Campaign List

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User-made campaigns are continuations of the FreeSpace saga, whether as sequels, prequels, or occurring simultaneously with one of the games. The following is an (incomplete) list of completed user-made campaigns.

Note: Some campaigns featured here are part of a total conversion. More details on these major mods can be found on the Total Conversions page.

Note: Campaigns which haven't been released can be found on the Unreleased Campaign List.

FreeSpace Universe


Campaign Release status Voiced Requirement Author(s) Special content Number of missions Story Link
Pre-Great War Era
Campaigns set before the events of FreeSpace 1
Ancient-Shivan War Released No FSO Various Complete mod 7 for first release The demise of the Ancients, but not without a fight Website
Cardinal Spear Released Yes FSP or FS1 Adam "Ace" Rorabaugh New weapons, new installations, new planet/sun textures 2x4 In 2331, a Vasudan fleet jump in Sol. This campaign cover the defense of Sol and the GTA counter-attack Thread
Points of View Released No FSO & FSP Three Niner Vasudan side 3 Unknown Thread
The Sixth Seal Released Yes FSO & FSP shiv T-V War era ships and weapons 16 It is 2334, and the Terran-Vasudan War rages on. The PVE is preparing to launch a major offensive in the Antares system, and as a new pilot within the GTI ranks, you are tasked with assessing and containing this threat. Little do you know, greater schemes are unfolding in the shadows, as traitors conspire to end the war on their own terms. Knossos
The Unification War Released No FSO Various Complete mod 29 The year is 2313. Thanks to the development of intrasystem subspace jump drives and communications relays, Terrans have extended their reach throughout the solar system as never before Website
Great War Era
Campaigns set around the events of FreeSpace 1
The Main FreeSpace Campaign Released Yes FSP or FS1 Volition Official campaign 29 While Terrans and Vasudans has been fighting for 14 years, a new alien race confronts them Website
Operation Templar Released Yes FSP or FS2 Volition Official campaign 4 Operation Templar, a joint GTA-Vasudan endeavor, hunts down the last remnants of Hammer of Light. The rebels stage a desperate last stand, hijacking a Vasudan destroyer and taking hostages. FreeSpaceMods
Silent Threat Released Yes FSP or FS1 Volition Offical Campaign 12 As the Great War goes on, the GTI tries to preserve the fragile alliance. Website
Alliance Fights Back Released No FSO & FSP Travis Brainard, macfie None 8 To break Shivan resistance after the Lucifer destruction, General Albert Ulysses comes up with a daring - and risky - plan. FreeSpaceMods
Awakenings Released Yes FSP or FS1 FSCRP None 13 Three years after the collapse of the Sol node, the Shivans are pushing back into reclaimed systems Thread
Battle for Altair Released No FSP Adam N. Rorabaugh None 9 After the narrow destruction of the dreaded Lucifer, the alliance dwindles as the Hammer of light and rebel factions arise and fight amongst themselves. FreeSpaceMods
Bem Cavalgar Released Yes FSP % FSO Blaise Russel None ??? A strategy-focused mod where you take part in the defensive against the invasion of Vasuda as Captain Senbi. Thread
The Counterstrike Released No FS1 Derek McBurney None 4 Your a different pilot, doing a different mission, in the same war. This campaign takes place from 36 hours before the death of the Lucifer, to 8 hours after.
Crucible Released Yes FSP or FS1 Matthew Guenther Fully-branching 7 On the 29th of May 2335, the GTD Intrepid is ordered to penetrate enemy lines to buy time for the Alliance to regroup Thread
Dark Raji Released No FSP or FS1 None 7 After the Lucifer cut us from our home... and before the GTI's corruption was known the real threat to humanity was seen
Destiny of Peace Released Yes FSP or FS1 Justin Mills None 7 By October 2335, a rebel GTA faction of mercenaries emerges, and its aims are a mystery. Thread
Duke Squad Released No FSP or FS1 Unknown None 9 You have been transfered to the GTD Delacroix, the secondary flagship of the Duke Squad, elite of the elite. As you begin your Tour of Duty with the elite of the elite, you are drawn into something far more complex than a normal Tour of Duty...
Hellwolf Released No FSP Unknown None 5 Chronicles of the Hellwolf clan of pirates.
Infinite Dimension Released No FSP or FS1 Laser Ray None 8 None
Internal Conflicts Released No FSP or FS1 Unknown None 12 The Shivans are destroying the galaxy... but now we've got some new friends... or so we thought...
