name of the animation used for the 2D shockwave
- Syntax: String, filename
$Dinky shockwave:
- Dinky shockwave are used if the weapon is shot down before arming or if the conditions marked at Arm time and Arm distance are not reached before impact
- It uses exactly same entries as the standard shockwaves
- +Shockwave damage:
- +Shockwave damage type:
- +Blast Force:
- +Inner Radius:
- +Outer Radius:
- +Shockwave Speed:
- +Shockwave Rotation:
- +Shockwave Model:
- +Shockwave Name:
$Armor Factor:
- Multiplier for the damage done to armor
- Syntax: Float, damage multiplier
$Shield Factor:
- Multiplier for the damage done to shields
- Syntax: Float, damage multiplier
$Subsystem Factor:
- Multiplier for the damage done to subsystems
- Syntax: Float, damage multiplier
$Lifetime Min:
- Defines the minimum lifetime of the weapon
- Syntax: Float, seconds
$Lifetime Max:
- Defines the maximum lifetime of the weapon
- Syntax: Float, seconds
- Time before the standard primaries fizzle out and secondaries self destruct. Multiply this by the speed to get the range. If values are too low (below framerate) then the collision detection and graphic effects may suffer.
- This field has no effect for the beams apart from weapon range and AI beam targeting with certain beam types
- Syntax: Float, seconds
$Energy Consumed:
- The amount of energy each bolt drains firing ship. Has no effect on turretted weapons.
- Syntax: Float
$Cargo Size:
- Cargo size, is not used with non-ballistic primaries.
- Amount of missiles available = Bank capacity / Cargo Size.
- Syntax: Float
This option is exclusive to secondaries.
Defines if the bolts/missiles in question is homing
- The bolts of primaries will turn to face their target if this option is set to YES... but is otherwise the same as a normal bolt ( when the option is set to NO ).
If set to NO, then following fields are not required in the table.
- Syntax: Boolean, yes or no
Defines the homing method
- Syntax: String, ASPECT or HEAT
+Turn Time:
Determines how quickly the missile can turn. Ostensibly the number of seconds it takes the missile to do a 360 degree circle at full turn speed, but for complicated reasons this is only true if AI respect tabled turn time and rotdamp is enabled.
- Syntax: Float, seconds
+Turning Acceleration Time:
Determines how quickly the missile reaches its maximum turn speed.
- Note: Requires $AI use framerate independent turning in game_settings.tbl
- Syntax: Float, seconds
+View Cone:
Heat-seeking missiles only
This is the width of the weapon's viewing cone, given in degrees. Objects outside this cone are effectively invisible to the missile. The value / 2 gives the angle from the missile's centerline to the edge of the viewing cone.
- Syntax: Float, degrees
+Min Lock Time:
For aspect/javelin missiles only
The minimum number of seconds to gain a target lock.
- Syntax: Float, seconds
+Lock Pixels/Sec:
For aspect/javelin missiles only The number of pixels the aspect triangle moves per second while attempting lock-on.
- Syntax: Integer, pixels per second
+Catch-up Pixels/Sec:
For aspect/javelin missiles only
The number of pixels moved per second while attempting to catch up to the target.
- Syntax: Integer, pixels per second
+Catch-up Penalty:
For aspect/javelin missiles only
Extra pixels to move after catching up. (Needs verification )
- Syntax: Integer, pixels
+Seeker Strength:
Defines the seeking ability of the homing system. Default of heat seekers is 3.0 and for aspect seekers 2.0. Spoofing chance is defined as cm type effectiveness/seeker strength (missile must be within the countermeasures +Effective Radius:
- Syntax: Float, seeker strength
+Target Lead Scaler:
Defines the type of pursuit course the missile tries to obtain.
- Values < 0 give lag pursuit, values ~ 0 give pure pursuit, values > 0 give lead pursuit.
- Syntax: Float, default for heat seekers: 0, default for aspect or javelin seekers: 1.
+Target Lock Restriction:
Defines if the missile can lock onto ships besides the current target
- Syntax: String, name of the behavior, default is current target only;.
- Current target only As normal, can only acquire locks on the targeted ship
- Any target Missile will lock on any valid target. Missile locking is still disabled in certain cases, such as when a friendly is the player's target
- Current target, any subsystem Targeting is restricted to the current ship, but will pick turrets and subsystems on that ship.
+Independent Seekers:
Defines the ability for a missile to target multiple objects at once.
- Syntax: Boolean, yes or no, default is no.
+Trigger Hold:
Defines the ability to hold the trigger to lock and release to fire.
- Syntax: Boolean, yes or no, default is no.
+Reset On Launch:
Defines the ability for locks to reset upon missiles being fired.
- Syntax: Boolean, yes or no, default is no.
+Max Seekers Per Target:
Defines the maximum number of seekers that can target a single object.
- Syntax: Integer, number of seekers.
+Max Active Seekers:
Defines the maximum number of total seekers for the weapon to have.
- Syntax: Integer, number of seekers.
+Ship Types:
Defines the ship types that this missile can target. In order for a ship to be targetable it must be able to match one of the listed types, if some of the below lists are also specified, it must match into those as well.
- Syntax: ("String" "String"), ship types.
+Ship Classes:
Defines the ship classes that this missile can target. In order for a ship to be targetable it must be able to match one of the listed classes, if some of the above/below lists are also specified, it must match into those as well.
- Syntax: ("String" "String"), ship classes.
Defines the species whose ships this missile can target. In order for a ship to be targetable it must be able to match one of the listed Species, if some of the above/below lists are also specified, it must match into those as well.
- Syntax: ("String" "String"), species.
Defines the IFF's whose ships this missile can target. In order for a ship to be targetable it must be able to match one of the listed IFFs, if some of the above lists are also specified, it must match into those as well.
- Syntax: ("String" "String"), IFFs.
- The number of missiles to fire per volley if it's a swarm missile
- Can be issued to Standard primaries also. Causes single part turrets to malfunction but causes multi part turrets to fire only on their barrel line. Can be used for 'burst fire weapons'. Does not work with player weapons.