Mantle Released No FSO & FSP Kestrellius None 14 In this fourteen-mission campaign, you'll get a chance to play as a pilot serving on a Hammer of Light destroyer which, by misfortune or providence, becomes trapped in Shivan territory. Faced with peril both mortal and spiritual, will you and your allies have the fortitude to survive? Thread
New Beginnings Released Yes FSO & FSP Bussaca1 None 7 After the destruction of the Lucifer, only a handful of jump nodes were left active. They are guarded fiercely by GTI and PVC forces - for instance the outpost Atlas. FreeSpaceMods
Nubian Conflict Released Yes FSP or FS1 All American Flight Test Center None 4 Pushed to the edge of destruction the Terrans, Vasudans & Shivans face new challenges in rebuilding their respective empires.
Phantoms Released Partially FSO & FSP Blaise Russel None 5 In early 2335, the GTD Amadeus moves to block the PVD Temperance from entering Antares, unaware of the imminent arrival of 'Phantom ships' Thread
Road to Orum'Pur Released No FSO & FSP Jackho None 4 Four neat missions (2 training+1 single+1 both) set during the first Era, not long before battle of Deneb events. Earn your wings, become a pilot, follow orders but also take initiatives that may change the course of your story. Thread
Second Vasudan War Released No FS1 Unknown None 5 The Vasudans can't be trusted as war breaks out again.
Special Ops Released No FS1 Unknown None 3 Special Ops takes a superior pilot. Are you up to the Challenge?
Start of the Terran-Vasudan War Released No FS1 Unknown None 4 The start of the 14 year Terran & Vaudsan War.
Tango Released Yes FSO Julian Egelstaff, FSCRP Minor mods 3 As Terran forces continue to fall back in the face of Shivan might, Lieutenant Rhygar, on a front line patrol discovers something there could turn the tide of the war, or seal his doom. Thread
The McCarthy Campaign Released No FSO ??? None 20 As the 14-year war rages on, you have been asked by Lt. Alexander McCarthy to aid him in his rebellion. Is he defecting out of selfishness, or is there truly a dark threat, ready to destroy both the Terran and Vasudan races?
The Road to Victory Released No FS1 Michael Cook None 19 The GTD Saratoga is trying to destroy once and for all the Hammer of Light FreeSpaceMods
Trimurti Released No FSO & FSP Asteroth None 12 Trimurti is a 12-mission campaign that follows the events of Freespace 1 from the perspective of the Shivans Thread
Vasudan Academy Released No FS1 Laser Ray-IDS Productions None 3 The Vasudan training missions FreeSpaceMods
War Released No FS1 MadMax None 5 More battles for FreeSpace...By MadMax
Wolfpack Legacy Released No FS1 Alex Harris None 11 The Wolf Pack Squadron is stationed on the aging GTD Omega and sent on low impact missions. Or so they thought. They are quickly drawn into a heated post-war conflict fueled by a dark conspiracy. If they survive, they will leave a legacy to be emulated by fighter squadrons for years to come.
Series Resurrecta
Campaigns part of the Series Resurrecta Collection
Gehenna's Gate Released No FSO & FSP Series Resurrecta Team Complete mod. Shared modpack. 8 The Lucifer may be destroyed, but the threat of the Shivans is not over. As a pilot of the 144th Ghost Dolphins serving onboard the GTD Veritas, an Orion class destroyer, help the Alliance in the effort of securing Terran and Vasudan space from the Shivan threat, once and for all. Thread
The Spirit of Ptah Released No FSO & FSP Series Resurrecta Team Complete mod. Shared modpack. 6 As a pilot serving on the 223rd Moonbears, GTD Ixion, you're being sent to Vasuda in order to give the allies the help they need in battling such a dangerous opponent. What's behind the HoL agenda? Thread
Serendipity Work-in-progress No FSO & FSP Series Resurrecta Team Complete mod. Shared modpack. 9 Serving as a pilot of the 274th Warhounds based onboard the fine ACD Uhuru, an Adharan Orion class destroyer, the player will experience the dark side of relations between various blocs, while a new potential threat emerges from nowhere, capable of changing things forever.
Silent Threat: Reborn
Campaigns set in the Silent Threat: Reborn continuity
Silent Threat: Reborn Released Yes FSP Various Cutscenes, bonus content, promotional ARG 18 New version of Silent Threat official campaign Website
Deneb III Released Yes FSO & FSP Goober5000 The last mission 3 Set during the height of the Battle of Deneb in 2335. As a Vasudan pilot assigned to the PVD Guardian, you must defend your systems against the Shivan advance at any cost. Thread