- Is incompatible with "Corkscrew" option.
- Swarm will negatively affect the missile's ability to hit its target. Especially when fired off-bore.
- Syntax: Integer, number of shots in a swarm
- +SwarmWait:
- Defines the time between weapons fired in a swarm
- Syntax: Float, seconds
- Default: 0.150
- Max: 0.5 (Resets to default if set over 0.5)
$Acceleration Time:
- Defines how long it takes for a secondary weapon to attain full speed. Takes precedence over $Free Flight Time (see below) in terms of the weapon's velocity, and affects both locked-on and dumbfired secondaries.
- Syntax: Float, seconds
- Default: 0.0
$Velocity Inherit:
- Defines how much of the parent ship's velocity to inherit, if Ai_profiles.tbl#.24use_additive_weapon_velocity: is used.
- Syntax: Float, percents
- Default: 100.0
$Free Flight Time:
- Defines the free flight time of homing weapons. During this time weapon flies at 1/4 of its velocity + firing ships velocity in a straight line.
- Syntax: Float, seconds
- Default: 0.25
Note: due to dumbfires never changing their speed, using this on a dumbfire missile will have it stuck at freeflight speed even after the end of the freeflight time.
$Free Flight Speed:
- Defines the speed that the weapon will be travelling at during the free flight segment (see above).
- Syntax: Float, Multiplier for the actual speed, minimum 0.01.
- Default: 0.25
$Free Flight Speed Factor:
- Defines the speed that the weapon will be traveling at during the free flight segment (see above).
- Syntax: Float, Multiplier for the actual speed, minimum 0.01.
- Default: 0.25
- Defines the one-shot sound effect to play at the beginning of a firing stream. Currently only has an effect on primary weapons.
- Syntax: Integer or String, name or identification number of the sound as defined in sounds.tbl
- Default: No Sound
+PreLaunchSnd Min Interval:
- Defines Minimum interval between when the player stops firing and the next time the pre-launch sound can play, as a limiter in case the player is pumping the trigger.
- Syntax: Integer, Minimum delay in milliseconds between the end of the previous firing sequence and the next time the pre-launch sound effect will be played.
- Default: 0 (play pre-launch sound at the beginning of every firing sequence, if present)
- Corresponding sound effect when the weapon is launched.
- Syntax: Integer or String, name or identification number of the sound as defined in sounds.tbl
- Sound the weapon makes when it hits a hull.
- Syntax: Integer or String, name or identification number of the sound as defined in sounds.tbl
$Disarmed ImpactSnd:
- Sound the weapon makes when it hits a hull before being armed.
- Syntax: Integer or String, name or identification number of the sound as defined in sounds.tbl
- The sound this weapon makes if it narrowly misses you. -1 is no sound.
- Syntax: Integer or String, name or identification number of the sound as defined in sounds.tbl, usually -1
- The looping sound played when this weapon tracks a target.
- Syntax: Integer or String, name or identification number of the sound as defined in sounds.tbl
- The sound played when this weapon has locked onto its target.
- Syntax: Integer or String, name or identification number of the sound as defined in sounds.tbl
- The looping sound played when the missile is currently flying.
- Syntax: Integer or String, name or identification number of the sound as defined in sounds.tbl
- +Inflight sound type
- Specifies when the in flight sound is played.
- The value can be one of the following values which are matched case-insensitively:
- 'TARGETED': The sound is played when the missile tracks a target
- 'UNTARGETED': The sound is played when the missile is currently not tracking a target
- 'ALWAYS': The sound is played always
- Defines used model file. Included for compatibility with countermeasures as they have been merged with weapons in the code.
- Syntax: String.pof, model filename
$Rearm Rate:
- Defines the frequency that weapons are loaded to the ship
- Syntax: Float, How many times per second the weapons are loaded.
- Example: 2.0 will reload every half second. 0.1 will load every ten seconds.
$Rearm Ammo Increment:
- Defines how many missiles or how much ballistic ammo is loaded per load sound.
- Syntax: Integer, how many bullets or missiles are loaded.
+Weapon Range:
- Defines the range to the target where the weapons under AI will start firing. This also affects the Lead Indicator
- Syntax: Float, meters
+Weapon Min Range:
- Defines the minimum range to the target where the weapons under AI will still fire.
- Implemented before FS_Open 3.6.5
- Syntax: Float, meters
- See below
- Syntax: ( "String" "String" ), names of the flags assigned to the weapon
- Example: ( "Player allowed" "in tech database" )
- Can be followed by +override option in order to reset the weapon flags before parsing in the new ones
- Using this option will erase all homing-related flags as well as swarm, variable lead, trail, TAG, and transparent settings in addition to the listed flags. All these should be set again - if they are required - when this option is used.
- Syntax: +override
- This is used if you want your weapon to have a trail. Trail is often used only with secondaries though it works with standard primaries as well.
- +Start Width:
- How wide the head of the trail is.
- Syntax: Float, meters
- +End Width:
- How wide the tail of the trail is.
- Syntax: Float, meters
- +Start Alpha:
- The opacity of the trail head.
- Syntax: Float, value between 0 and 1
- +End Alpha:
- The opacity of the trail tail.
- Syntax: Float, value between 0 and 1
- +Max Life:
- How long the trail lasts.
- Syntax: Float, seconds
- +Spread:
- Causes the trail points to diffuse and drift apart at this speed over time.
- Syntax: Float, meters per second
- The graphic file to use for the trail.
- Syntax: String, filename
- +Faded Out Sections:
- Defines the number of the trail sections (counting from the leading edge) which are gradually faded out.
- Syntax: Integer, number of trail sections
- Loadout icon used in the weapons selection screen.
- Syntax: String, filename
- Green grid animation used on the weapons screen.
- Syntax: String, filename
$Collide Ship:
- Has been replaced with #Conditional Hooks, see Scripting.tbl
$Collide Weapon:
- Has been replaced with #Conditional Hooks, see Scripting.tbl
$Impact Effect:
- Specifies the particle effect which will be used for impacts of this weapon.
- Syntax: String, the particle effect name
- If this option is specified then $Impact Explosion and $Impact Explosion Radius are not valid options!
$Impact Explosion:
- Impact explosion used. Must be defined in weapon_expl.tbl,
- Syntax: String, filename or none
$Impact Explosion Radius:
- Radius of the defined impact explosion.
- Syntax: Float, meters, default 1.0
$Shield Impact Explosion Radius:
- Radius of the shield impact explosion, see Ships.tbl#.24Shield_Impact_Explosion:.
- Syntax: Float, meters, defaults to value of $Impact Explosion Radius
$Dinky Impact Effect:
- Specifies the particle effect which will be used for Dinky (not armed) explosions of this weapon.
- Syntax: String, the particle effect name
- If this option is specified then $Dinky Impact Explosion and $Dinky Impact Explosion Radius are not valid options!
$Dinky Impact Explosion:
- Same as Impact Explosion but for Dinky (not armed) explosions
- Syntax: String, filename or none
$Dinky Impact Explosion Radius:
- Same as Impact Explosion Radius but for Dinky explosions
- Syntax: Float, meters
$Piercing Impact Effect:
- Specifies the particle effect which will be used for piercing impacts.
- Syntax: String, the particle effect name
- If this option is specified then piercing impact options below are not valid!
$Piercing Impact Explosion:
- Defines the effect used for events when weapon pierces the target
- Syntax: String, filename or none
$Piercing Impact Radius:
- Defines the base radius of the effect used for piercing weapon impacts
- Syntax: Float
$Piercing Impact Velocity:
- Defines the base velocity for the particles piercing the target
- Syntax: Float
$Piercing Impact Splash Velocity:
- Defines the base velocity for the particles splashing from the target (secondary piercing effects
- Negative value causes the second batch or particles to splash to opposite direction
- Syntax: Float
$Piercing Impact Variance:
- Defines the variance added to the particles
- Values near 0 cause very little variance and values close to 1 cause extreme dispersal.
- Syntax: Float
$Piercing Impact Life:
- Defines the lifetime of the effect for single frame effects
- For multiple frame effects the lifetime is the lifetime of the animation used
- Syntax: Float
$Piercing Impact Particles:
- Defines the number of particles released per impact
- Syntax: Integer
$Piercing Impact Draw Modifier:
- Defines the multiplier applied to the ships piercing effect limit percentage
- Syntax: Float
$Inflight Effect:
- Sets the inflight particle effect which is used when the laser is active. This is only used by laser weapons.
- Syntax: String, the particle effect name
$Freeflight Effect:
- Sets the particle effect which is used when the missile is in the free flight phase. See $Free Flight Time for more information.
- Syntax: String, the particle effect name
- This option is only valid for missile weapons
$Ignition Effect:
- Sets the ignition particle effect which is used when the missile is transitioning from free flight to homed or unhomed flight.
- Syntax: String, the particle effect name
- This option is only valid for missile weapons
$Homed Flight Effect:
- Sets the ignition particle effect which is used when the missile is in homed flight mode.
- Syntax: String, the particle effect name
- This option is only valid for missile weapons
$Unhomed Flight Effect:
- Sets the ignition particle effect which is used when the missile is in unhomed flight mode.
- Syntax: String, the particle effect name
- This option is only valid for missile weapons
- Normally only with flak cannons.
- Defines the muzzle flash the weapon uses
- Syntax: String, muzzleflash name, as defined in mflash.tbl
$EMP Intensity:
- If it has an EMP effect, how deeply it scrambles your electronics
- Basically a percentage, a value of 250 results in a 25% chance of something getting scrambled each frame.
- Maximum value of 500
- Syntax: Float
$EMP Time:
- Duration of the EMP effect
- Syntax: Float, seconds
$Recoil Modifier:
- Multiplies the recoil force of a weapon by this value, use a value greater than 1.0 to increase the force, use a value between 1.0 and 0.0 to decrease.
- Syntax: Float (defaults to 1.0)
$Leech Weapon:
- The amount of weapon energy to drain with each hit (a flat value, not a percentage)
- Needs the Esuck flag set to have any effect
- Syntax: Float (defaults to 10.0)
$Leech Afterburner:
- The amount of afterburner fuel to drain with each hit (a flat value, not a percentage)
- Needs the Esuck flag set to have any effect
- Syntax: Float (defaults to 10.0)
- Allow corkscrew parameters to be defined
- +Num Fired:
- Defines the number of weapons fired in sequence. Same as the standard swarm entry but for corkscrew missiles
- Syntax: Integer, number of missiles
- +Radius:
- Defines the radius used in the corkscrew motion
- Syntax: Float, meters
- +Fire Delay:
- Defines the delay between missile firings
- Syntax: Integer, milliseconds
- +Counter rotate:
- Defines if every other missile rotates to a different direction (clockwise / anticlockwise)
- Syntax: Boolean, 0 or 1, no or yes
- +Twist:
- Defines the speed of rotation movement on the radius of corkscrew motion.
- Syntax: Float, radians per second
- Defines the weapons effect against electronics. Requires "electronics" flag. +New Style: and +Old Style: options are mutually exclusive.
- +New Style:
- Defines that the electronics use the new style which enables more options.
- +Old Style:
- Defines that the electronics use the old style. The old style was the way the D-Missile worked in Descent: FreeSpace.
- +Area Of Effect
- If specified, allows the electronics effect to apply to every ship hit by this weapon's blast or shockwave (the "Electronics" flag isn't necessary with this option).
- +Intensity:
- May only be used with +New Style: electronics. Has been deprecated.
- Syntax: Float
- +Lifetime:
- Syntax: Integer, milliseconds
- +Engine Multiplier:
- May only be used with +New Style: electronics. Defines how much longer the disruption effect lasts for engine subsystems.