Echo Gate Released Yes FSO & FSP Blaise Russel Music files 4 Shortly after the destruction of the Lucifer, the GTD Minnow is dispatched to Beta Cygni to clear up a lingering Shivan presence Thread
Memories of the Great War
Campaigns set in the user-made Memories of the Great War continuity
Hellgate Ikeya Released No FSO & FSP Orph3u5 None 4 On the 2nd of February 2335, the GTD Galatea is ordered to locate the Shivan entry node in Ikeya. FreeSpaceMods
Light of Antares Released No FSO & FSP Orph3u5 None 5 On the 3rd of February 2335, the GTA Myrmidon is ordered to reinforce Ribos system, but the Hammer of Light tries to hamper it FreeSpaceMods
Rain on Ribos 4 Released No FSO & FSP Orph3u5 None 18 The Tombaugh station is overseeing the capturing of the SC Taranis FreeSpaceMods
Reconstruction Era
Campaigns set between the events of FreeSpace 1 and FreeSpace 2
25th Year Released No FS1 KolChak None 3 25 years after the Great War, the Hammer of Light is a major power, at war with the Terran Vasudan Alliance. Now, it seeks to acquire a new Shivan weapon FreeSpaceMods
Black Horizon Released No FS1 Jason 'Rizbre' Wollenberg New ships 2x10 100 years after the Great War, the Sol node is reopened (campaign was made before FS2 was published) None
Eagle Takes Flight Released No FSO & FSP Robert Carol, macfie Several table hacks, retextures 4 Alpha 1 and his best buddy start their own security company Thread
Enemies United Released No FS2 Aki malinen None Unknown Terran-Vasudan Alliance tries to eliminate a new thread before it gets larger... or, has it already got large enough? FreeSpaceMods
Homesick Released No FSO Blaise Russel None 37 In 2355, during the Reconstruction era, a mercenary must protect trader from the ever-growing threat of piracy Thread
Lost Released Partially FSO HLD_Prophecy Fan-made/borrowed music, weapons, ships. Some assets hacked/edited by the mod author. 6 You awaken, lost in space. Find answers... or not. Fulfill an ancient destiny. Author was formerly known as PVD_Hope. Thread
Marduk's Shroud Released No FS1 & FSP Unknown None 4 A new Shivan technology must be destroyed by the GTVA FreeSpaceMods
Rogues! Released No FreeSpace Open TopAce Insubstantial 8 A story of three criminals that undertook a business that they should have avoided. Thread
Shrouding The Light Released Yes FSO & FSP Blaise Russel None 32 In the year 2336, as dissidents and splinter groups jeopardise the hopes of peace, you are transferred, from the safety of the 1st Battlegroup of Vasuda to the the troubled hotspot of Deneb... Thread
Sol: A History Released Yes FSO, Inferno Release 1 Blaise Russel, FSCRP Campaign using the Inferno mod 40+ After the Sol node collapses, conflicts span from 2355 to 2372 in the Sol system FreeSpaceMods
Sync Released No FSO Ransom Arceihn None Unknown Two years after escaping death in an uncharted nebula, three mercenaries are hired to escort freighters to the Betelgeuse system. It quickly becomes clear that this is no ordinary mission Thread
Between the Ashes
Campaigns part of the Between the Ashes continuity.
Mefistofele Released Yes FSO BtA Team Demo 2 The day is July 25, 2336. Sixteen months have passed since the Lucifer was destroyed, mysteriously locking the Sol system away. It's barely been two months since the Hades superdestroyer was destroyed in orbit of Deneb, and the rogue GTI reduced to silence. There are many wounds to lick for the GTA, as the weakened fleet struggles to maintain order in its systems. Although the cease-fire treaty with their new Vasudan allies is still holding, the PVE is still busy dealing with the terrorist HoL faction. Now is our chance to get past them. We no longer need to so carefully hide. Now we can make our deal with the devil. Website
Slaves of Chaos Released Yes FSO BtA Team Complete mod 17 The losses to the Shivans and the crippled state of the GTA from the Fourteen Year War has caused many to lose faith in a unified government. And the Hammer of Light has become a dangerous terrorist group, but to what end? Website
Antwerp Released Yes FSO BtA Team New ships, new music, new backgrounds 2 Roughly three years have passed since the events in Antares. As a pilot with the 47th Cutthroats stationed on the Intrepid, you will perform a strategic role in the destruction of a major Hammer of Light target. None
The Growing Silence WiP Yes FSO BtA Team Complete mod TBA TBA None


Campaign Release status Voiced Requirement Author(s) Special content Number of missions Story Link
Capella Era
Campaigns set around the events of FreeSpace 2
The Main FreeSpace 2 Campaign Released Yes FSO or FS2 Volition Official Campaign 35 In 2367, the GTVA is facing the NTF rebellion, but an older enemy is lurking
The Aeos Affair Released No FS2 Derek "PickelHead" Pickering , FSCRP Mines, new jump gates, reworked IA 10 The isolated Aeos base has been set up to study an ancient outpost. But the Shivans are ready to throw everything they have to destroy it Thread
Alcibiades' Gamble Demo released Unknown FSO Various None Unknown The combats of a GTVA pilot against the growing NTF rebellion Website
Crossing the Styx Released No FSO FSF New interface 11 Take part in an operation that will change the future of mankind. FreeSpaceMods
Desperation - Lost in the Fog Released No FSO Singh None 7 While the alliance is pulling out of Capella, a small GTVA Battle Group is stranded behind enemy lines FreeSpaceMods
Desperation - Chapter 2 Released No FSO Singh None 7 While the alliance is pulling out of Capella, a distress call is send from the Nebula by isolated GTVA forces FreeSpaceMods
Eyebleach Released No FSO NeonShivan None 7 "Mr Shivan Sir, what's Eyebleach?" Well little Susan, Eyebleach is a campaign set during the Second Battle for Deneb where Bosch did his thing, but we don't follow Bosch's story. Thread
Fall of Epsilon Pegasi Released Yes FSO Blaise Russel None 10 While the Aquitane battles Shivans in the nebula beyond Gamma Draconis, the Epsilon Pegasi 6th Fleet must defend against the attacks of the Neo-Terran Front Thread
Flames of War - Chapter 1 Released No FSO TrashMan, ET-1087, kv1at3485 New ships, new music 24 In 2367, the GTD Delacroix is participating in the war effort against the NTF. After its destruction,a Fast Response Task Force is created and include its former pilots.
Journey to Epsilon Pegasi Released No FSO TopAce None 10 There are some rumors that some Shivan forces have entered Epsilon Pegasi. You're part of the task force that is about to find it out.
Lightning Marshal Released Yes FS2 Various, updated by FSCRP Music, maybe other Unknown In 2366, the GTCv Actium is fighting the NTF Thread
Their Finest Hour Released No FSO Thadeus None 1 A diversionary force is sent to buy time for the Bastion to close the Epsilon Pegasi Thread
Operation Savior Released Yes FSO Ngtm1r None 5 At the beginning of the NTF rebellion, the GTVA attemps a rescue mission deep into the NTF-controlled Polaris system Thread
Pandora's Box Released Yes FSO Unknown, FSCRP Branching 25 One year prior to the return of the Shivans, the NTF Civil War is at its peak. But the Vasuda system is secure... until the NTF makes a bold raid Thread
Rogue Intentions Part I Released No FS2 Nuclear1 None 11 released In order to prevent the NTF from acquiring control of the Knossos portal and the nebula beyond,the GTCv Spinnaker, and her sister ship, the GTCv Methodus are called up to reinforce the jump node defenses Thread
Second Front Released No FS2 BlueFlames New ships 7 During the Second Great War, in Altair, an exploration convoy has returned after decades away. Oblivious to events elsewhere in the GTVA, the explorers do not understand why they must face continuous delays to be readmitted to alliance space and become evermore beligerant.
Troubles at Home Released No FSO Petrarch of the VBB Unknown Unknown In Beta Aquilae, the GTVA is trying to weakenth support for the NTF Thread
Uncharted Territory Released No FSO ReeNoiP Unknown 9 You have recently been transferred to the GTtca Reuil and must now join the 33rd blackbirds in defending a science group from attack. Thread
Vassago's Dirge Released Yes FSO Axem New Ships, New Music 9 Shortly after the Sathanas is destroyed, the GTVA begins an operation to take down a Ravana-class destroyer, the SD Vassago and its fleet. Meanwhile the Vassago begins an operation of its own. Thread
Walls Closing Released No FSO Colt None 4 A 4 mission campaign set during and after the battle between the Colossus and the Sathanas, where the GTVA search for the Phoenicia after it narrowly escaped the juggernaut in Bearbaiting. Thread