- Syntax: Float
- +Weapon Multiplier:
- May only be used with +New Style: electronics. Defines how much longer the disruption effect lasts for non-beam turrets.
- Syntax: Float
- +Beam Turret Multiplier:
- May only be used with +New Style: electronics. Defines how much longer the disruption effect lasts for beam turrets.
- Syntax: Float
- +Sensors Multiplier:
- May only be used with +New Style: electronics. Defines how much longer the disruption effect lasts for sensor subsystems.
- Syntax: Float
- +Randomness Time:
- Defines the randomness of duration target suffers from the electronics hit. A random number between 0 and this time will be added or subtracted from the disruption time.
- Syntax: Integer, milliseconds
- Without any electronics parameters, a weapon with the "electronics" flag will default to the Old Style mode with a lifetime of 6000 milliseconds and a randomness of 4000 milliseconds. Thus any ship that gets hit can get disrupted for anywhere between 2 to 10 seconds.
$Spawn Angle:
- Defines the cone (with an angle) where the spawned weapons appear. Value gives the angle from the missile's centerline. The maximum possible angle between any two child weapons would be Value*2.
- Like all spawn options, Spawn Angle should be defined as many times as the carrier weapon has child weapons defined for it (up to 5), before moving to the next option.
- Syntax: Float, degrees, default is 180
$Spawn Minimum Angle:
- Defines an inner angle for the cone within which the spawned weapons appear. Value gives the angle from the missile's centerline.
- Like all spawn options, Spawn Minimum Angle should be defined as many times as the carrier weapon has child weapons defined for it (up to 5), before moving to the next option.
- Syntax: Float, degrees, default is 0
$Spawn Interval:
- Causes the associated spawn event to happen continuously at this time interval. Enabling this will prevent the spawn event from triggering on detonation.
- NOTE: Having very large numbers of total children (low interval and/or high count) can cause issues for multiplayer, and you will be warned in multiplayer if the ttotal count is greater then 300.
- Like all spawn options, Spawn Interval (and its associated Delay) should be defined as many times as the carrier weapon has child weapons defined for it (up to 5), before moving to the next option.
- Syntax: Float, seconds, minimum is 0.1
- Continuous spawn will not begin until this has elapsed.
- Syntax: Float, seconds, default is 0
$Spawn Effect:
- Specifies the particle effect which will be used for continuous spawns of this weapon. Will not be used for detonation.
- Like all spawn options, Spawn Effect should be defined as many times as the carrier weapon has child weapons defined for it (up to 5), before moving to the next option.
- Syntax: String, the particle effect name
$Local SSM:
- Defines the local SSM (Subspace Missile). In effect missile moves via subspace to a position close to the target and starts homing.
- Weapon must be aspect seeking missile and must have local ssm flag.
- +Warpout Delay:
- Defines the time between the missile launch and the subspace jump.
- Syntax: Integer, milliseconds
- +Warpin Delay:
- Defines the time missile stays in subspace before exiting.
- Syntax: Integer, milliseconds
- +Stage 5 Velocity:
- Defines the velocity of the missile after the subspace jump.
- Syntax: Float, meters per second
- +Warpin Radius:
- Defines how far from the SSM will appear from the outer radius of the target.
- Syntax: Float, meters
- +Lock Range:
- Defines the maximum range where SSM can achieve target lock
- Syntax: Float, meters
- Defines the countermeasure effectiveness, radius, etc
- Spoofing chance is defined as cm type effectiveness/seeker strength (missile must be within the countermeasures +Effective Radius:).
- All countermeasures in the mission perform tests to spoof missiles for two frames after any countermeasure is created in the mission. No, this doesn't seem to make much sense.
- Provisional; Countermeasures are only given one chance to spoof any individual missile. This makes tuning seeker strength/effectiveness meaningful.
- Previously some record of which countermeasures had been seen by each missile was kept, but it broke when multiple countermeasures were involved. A good chance of breaking with two countermeasures, and a guaranteed chance of breaking with three or more. This reduced the impact of the seeker strength/effectiveness ratio, but was partly cancelled out by the 2 frames thing.
+Heat Effectiveness:
- Defines the countermeasures effectiveness against heat seeking missiles
- Syntax: Float, cm effectiveness
- Default: 1.0
+Aspect Effectiveness:
- Defines the countermeasures effectiveness against aspect seeking missiles
- Syntax: Float, cm effectiveness
- Default: 1.0
+Effective Radius:
- Defines the countermeasures effective radius
- Syntax: Float, meters
- Default: 300.0
+Missile Detonation Radius:
- Defines the radius within which a missile homing on this countermeasure will trigger a detonation (see +Single Missile Kill:)
- Syntax: Float, meters
- Default: 40.0
+Single Missile Kill:
- Defines if countermeasures will detonate only the missile homing on this countermeasure, or every missile within +Missile Detonation Radius:
- Syntax: Boolean
- Default: false
+Pulse Interval:
- Defines how much time passes between each pulse of this countermeasure.
- Syntax: Float, milliseconds
- Default: 0
- +Type:
- Defines the type of beam in question. Beam types: 0 is a standard non-slashing type beam. 1 is a slashing type beam. 2 is a targeting beam that is used to trigger SSMs. 3 is a beam type that fires pulses in anti-fighter role and acts like type 0 beam in other roles. 4 is a beam that is restricted to what is directly in front of it, along turrets firepoints normal.
- Syntax: Integer,, only values from 0 to 4 are legal
- +Life:
- How long it lasts once the beam is actually firing.
- Syntax: Float, seconds
- +Warmup:
- Warmup time
- Syntax: Integer, milliseconds
- +Warmdown:
- Warmdown time
- Syntax: Integer, milliseconds
- +Radius:
- Muzzle glow radius
- Syntax: Float, meters
- +PCount:
- Particles spewed every interval. ??
- Syntax: Integer
- +PRadius:
- Particle radius
- Syntax: Float, meters
- +PAngle:
- Defines the random "cone" where the particles are generated
- Syntax: Float, angle of the cone
- +PAni:
- Animation used to represent the particles
- Syntax: String, filename
- +Miss Factor:
- The higher the numbers, the more likely that this beam will miss. One value for every difficulty level
- Syntax: Miss Factor, five floats, very easy, easy, moderate, hard, insane, respectively.
- Example: 0.5 0.975 1.35 1.875 2.5
- IFF specific miss factors
- Identical to the preceding entry but IFF specific. Replace the <IFF> with the name of the IFF from iff_defs.tbl
- Syntax: +<IFF> Miss Factor:, five floats, very easy, easy, moderate, hard, insane, respectively.
- Example: 0.5 0.975 1.35 1.875 2.5
- Corresponding looping sound effect when the beam is firing.
- Syntax: Integer or String, name or identification number of the sound as defined in sounds.tbl
- Corresponding sound effect when the beam is beam warmed up.
- Syntax: Integer or String, name or identification number of the sound as defined in sounds.tbl
- Corresponding sound effect when the beam is warming down.
- Syntax: Integer or String, name or identification number of the sound as defined in sounds.tbl
- Defines the bitmap used to create the muzzle glow
- Syntax: String, filename
- +Directional Glow:
- Defines the length to stretch the muzzleglow along the beam.
- Syntax: Float, length in meters, the muzzleglow is rendered along (in the same plane) as the beam instead of perpendicular to the camera.
- Defines into how may invidual shots the type 3 (AAA) beams are divided. Note total firing is the same as the +Life:
- Syntax: Integer
- How much of the beam's life is remaining before it starts to shrink in width. (0.1 means 10% life left)
- Syntax: Float, value from 0 to 1
- What factor of beam's width is subtracted per second.
- Syntax: Float, value from 0 to 1
- +GrowFactor:
- How much of the beam's life is remaining before it starts to grow in width. (1.0 means as soon as the beam fires)
- Syntax: Float, value from 0 to 1
- +GrowPct:
- What factor of beam's width is added per second.
- Syntax: Float, value from 0 to 1
- +Initial Width Factor:
- What factor of the beam's maximum width it starts with.
- Syntax: Float, value from 0 to 1
- +Range:
- Defines the maximum range where the beam still has any effect.
- Syntax: Float, meters
- +Attenuation:
- Defines the point where the damage caused by the beam starts to attenuate. At maximum range damage is zero.
- Syntax: Float, from 0 - firing point to 1 - no effect
- Default: 1
- +BeamWidth:
- Defines the width of the beam for collision test purposes instead of using widest beam section.
- Syntax: Float'
- +Beam Flash Particle Effect:
- Specifies the beam flash particle effect.
- Syntax: String, particle effect name
- If this is specified then +Beam Flash Effect and +Beam Flash Radius are not valid options!
- +Beam Flash Effect:
- Defines the additional impact flash effect for the beam.
- Syntax: String, filename
- +Beam Flash Radius:
- Defines the radius for the additional impact flash effect.
- Syntax: Float
- +Beam Piercing Effect:
- Defines the beam piercing (bursting flames) effect for the beam.
- Syntax: String, filename
- +Beam Piercing Radius:
- Defines the average radius used for the beam piercing effects.
- Syntax: Float
- +Beam Piercing Effect Velocity:
- Defines the base velocity for the piercing effects
- Syntax: Float
- +Beam Piercing Splash Effect Velocity:
- Defines the base velocity for the secondary piercing effects
- Negative velocity causes the particles to move to opposite direction
- Syntax: Float
- +Beam Piercing Effect Variance:
- Defines the variances of the particles from the main path
- Values close to 0 cause minimum variance, higher values cause higher variances
- Syntax: Float
- $Section:
- Beams are made up of up to five sections layered atop one another to create the effect. Each section has its own parameters.
- +Index:
- Field used to define with Modular Tables the beam section which is edited.
- Only valid when editing beam sections that already exist in other tables. Attempting to index new sections will generate warnings, adding new sections is the default behavior for un-indexed sections.
- Syntax: Integer, index number legal values are from 0 to 5
- +remove
- Removes the set beam section.
- +nocreate
- Does not create new section for the beam
- +Index:
- +Width:
- Width of the section
- Syntax: Float, meters
- +Texture:
- Texture for the section
- Syntax: String, filename
- +RGBA Inner:
- Defines the color and transparency of the center of the section
- +Width:
- Syntax: Color, red, green, blue, alpha, respectively, value from 0 to 255
- Example: 255 255 255 255
- Syntax: Color, red, green, blue, alpha, respectively, value from 0 to 255
- +RGBA Outer:
- Defines the color and transparency of the edges of the section
- Syntax: Color, red, green, blue, alpha, respectively, value from 0 to 255
- Example: 150 150 150 10
- Syntax: Color, red, green, blue, alpha, respectively, value from 0 to 255
- +Flicker:
- Defines how much the section flickers
- Syntax: Float, value from 0 to 1
- +Zadd:
- Defines the 'thickness' of the section. The higher the Zadd, the closer the section appears to be. (Zadd can be safely ignored; it actually does nothing.)
- Syntax: Float
- +Tile Factor:
- Defines the beam texture tiling factor. Second number defines the tiling type. Type 0 tiles the graphic in the beam as many times as defined by the 1st number. Type 1 uses the 1st value as the lenght of the tile.
- Syntax: Float, Integer
- +Translation:
- Defines the speed of translation of the beam, a positive value moves from the impact point to the firing point, while a negative value moves away from the firing point towards the impact point. Measured in tiles per second, where the tile count is defined in the "+Tile Factor:" field above.
- Syntax: Float
- +Tile Factor:
- Defines a particle spew effect for the given weapon
- +Index:
- indicates which spewer to add/edit/delete. may be 0-3. used for xmt compatibility.