Campaign Release status Voiced Requirement Author(s) Special content Number of missions Story Link
Post-Capella Era
Campaigns set after the Capella supernova
All is Fair in Love and War - Chapter 1 Released No FSO adwight None 5 A mining operation by GTVA trggers a full-fledged rebellion Thread
Apocalypse : Vega Released No FSO (3.6.11 build) Shiv Polish version available Unknown After Capella has been cut from GTVA, a new front open on Vega Thread
Artifice Released No FS2 BlueFlames New ships 11 Sequel to Second Front
Boomerang Released Yes FSO Peter Drake, FSCRP None 3 A powerful new Shivan technology leads to trouble for the GTVA Thread
Casualties of War Released (v2) Partial FSO Various New ships, weapons, backgrounds 9 (v2)+10 The SOC is sent to thwart a planetary coup d'etat Thread
Cleaning Crew Released No FSO Ngtm1r New ship, new weapons, new race 10 Post-Capella mop-up with the 33rd Heavy Fighter Squadron.
Deep Blood Released Yes Unknown Gai Daigoji None 11 The GTVA decides to give what lies beyond a ew jump node in Altair to the Capella refugees Thread
Flames of War - Coming of the Storm Released NO FSO TrashMan Various 26 Unknown Thread
Ghost Revenants Released No FSO griffon67 New ships, new weapons 40 The life of merchant is sometimes more boring that we could imagine. You found a way to live your life as you wanted, but the strange artifact you got recently is gonna put you in the worse situations. Thread
Das Gizeh Projekt Prologue out of 3 acts released. Only in German. Yes but TTS. FSO FreespaceGalaxy Community New ships, new weapons, Head.ANIs and "voice acting" 21 You play as the nephew of Admiral Koth, sent to the backwaters of Procyon for your past. Internal conflict within the GTVA leads to the Vasudans growing ever more resentful, and there appears to be another race lurking in the shadows. No]
Luyten Civil War Released No FSO TopAce Some 13 + cutscenes A pure, Silent Threat: Reborn-inspired military campaign with most emphasis on gameplay and quality mission design.
New Path Partially Released No FSO SilverAngelX None 20 In the aftermath of Capella a new government seeks to learn from the mistakes of the past and forge a new path for the GTVA. One pilot gets a surprise chance to help with that challenge... Thread
Relentless Released No FSO Nubbles None Unknown As the 75th Blue Lions are travelling back home after the Capella supernova, they are ambushed by Vasudan forces Thread
Renegade Resurgence Released No FSO TopAce New ships About 30 The GTVA initiates a very ambitious project to learn more about Ancient civilization. Ships keep disappearing, however. Thread
Revenge: Final Conflict Released No FSO Florian Meyer None 88 Eleven years after the seond Great War, in the year 2378. the shivan threat again reaches a dangerous magnitude. But the Events take a dramatic turn for more than 30.000 people, revealing revolutionary events hidden way back in the past. FreeSpaceMods
Rise of the Corporate Released No FSO wistler None 6 In order to stave of a new depression, the GTVA sells off its aging and mothballed ships to various trusted Corporate interests. Thread
The Scroll of Atankharzim Part I released Synthesized voice FSO Sesquipedalian New ships, new weapons 24 released, 49 total In this Vasudan campaign, set in 2378, a new subspace node is discovered in Beta Cygni, leading to hope and peril. Website
Second Great War Part II Released No FS2 C. "Sunil" Reddy None 30 In 2379, Shivans launch a third assault on Terran and Vasudan systems
Stand Against the Night Demo No FSO mr WHO new faction and sounds 3 released GTVA is performing military exercices simulating a SHivan attack on Sol Thread
Shadow Genesis Released No FSO Shadow Genesis Team Complete Mod 47 The GTVA must face the Cerberus Legacy - a dangerous terrorist organization. The goal of Cerberus is claiming mysterious, ancient artifacts from recently-colonized systems known as Wolf's Group. Thread
Shadows of Kraken Released No Unknown Axem None 5 A week after the Capella incident, GTVA attemps to salvage debris in the Adhara system
The Enemies Return Released No FSO KappaWing None 26 12 years after the Capella accident, there are still Shivan entry point to the T-V systems Thread
The Procyon Insurgency Released No FSO CP5670 Various 17 A young Vasudian pilot assist the GTVA in crushing the Procyon Insurgency
Tides of Darkness Released No FSO Droid803 Shivan ships played 12 The Sathanas fleet has been trapped in Gamma Draconis and Capella for years by the sudden collapse of the nebula node. As a anti-terran cult make its move, the exiled Terrans that joined the Shivans after fleeing to Gamma Draconis are pulled along into the conflict. Thread
Titan Rebellion Released Yes FSO FSCRP Large Battles 16 The Shivans are sealed away beyond Capella. The Alliance is at peace, for now. Lurking in the shadows is a clandestine organization: NeoIntel. Their mission is to preserve the peace at any cost. Terran or Vasudan. Soldier or civilian. None will be spared in NeoIntel's quest for peace! Thread