- Syntax: Integer
- +Remove
- removes spewer at +Index: (requires +index:)
- +Type:
- type of particle spew
- Syntax: String, Default, Helix, Sparkler, Ring, or Plume
- +Count:
- Defines how many particles are spawn when they are ready to be created (at each +Time: interval)
- Syntax: Integer
- +Time:
- Defines the time in milliseconds between next particle(s) spewed
- Syntax: Integer, milliseconds
- +Vel:
- Defines the created particles velocity as percentage of the weapons velocity
- Syntax: Float
- +Radius:
- Defines the size of the created particles
- Syntax: Float, meters
- +Life:
- Defines how long the particles last.
- Syntax: Float, seconds
- +Scale:
- Defines the particle spread. Small value will make particles group together
- typically controls how big the effect is or how fast it moves away from the weapon path on a perpendicular (or sometimes arbitrary) axis.
- helical spews and rings use this value to control how fast the particle helix moves away from the central axis.
- sparklers use this to control how fast particles move away from the spawn point, in any direction
- plumes use this to set the diameter of the disk across which particles are spawned
- Syntax: Float
- +Z Scale:
- for sparklers, allows you to elongate the effect to surround other effects, like lasers. essentially a length multiplier
- for plume, it multiplies against +scale to set the plume to spread or converge, zero would be full convergence, 1 would be straight flight, and bigger numbers would cause particles to diverge from the disk.
- Syntax: Float
- +Rotation Rate:
- used only by helical spews, controls how many rotations per second the helix makes
- Syntax: Float, may be negative, useful for setting up 2 spews that spin in opposite directions
- +Offset:
- position of effect with regards to the weapon center
- Syntax: Vector
- +Initial Velocity:
- to indicate both direction and speed of particle effects regards to the weapon velocity and +scale:
- Syntax: Vector
- +Bitmap:
- Defines the animation used to create the particle spew effect
- Syntax: String, filename
- Allowed for secondary weapons
- Allowed for primary weapons and secondary weapons
- Sets this weapon as a TAG missile, level 1, 2, or 3. The second number is the duration in seconds.
- TAG Level 1 will illuminate hidden targets such as stealth fighters or ships normally obscured by nebula conditions.
- TAG Level 2 illiminates targets much like TAG Level 1, but turrets will prefer to shoot at them over other ships.
- TAG Level 3 has no effect in retail.
- TAG Level 3 allows the weapon to trigger SSMs
- Syntax: Integer Float, TAG level and seconds respectively
- Note: TAG will not trigger unless the weapon in question has a non-zero damage value.
- Defines the weapons SSM index number.
- Requires TAG level 3 or a targeting beam.
- Syntax: Integer
- Now also accepts SSM strike names.
- Syntax: String
- Defines the field of fire for the weapon. Causes weapon to fire into a firing cone instead of direct firing line thus causing light inaccuracy
- Syntax: Float, degrees
+FOF Spread Rate:
- Defines the spread rate of the field of fire. This controls how the FOF increases over time while the weapon is firing.
- Syntax: 'Float', rate
+FOF Reset Rate:
- Rate at which the spread decreases if the weapon isn't firing.
- Syntax: 'Float', rate
- This is required if +FOF Spread Rate: is present
+Max FOF:
- The maximum FOF. After the FOF reaches this value it will not increase any further.
- Syntax: 'Float', degrees. Must be greater than or equal to zero.
- This is required if +FOF Spread Rate: is present
- Defines the number of shots every time the weapon is fired.
- Works only for primary weapons
- Syntax: Integer, number of shots
- Defines impact decals if they are in use
- +texture:
- Defines the texture used for impact decals (can use -burn and -glow textures)
- Syntax: String, filename
- +backface texture:
- Defines ???
- Syntax: String, filename
- +radius:
- Defines the size of the impact decals on target
- Syntax: Float, meters
- +burn time:
- Defines the time the -burn texture appears on the target
- Syntax: Integer, milliseconds
- Feature removed - table parsing retained to maintain compatibility
$Impact decal:
- Defines an impact decal (think bullet impact/scorch mark) using the new system introduced in FSO 19.0.0.
- Syntax: String, this must match to one of the entries in a decal tbm.
- +Radius:
- Syntax: Float, Radius of the impact decal; default is 1.0
- +Lifetime:
- Syntax: Either Eternal or Float, lifetime in seconds
- Defines weapon effect as transparent. Enables optional fields for 'alpha animations'
- +Alpha:
- Defines the strenght of the alpha (transparency). And also the maximum value for the alpha cycle option
- Syntax: Float, from 0 to 1
- +Alpha Min:
- Defines the minimum alpha value for alpha cycle option
- Syntax: Float, from 0 to 1
- +Alpha Cycle:
- Defines the change in alpha per frame, between Alpha and Alpha Min values
- Syntax: Float
$Weapon Hitpoints:
- Defines the amount of hitpoints a weapon has.
- Weapons with "bomb" flag have 50 hitpoints by default
- Giving weapon hitpoints makes it possible for the weapon to be shot down or be destroyed by EMP.
- Syntax: Integer
$Armor Type:
- REQUIRES ADDITIONAL TABLE. Defines the armor type for the weapon. This works exactly like ship armor types.
- Syntax: String, name of the armor as defined in armor.tbl
$Burst Shots:
- Defines the number of shots in a burst
- Shots in a burst use shorter ( $Burst Delay: ) delay than usually
- If this weapon is cycling each individual firing event counts as one burst shot, so bursts end sooner in time for large banks than small.
- Syntax: Integer
$Burst Delay:
- Defines the time in milliseconds between the shots in a burst
- Syntax: Integer
$Burst Flags:
- Defines the flags used to define the burst firing behaviour
- Syntax: ( String String ), list of flags
- Available burst flags:
- "fast firing", acts as if same turret cooldown flag would be used between the shots in the burst.
- "random length", makes AI to fire burst of random length (from 1 to burst shots).
$Thruster Flame Effect:
- Defines the filename of the effect used on the modeled thruster of the missile
- Syntax: String, filename
$Thruster Glow Effect:
- Defines the filename of the effect used on the glow type effect of the missile
- Syntax: String, filename
$Thruster Glow Radius Factor:
- Defines the radius multiplier for the thruster's glow type effect
- Syntax: Float
Defines a pattern of ammo to substitute for primary or secondary weapons. $Substitute: can be repeated any number of times (so you could make something like a rainbow laser with several ammo substitutions, for example). If neither +period or +index is specified, it is assumed to be equivalent to +index: 0.
- Syntax: Weapon Name
- Swarm missiles act in a strange way when used with $Substitute, use at your own risk.
Turrets can use $Substitute as well.
FSO will substitute Weapon Name every period shots.
- Syntax: Positive Integer
- You may not define both +period and +index for the same $Substitute entry
A suboption of +period, offsets the substitute pattern according to the launched ammo. For example, an offset of 3 and a period of 4 will substitute on the 3rd ammo launched, and then every 4th ammo after that.
- Syntax: Positive Integer
FSO will substitute the Weapon Name at firepoint index in the shot pattern. Similar to carefully using both +period and +offset, but is not affected by ships with different firepoint numbers. i.e. Firepoint index will always have the substitution, while +period and +offset will cycle at different rates dependant on the number of firepoints.
- Syntax: Positive Integer
- You may not define both +period and +index for the same $Substitute entry
Weapons.tbl Flags
- Will seize up the weapons and engines systems of any ship for a short period of time.
"Spawn Name,Value"
- Will spawn the specified number of defined missiles upon detonation.
- The flag will parse without a value, using a default of 10.
- Multiple spawn types can be defined for a single 'carrier' weapon up to maximum of 5 different weapons
"Remote Detonate"
- Can be triggered remotely via a second press on the trigger
"Big Ship"
- These weapons cannot be mounted on small ships like fighters, bombers, sentry guns etc.
- Allows this weapon to do the final 10% damage to a ship with the "Big Damage" flag. Also the AI will not try to hit fighters with it, but only if the weapon is in a turret or is a secondary. If the weapon is a primary in a fighter then there are no targeting restrictions. See capital+ instead.
- Allows this weapon to do the final 75% damage to a ship with the "supercap" flag.
- The AI will prefer to use this weapon against bombers
- Cannot be set as a weapon on any ship, but is instead a child of a weapon. Usually defined with "Spawn Name,Value"
- Makes this weapon targetable with the B key, and the AI prefers to use it against large ships
"No Dumbfire"
- Missile will not fire without a lock
"in tech database"
- Has the weapon in the tech database at the start of the campaign
"Player allowed"
- Allows this weapon as a player weapon.
- Whenever you plan to use a weapon as a player one in your campaign or missions, USE THIS FLAG.
- Not using it can cause problems within fs_open and it's a BAD MOD DESIGN.
- In the future, fs_open will maybe be able to avoid these problems but, nevertheless, it's still a BAD DESIGN.
- As another possible example: be careful to update "retail" tables if you plan to use Shivan weapons in player fighters.
"Particle Spew"
- Makes the weapon projectile spew out particles
- Can be defined with Particle Spew parameters
- This weapon will have an EMP effect on any ship within the blast radius
- Can be defined with EMP Intensity and EMP Time
- Drains the target's energy banks
- Can be defined with Leech Weapon and Leech Afterburner
- Makes this weapon a flak gun
- Makes this weapon spiral AND swarm 4.
- Can be defined with Corkscrew parameters
- Makes your ship shudder while you're firing the weapon
- Requires a target lock in order to arm its warhead. In other words weapon causes less damage if it hits the target without target lock.
- Makes this weapon a beam cannon
- Does nothing
- Reduces hull damage by 75%
The AI will prefer these weapons for anti-subsystem use
- Defines the weapon as a countermeasure
- Defines the weapon as a ballistic weapon that needs ammunition.
- Make sure you define the size and reload rate for ballistic weapons
"pierce shields"
- Causes weapons to penetrate shield without causing damage to it.
"no pierce shields"
- Prevents weapons (beams) from piercing shields causing shields to be damaged by weapons first.
"local ssm"
"tagged only"
- Weapon can only be fired at tagged targets
"beam no whack"
- Disables beam whacking (push). Practically same as setting beam mass to zero.
- Causes weapon to alternate between firing points
"small only"
- Causes AI to use the weapon only on small targets (fighters, bombers etc.)
"same turret cooldown"
- Forces the turrets to fire on the designated rate of fire on all difficulty levels and all AI levels
"apply no light"
- Prevents light from being applied to the weapon model.
- Sets weapon to be of training weapon type. ?
"smart spawn"
- Forces turret fired spawn weapon of this type to be fired like normal weapons.
"inherit parent target"
- Sets spawned 'child' weapons to use parent weapon's target.
"no emp kill"
- Defines the weapon (with hitpoints) to be immune to automatic EMP destruction.
"untargeted heat seeker"
- Defines the weapon as a heatseeker type missile which acquires its target by itself.
"no radius doubling"
- Prevents weapon radius from being doubled when doing collision test. Makes bombs harder to intercept.
"no subsystem homing"
- Prevents weapon from acquiring a subsystem as its target. Missile homing points are spread over the target ship.
"no lifeleft penalty"
- Prevents weapon lifetime from being penalized if the angle to the target is too big.
"can be targeted"
- Allows weapon to be targeted by player. Does not influence AI
"show on radar"
- Allows weapon to be visible on the radar
"show friendly on radar"
- Allows friendly, otherwise visible to radar weapon, to be visible on player radar
- Tells AI to use this weapon only on capital ships
"chain external model fps"
- Tells game to keep switching external model firingpoints when firing
"external model launcher"
- Tells game that the external model is a launcher so that it would be kept static without loading motion
"takes blast damage"
- Weapon takes damage from weapon blasts
"takes shockwave damage"
- Weapon takes damage from shockwaves
- Weapon can deal shockwave/blast damage to bombs, regardless of whether the target weapons have the "take blast/shockwave damage" flags.