Transcend Released No FSO Ransom Arceihn Minor mods 44 Everyone has a limit...
Twisted Infinities Act 1 Released Unknown FSO Various Complete mod, atmospheric combat 35 By 2378, some pirate groups in former NTF systems have gained a technological edge over the GTVA itself - Features atmospheric combat Thread
Windmills Released No FSO Ransom Arceihn Proof-of-concept 4 A proof-of-concept aiming at showing that FS2 can be turned into a (somewhat) RTS Thread
Blue Planet
Campaigns set in the user-made Blue Planet continuity
Age of Aquarius Released Yes FSO Darius Complete mod 22 While trying to travel back to Sol for the first time, a GTVA fleet faces peculiar events
War in Heaven 3 of 5 acts released Partial (Acts 1 and 2) FSO Darius Complete mod 23 released, 33 planned The war between Sol and its colonies continues, as seen through a young Earth pilot's eyes
Chanticleer Released Yes FSO qweqwe321 Complete mod 13 The closing stages of the Sol-GTVA war, as seen through the eyes of a GTVA pilot Thread
Battle of Neptune Released Yes FSO Dilmah G Complete mod 2 The initial GTVA offensive at Neptune has gone awry.
Campaigns set in the Warmachine sub-continuity of the user-made Blue Planet continuity
Warmachine Released Yes FSO & BP EatThePath Pew Pews to the max 22 (It's AoA) A high octane modification of Age of Aquarius, featuring exciting new weapons to play around with while watching warships tear eachother to shreds with the latest in FSO's weapon capabilities.
Cold Element
Campaigns set in the user-made Cold Element continuity
Derelict Released Yes FS2 Various New ships, new jump node 45 + 1 Credits Mission 5 years after the collapse of Capella, a derelict Lucifer is found hovering in space Thread
Aftermath Released Text to Speech FS1/FSO/FSPort Cold Element Team,FSCRP Music Files 4 Episodes 19 missions total A plague errupts in Epsilon Pegasi, which the GTVA tries to quarantine Thread
Blackwater Operations Demo Yes FSO Various Complete mod, branching campaign Unknown Unknown
Twilight Released No FS2 Ace Unknown 6 In 2372, the GTD Morgain is sent in Ikeya system to investigate the disappearance of several GTVA ships
Warzone Released Yes FS2 IceFire,FSCRP New ship 19 In the midst of another Shivan invasion of the GTVA home systems, a mystery begins to unravel itself Thread
Into the Halls of Valhalla
Campaigns set in the Into the Halls of Valhalla sub-continuity of the user-made Cold Element continuity
Police Action(ITHOV) Released No FSO TopAce, Thor None 4 The 70th Blue Lions must escort the Representative Men'Su
Into the Halls of Valhalla Released No FSO Various New ship, new installation Unknown After being caught spying, Commander McCrae is reassigned in a border world
Campaigns set independently in the user-made Cold Element continuity
Campaigns set in the user-made Exile continuity
Into the Dark Waters Released No FSO Exile Team Complete mod 27 In 2367, the Shivan armada appeared in Sol system. Terran factions exhausted by long years of war, now must commence unusual operation to ensure survival of mankind. Thread
End War
Campaigns set in the user-made End War continuity
Dawn of Sol Released No FSO ShadowGorrath, EW team Complete mod 25 Cold war simmers in the Sol system. Little do they know that they are on the threshold of revolution. The Dawn of Sol is coming. Thread
Campaigns set in the user-made Incursion continuity
Incursion Released No FS2 MAW Unknown 26 In 2676, the Shivans appear in greater forces than ever
Return to Sol Released No FS2 MAW New ships, maybe other 20 In 2680, after the final defeat of the Shivan, the GTVA is about to travel back to Sol -- Sequel to Incursion
Campaigns set in the user-made Inferno continuity
Inferno: Alliance Released No FSO INFA Team 20 15 years after the destruction of the Sol node, Sol is at war.
Inferno: Release 1 aka Inferno Classic Released Yes INFR1, FS2 Inferno R1 Team 14 The GTVA and the Earth Alliance are at war, while the Shivans are back
Inferno Nostos Part 1 Released No FSO Inferno Team 15 A war with old friends, the return of old enemies. But can either be stopped in time to save humanity? Thread
Solar Wars Part 1 released No INFR1, FSO Gai Daigoji 13 48 hours after the surrender of the Earth Alliance, an EA is called into action again Website
Seeds of Rebellion
Campaigns set in the user-made Seeds of Rebellion continuity
Workings of the Warp
Campaigns set in the user-made Working of the Warp continuity
Faces of Treason Released No FSO Orph3u5 Branching campaign Unknown Unknown Website
Workings of the Warp Released No FSO Orph3u5 Various Unknown Commander Alexander Couter, Squadron Leader of 41st Squadron of the GTVA will take part in an epic struggle in a divided galaxy, once again battle against the Shivans and will uncover a mystery which even the powerful Shivans have to fear. Website