"render flak"
- Normally, flak shells are not rendered. This flag switches rendering on for those weapons.
"anti-subsystem beam"
- Beam weapons with this flag can target subsystems on enemy ships, just like normal weapons.
"no primary linking"
- Primary weapons with this flag can not be linked with other weapons.
"same emp time for capships"
- capships affected by this weapon will use the tabled EMP time rather than the fixed retail value (7.5 secs)
"no primary linked penalty"
- Primary weapons with this flag do not incur the retail linked fire penalty
"no homing speed ramp"
- Locked homing weapons will not perform the standard 1 second long acceleration when fired. Note that use of $Acceleration Time is not affected by this flag.
"pulls aspect seekers"
- If an aspect seeker is grabbed by this countermeasure the missile will follow the countermeasure instead of going into dumbfire mode.
"turret interceptable"
"fighter interceptable"
- Allows turrets/fighters/both (respectively) to shoot at this weapon without requiring it to be a bomb. If this is the first time this weapon has been defined, it also gives it a default of 25 hitpoints so that it can be shot down.
"apply recoil"
- A ship that fires a weapon with this flag will experience a recoil effect, slowing the ship down and, with lighter strikecraft, inducing some rotation if the firing points are offset from the center of mass.
"don't spawn if shot"
- Prevents parent weapons from spawning children in the even of the parent weapon being shot down.
"die on lost lock"
- Aspect seeking missiles (only, not heat seekers) will detonate upon losing their lock. Currently they only lose lock if decoyed by a countermeasure, AND "pulls aspect seekers" or similar is not set. The detonation will use their "dinky" explosion (i.e. same as if ran out of lifetime).
"no doublefire"
- Prevents dual-firing of secondary weapons. If the ship tries to dual-fire a weapon with this flag they are set back to single fire.
"require exact los"
- Prevent AI form firing this weapon from a turret or as a secondary weapon if there is no clear line of sight from the AI's ship (center) to its targeted ship (center). Has no effect on non-turret primary weapons.
- Usually not altered. Only one can exist
- More than one can exist
- Name of the countermeasure
- Syntax: String, name
- Defines the speed of the countermeasure, relative to the ship.
- Syntax: Float, meter per second
$Fire Wait:
- Definies the minumum time between the countermeasure launches
- Syntax: Float, seconds
- Countermeasure's life time is defined between with minimum and maximum lifetime
- $Lifetime Min:
- Syntax: Float, seconds
- $Lifetime Max:
- Syntax: Float, seconds
- Defines the sound for the countermeasure launch
- Syntax: Integer or String, name or identification number of the sound as defined in sounds.tbl
- Defines the used model file (.pof)
- Syntax: String.pof, model filename
Player Weapon Precedence
- First the primary weapons are defined, from most powerful to least powerful, and then the same for secondaries
- Syntax: ( "String" "String"), names of the weapons
- Example:
$Player Weapon Precedence: ( "UD-8 Kayser" "Prometheus R" "Subach HL-7" "Harpoon" "Tempest" "Rockeye" )
#Primary Weapons $Name: @Subach HL-7 +Title: XSTR("GTW Subach HL-7", 3243) +Description: XSTR( "Standard Issue Level 3 Hull Damage Level 2 Shield Damage", 3244) $end_multi_text +Tech Title: XSTR("Subach HL-7", 146) +Tech Anim: Tech_Subach_HL-7 +Tech Description: XSTR( "Descriptive text...", -1) $end_multi_text $Model File: none @Laser Bitmap: newglo9 @Laser Glow: 2_laserglow03 @Laser Color: 250, 0, 0 @Laser Color2: 0, 0, 250 @Laser Length: 10.0 @Laser Head Radius: 0.90 @Laser Tail Radius: 0.90 $Mass: 0.2 $Velocity: 450.0 $Fire Wait: 0.2 $Damage: 15 $Armor Factor: 0.9 $Shield Factor: 0.7 $Subsystem Factor: 0.3 $Lifetime: 2.0 $Energy Consumed: 0.20 $Cargo Size: 0.0 $Homing: NO $LaunchSnd: 76 $ImpactSnd: 85 $Flags: ( "in tech database" "player allowed" "stream") $Icon: iconSD4 $Anim: SD4 $Impact Explosion: none #End #Secondary Weapons $Name: EMP Adv. +Title: XSTR("GTM-14 EMP Adv.", 3396) +Description: XSTR( "Advanced Missile Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon General Purpose Suppression", 3397) $end_multi_text +Tech Title: XSTR("GTM-14 EM Pulse Adv.", 3398) +Tech Anim: Tech_EMP +Tech Description: XSTR( "Descriptive text...", -1) $end_multi_text $Model File: EMPulse2.pof $Mass: 15.0 $Velocity: 275.0 $Fire Wait: 2.0 $Damage: 45 $Blast Force: 20.0 $Inner Radius: 80.0 $Outer Radius: 300.0 $Shockwave Speed: 120.0 $Armor Factor: 1.0 $Shield Factor: 0.8 $Subsystem Factor: 0.5 $Lifetime: 5.0 $Energy Consumed: 0.0 $Cargo Size: 4.0 $Homing: YES +Type: ASPECT +Turn Time: 1.0 +Min Lock Time: 2.0 +Lock Pixels/Sec: 70 +Catch-up Pixels/Sec: 100 +Catch-up Penalty: 30 $LaunchSnd: 118 $ImpactSnd: 88 $FlyBySnd: -1 $Rearm Rate: 2.0 $Flags: ( "player allowed" "EMP") $Trail: +Start Width: 0.25 +End Width: 0.75 +Start Alpha: 1.0 +End Alpha: 0.0 +Max Life: 1.5 +Bitmap: MissileTrail04 $Icon: iconEMPulse $Anim: ecm $Impact Explosion: ExpMissileHit1 $Impact Explosion Radius: 10.0 $EMP Intensity: 375.0 $EMP Time: 20.0 #End $Player Weapon Precedence: ( "Subach HL-7" "EMP Adv." )