Non-FreeSpace continuity

Campaign Release status Voiced Requirement Author(s) Special content Number of missions Story Link
Allied Worlds Released No FSO Alex Harris New Textures, new weapons 6 The Allied Worlds are sending a last ressort attack against the Leedran FreeSpaceMods
The Great War - Independence Demo No FSO Alex Navarro New textures, music, sounds, weapons 5 dogfight missions In year 2630, in a future distopia, human colonies claim their independence (Production Stalled) Thread
SHMUPSpace: Battle of Deneb Demo v 1.2 No FSO AndrewofDoom Complete change in genre. 1 (demo), 8-14 (planned) FreeSpace: The Shoot em up! Who needs a plot when you've got explosions! Thread
Civil War Teaser Released No FSO & FSP Tane Zezo Piper, macfie None 7 for the teaser In an alternate FreeSpace universe, Vasudans are traders and Shivans a mysterious warrior race FreeSpaceMods
Merkar Demo No FSO & FSP Mustang19 None 4(demo) The Merkar Campaign Release Thread
Twist of Fate Partial No FSO $ FSP Woolie Wool and Various New ships, weapons, backgrounds, and music 4 (demo), 15 (Chapter 1), 48 (all chapters) An alternate continuity where the Shivans died out and the Terna-Vasudan War rages on FreeSpaceMods
Shattered Stars
Campaigns set in the user-made Shattered Stars continuity
A Deepness Within Work-in-progress Not Planned FSO Bryan See Complete mod Unknown Many years after the Second Great War, the Shivans are at war with a mysterious robotic race with the same capabilities as them. Thread
Storm Front
Campaigns set in the user-made Storm Front continuity
What if - Another Great War Released No FSO SF-Junky New ships, new weapons 30 A reimagination of the Great War as it happened in the Storm Front Universe Thread
Prophecy Released No FSO SF-Junky New ships 22 The GTVA confronts a newly flamed Hammer of Light rebellion in Laramis one year after the Capella incident Thread
Cthulhu Released No FSO SF-Junky New ships 22 Sequel to Stormfront I - Prophecy Thread
The Storm Chasers Released No FSO SF-Junky 4-6 each A series of minicampaigns that tell the stories of some pilots during and after the NTF war. Thread


Campaign Release status Voiced Requirement Author(s) Special content Number of missions Story Link
Deus Ex Machina Released No FS2 Goober5000 None 5 As a member of the NTF 47th Red Shirts, you must protect Bosch Beer shipping lines
Deus Ex Machina: Interlude Released No FS2 Goober5000 None 5 Mysterious things have been happening on the edge of NTF space. Unexplained appearances, strange plot holes...
DW Released Yes FSPort TheAiler (Joacim Holst) and Zhapod (Robert Nilsson) None 2 A slow patrol becomes a fight for your life.
Freespace 3 the search For bosch Released No FSO xX_LORD_ULTRA_DEATH_Xx Music 5 A character-driven post-Capella epic that at last gives us answers about Bosch, the Shivans, and the nature of the universe.
happynewyear Released Partial FSO Goober5000 and Woutersmits Music, Effects 1 As a member of the ANTIHUMANS, you must betray the humans and have a happynewyear. Thread
Just Another Day Released No FSO Axem Music 6 You are Alpha One, the greatest pilot ever, facing your worst enemies: the FREDder and plotholes. This campaign has one more level than Deus Ex Machina
Just Another Day 2: Electric Boogaloo Released No FSO Axem Music 6 You are still Alpha One, and being the best pilot and all, you must uncover what are the Shivans
Just Another Day 3: Shivans on a Plane Released No FSO Axem Shivans on a Plane (supposedly), Music 8 You are still Alpha One, and Shivans are trying to take over former human aero-transport.
Just Another Day: Christmas Special Released No FSO Axem Music 1 You are still Alpha One, and it is Christmas somewhere
Just Another Day 2.21: You Are (Not) Alpha 1 Released No FSO Axem Tons o' Stuff 9 You are not Alpha 1, but that's okay. There's still lots of fun to be had.
Just Another Day: eXtreme arcAde Released No FSO Axem MegaTons o' Stuff 9 eXtreme arcAde action!
Ridiculous Released No FSO IronBeer Music, New Effects 9 This mod is Ridiculous, and you should feel ridiculous while playing it. Thread

The Babylon Project

Campaign Release status Voiced Author(s) Number of missions Features Story and notes Link
Achen Schooling Flight Released Yes Vidmaster 1 TBP Tutorial Mission
Dark Children Released Yes Vidmaster 5 Bullet-time, in-system jumping Campaign made to test new features
Drums of War Released No 0rph3u5 5 The year is 2262 and the Interstellar Alliance faces its first major crisis. And the NRS Vol'Toth uncovers a dark truth...
Drums of War 2 Released No 0rph3u5 5 The drums are being played again. The song of war rises and you have the chance to join the pilots of the Narn Destroyer Vol'toth again...
Earth Minbari War Released Yes The TBP team Unknown The demo campaign for the Babylon Project
Emearon Incident Released No Ker.soth 8 Multi possible Unknown Thread
Fortune Hunters - 2259 Released No (planned) Vidmaster 9 Raiding defenseless convoys to make a living, the Fortune Hunters get pulled into events between powers that are destined to change the face of the galaxy forever. Alien races go to war with each other, trade routes are disrupted and terrors yet unseen lurk somewhere in the void. It is the year 2259, the year the Great War started. - REQUIRES ZATHRAS.
Fortune Hunters - 2260 Released No (planned) Vidmaster 13 Alliances and balances are shifting. The Great War is upon the galaxy and the Hunters have to decide what their place will be in this new world - REQUIRES ZATHRAS.
Fortune Hunters - 2261 Released No (planned) Vidmaster 12 The saga concludes, the Great War is in its final stage. Gods clash, worlds vanish and all hope is lost. This is it, your final moment, victory is impossible and survival doubtful. And even if you would make it through, what would you do afterwards? - REQUIRES ZATHRAS.
In the Name of the Emperor Released No Skullar 3 A training from the Centauri point of view Thread
Operations Released Yes Vidmaster 6 Multiplayer campaign
Raider Wars Released Yes The TBP team 17+cutscene Unknown
Relic Released Unknown Slasher 4 Background from the 4th season

Battlestar Galactica

Campaign Release status Voiced Author(s) Number of missions Features Story and notes Link
Adversary Released Yes Adversary Team ??? An even newer HUD and plenty of pre-rendered cutscnees Another total conversion based on the Battlestar Galactica universe Link
Diaspora: Shattered Armistice Released Yes Diaspora Team 6+2 training Semi-Newtonian Physics, Cockpits, Custom Music A total conversion based on the Battlestar Galactica universe Link
BattleStar Galactica: Beyond the Red Line Demo released Yes unknown 2+training unknown Beyond the Red Line is a standalone total conversion based on the popular new tv-show Battlestar Galactica (Re-imagined) - Main campaign Link
Battlecruiser Archangel Demo released No Shiv Unknown The untold story of Geminion survivors Thread

Wings of Dawn

Campaign Release status Author(s) Number of missions Features Story and notes Link
Wings of Dawn Released Spoon 28 + 5 Main campaign WoD is a FreeSpace mod with a strong anime vibe, filled with custom content. Release Thread
A Nordera Day Released Spoon 2 A Nordera Day is a short addon for Wings of Dawn that describes the average life of a Nordera pilot. Release Thread
Stranded Released Spoon 8 + 4 After a freak incident involving a subspace drive malfunction, Johan Sturmritter finds himself stuck behind enemy lines. He must now fight his way back into friendly space! Release Thread

First Contact War

Campaign Release status Author(s) Number of missions Features Story and notes Link
Operation: Cloak and Dagger Released Strygon 7 Total Conversion A short 7 mission near-total conversion about the 26th Scorpions and their involvement in the fall of the pirate faction, the Legion of Dragons. Release Thread


Campaign Release status Author(s) Number of missions Features Story and notes Link
Solaris Released Darius 10 Total Conversion It is the 23rd Century. Humankind has colonies throughout the Orion Arm of the galaxy. The three great powers - Federation, Commonwealth and Combine - exist in a state of cold war. Release Thread
Black Sun Released Darius 12 Total Conversion Two weeks have passed since the events at Morik. Stuart Ross, disillusioned by his experiences as a Federation exchange pilot, is contacted by an old friend from his backwater Navy posting to take up a mercenary job in the fringes of colonised space. Release Thread

Other universes

Project Website Mod status Main campaign release status Description
Dimensional Eclipse None Released Released Anime themed mod featuring high speed, fast paced, high stakes gameplay. Oh, and lots of pettanko too.
Wing Commander Saga Link Released Released Wing Commander Saga (WCS) is a standalone total conversion based on the universe familiar from the Wing Commander games